
         I can't stand fan-fiction, generally; altogether too often, people understand neither the characters nor the world well enough to tell a story set within them. "Wish fulfillment" and "solver characters" seem to make their rounds in most I've seen or heard.

         Perhaps a little definition is in order. "Wish fulfillment" refers to the kind of fan-fiction that puts you (or twists an existing character so that they want what you want instead of what they want) in the story in order to live out a private dream or fantasy. Many character romance fan-fictions fall into this category (including the atrocities perpetrated in the name of "slash"). The fan-fiction does not stay true to the story; it makes the story subservient to the "author's" wishes.

         Likewise for the "solver characters," those inserted into a story in order to circumvent the established rules of the world, to lessen (or for those of a sadistic bent, increase) the trials through which the characters go. Focus is now not on the characters in the story, but on how the new character alters the entire world and people therein to fit the new standard, once again making the story subservient.

         It is quite a different thing to be subservient to the story, and also a difficult thing. But it is only by such submission that one can understand a story enough to write acceptable fan-fiction. You must become a part of the original author's world, and in so doing you have to divest yourself of the inherent self-gratification of most fan-fiction. In submitting to the point of comprehension, very few ideas are left to work with in a well-told story. There is altogether too much fan-fiction on the internet because people would rather dominate stories than cooperate with or serve them.

         That being said, I now enter the realm of potential hypocrisy when I say that Final Fantasy 8 is ripe for a retelling. Or, if one must use the words, "fan-fiction." I both love and hate the game; it was compelling enough that I had to keep at it in spite of the frustrating gameplay (artificially extending the time by requiring long Summon animations is not an example of excellent design, to name one). But the brilliance came in spurts; it was not sustained over the course of the game. While character personalities were at times well-reflected in the writing, they were not in the gameplay.

         I can do nothing about the gameplay, but the points of brilliance in the story itself provide an excellent framework on which to labor. The moments of genius compel, but then the story fades and one must rebuild enthusiasm for the next moment. Instead of a sustained strength supporting a person across the story, the spikes of brilliance make one feel impaled.

While the following list may be debated, I think the arguments made therein can be well-defended:

1) The idea of amnesia/forgetfulness was done in Final Fantasy VII and held a core role therein. It seems hastily thrown in to little or no point in Final Fantasy VIII. The surprise recollection occurs in precisely the wrong place – Selphie's Garden has nothing do with it.
2) The Seifer/Rinoa/Squall/Quistis quadrangle seemed to fall flat – set up in the beginning and never really entering in afterward.
3) Ultimecia had no motivation. This is a flaw; to paraphrase Card: we read stories because we can know why characters do things, which we cannot know in real life. Without a valid motive for Ultimecia's actions, the ending becomes a battle instead of a climax. We know what she's trying to do; why remains unknown.

         I therefore wish to do a retelling. I will attempt to remain true to the characters while deepening all their roles. Undoubtedly, some will disagree with my interpretation, and those of you who do are well within your rights to do so. If you are so distressed that you feel the need to communicate with me on a subject, though, I warn you to have an argument and supporting reasons ready to hand. I would also warn that this retelling will not follow in all respects the events of the original game. However, I would say that the original story permits this. The fundamental theme of both Ellone and Ultimecia's actions is that the past -- that which has already happened -- can be changed.

         On a purely practical note, I intend to present this in a pseudo-movie script format. The reason for this is simple; Final Fantasy VIII plays out as an interactive movie, not as a novel. Narrative prose is a violation of the story's genre and ill becomes any fan-fiction issued in its name.

         It seems I've opened my mouth and put my foot in it. Let's see where it goes.

Benjamin A. Sorensen

Final Fantasy VIII – In Another Time

[The scene is the Balamb Garden Infirmary. Squall is lying on the bed, with Dr. Kadowaki nearby.]

Dr. Kadowaki: How are you feeling?

Squall: [Hesitating] Okay.

Dr. Kadowaki: Take it easy next time, you hear? [Pauses briefly.] Looks like your eyes are focusing. Say your name for me.

Squall: Squall Leonhart.

Dr. Kadowaki: Why don't you take it easy in training? Next time you may not be so lucky.

Squall: Tell that to Seifer.

Dr. Kadowaki: That Seifer won't listen to anyone. Why don't you ignore him?

Squall: Members of SeeD deal with problems. They don't run away from them.

Dr. Kadowaki: Have to be proper, huh? Well, don't get yourself hurt in the process.

Squall: [Shrugging] I'm not dead.

Dr. Kadowaki: [Speaking into an intercom] Quistis? Come get your student. Yes, yes . . . No, it's not serious, but it will leave a scar.

