Comic issues are released as each chapter is finished. Each chapter contains at least one bonus comic page; most chapters have several.
You can find an easy link to all my other books here.
Chapter Sixteen: Concert
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Earlier That Day . . ."
Back cover: Fecskefarkú Lepke.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Short Story: Tiffany's Beginning
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "How the Realtor Knew"
Back cover: Tiffany's transformation scene.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter Fifteen: Concert
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Earlier That Day . . ."
Bonus Page: "Just a Little Space"
Bonus Page: "Cute Little Baby Sister"
Bonus Page: "Drama King"
Back cover: Fecskefarkú Lepke.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter Fourteen: Choreography
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "How Chronos Got Her Watch"
Florence: "Notes from a Magical Girl Union Meeting"
Bonus Page: "Dandelions"
Bonus Page: "Terrible Twos"
Back cover: Météore.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter Thirteen: Election Month
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Smear Campaign"
Bonus Page: "The Sandwich"
Back cover: Schönesswasser and Xinghuo.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter Twelve: Born Mage
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Yearbook Photo"
Op-Ed: "Why the Moon Needs Less Magic"
Back cover: Snoozing on the job.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter Eleven: Luck be a Little Girl
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Endorsements"
Bonus Page: "The Glamorous Life of a Luthier"
Bonus Page: "This Didn't Just Happen Once"
Bonus Page: "Arithmetic"
Back cover: Marina Amethyst.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter Ten: Minions
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Back Home"
Bonus Page: "New Year's Resolve"
Bonus Page: "Home from the NICU"
Bonus Page: "Getting Ready"
Back cover: Humiliated Minerva.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter Nine: You'll Never Be My Enemy
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Meanwhile . . ."
Bonus Page: "Raisins"
Back cover: Florence and newspapers.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter Eight: Allies Gathering
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Overhearing"
Bonus Page: "Toddler-Speak"
Back cover: Guard duty.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter Seven: Land of Liberty and Magic
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Rhea's Favorite Hobby"
Minerva Writing: "Weekly Inventory"
Bonus Page: "Nine-Month-Old Distraction"
Back cover: Rhea's fashion atrocity.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter Six: Teammates
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Parents Talking"
Back cover: Greased Lightning.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter Five: Crushed
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Daniel's Objections"
Back cover: Felicity's transformation.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter Four: Rouen
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Playing Halo"
Bonus Page: "Dream Pets"
Bonus Page: "Somewhere Around the Fifteenth Draft"
Back cover: Juliette.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter Three: Left Behind
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Brainwashing"
Felicity Writing: "Daniel is SOOOOO Great!"
Bonus Page: "Blasted Backgrounds"
Bonus Page: "The Perseid Pig"
Back cover: Florence's transformation.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter Two: Family
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Family Customs"
Kendra Writing: "The Unsent Letter"
Chronos Writing: "How to Regain Peace and Quiet"
Rhea Writing: "A History of Magical Girls"
Back cover: Rhea and Minerva.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Chapter One: Wings of Justice
All online pages and commentary.
Bonus Comic: "Villain Upgrade?"
Bonus Page: "Too Many Ideas"
Bonus Page: "The Writing Process"
Back cover: Kendra's transformation.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Short Story: "To Prevent World Peace"
All online pages.
Front cover: Amber Starlight.
Back cover: Amber Starlight alternate futures.
Author's Note.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99
Short Story: "The Competition"
All online pages.
Front cover: Victory's Bloom.
Back cover: Hemlock and Nightshade.
Author's Note.
Print Edition: $5.00
E-Book Edition: $2.99