[A girl leans through the window and looks at Squall.]

Girl: [Smiling] Squall . . . you haven't changed.

[As Squall turns to look at her, she walks away. Then Quistis enters, shaking her head and sighing. When she sees Squall, her expression changes, and she smiles.]

Quistis: You and Seifer . . .

Squall: What about us?

Quistis: It might have been smarter to wait and kill each other until after the Field Exam, which is today.

Squall: We were training.

Quistis: Training doesn't leave scars like that.

Squall: When we go out on a mission, I don't think the opposition will play by the rules. Seifer probably agrees.

Quistis: [Laughs] Why do you hate each other?

Squall: We don't. We might even be polite to one another once one of us finally beats the other. [He stands up.] So take me to the Field Exam.

[Squall and Quistis walk out of the Infirmary and through the hallways of Balamb Garden]

Quistis: So you think Seifer doesn't hate you?

Squall: He may not like me, but he doesn't hate.

Quistis: You're both problems either way.

Squall: What problems?

Quistis: An instructor's supposed to understand her students. I can't grasp either one of you. You've both got great promise . . .

Squall: But?

Quistis: . . . but you don't obey. Seifer doesn't obey, and he's on the Disciplinary commitee!

[Squall shrugs. The enter into the classroom. The only open spot is beside Seifer. Squall sits.]

Quistis: I'd say, "Good morning, class," but half of you are probably nervous about the upcoming Field Exam. The other half of you are terrified. Unless, of course, you failed the written test last week, in which case you won't be taking the Field Exam and will be staying here in Study Hall. Those taking the Field Exam will have Free Time until 1600 in order to prepare themselves. Just make sure you're in top condition for the exam. You're dismissed with the exception of Squall and Seifer.

[Squall and Seifer approach as the other students file out of the room.]

Quistis: Now, because of that little stunt you pulled that put both of you in the infirmary, neither of you have gone to the Fire Cavern yet. Which means we will be going now so that you've met the prerequisites for the Field Exam. Unless you would rather fail?

Seifer: So you got put in the infirmary too? I wonder why I didn't see you.

Quistis: After you two opened up each other's faces, we're not dumb enough to put you in the same room . . . even if you're unconscious.

Squall: So why make us work together now?

Quistis: You're not trying to kill each other. Hopefully you'll learn to cooperate by the end of the day.

Seifer: I wasn't trying to kill him. But they won't hold back on us in the Field Exam.

Quistis: All the more reason to hold back when you can. If you'd ever play Triple Triad, you'd know that the most direct road is not always the best road.

Seifer: [Smiling.] You play card games?

Quistis: I'm familiar with them. We've wasted enough time talking. I'll meet you two at the front gate at 1200.

[Quistis leaves. Seifer watches her as she leaves, then turns back to Squall]

Seifer: We've got some time. Better be ready. [Seifer leaves]

[Squall may use the tutorial computer at this time. Afterwards, he leaves. In the hallway, Selphie's voice is heard before she enters the scene.]

Selphie: I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!!!

[Selphie enters the scene, runs in to Squall, and bounces off of him.]
Squall: You okay?

Selphie: [Giggling, out of breath] Yeah. Sorry. I'm supposed to be at the room for the people taking the Field Exam today.

Squall: It's already let out.

Selphie: [Stamping her foot] This place is so much bigger than Trabia Garden! I just transferred here, but I can't tell where to go. Do you think you could show me around?

[Squall can give her a tour which serves as a tutorial or choose the "Don't Have Time" option to skip it. Either way, afterwards, he meets a student who introduces him to the Triple Triad game. While exploring the Garden, there is an optional scene to take place in the Cafeteria. In this optional scene, Squall enters to see Fujin and Raijin sitting at a table, with Seifer standing next to them.]


Seifer: No time, today. You and Raijin will need to do your rounds without me.

Fujin. EXAM.

Seifer: Yes.

Raijin: Yo, Squall. Wanna drink? Fujin's treatin', ya know?

Fujin: RAGE! [Fujin kicks Raijin in the shin]

Seifer: Fujin's right. Pay attention. You're on the Disciplinary committee; this place would fall apart without people to keep the stupid from breaking the rules.

Fujin: YES.

Seifer: [Turning away.] Don't be one of the stupid people, Raijin.

Raijin: [Smiling] I'm relaxed, not dumb, Seifer. We'll keep things running while you're gone, ya know?

[Enter Zell, out of breath]

Zell: D-do you have any [pants heavily] hot dogs left?

Cafeteria Keeper: We're all sold out, sorry.

Zell: Damn! Not again! [Punches the air with his fists, then hits the doorpost on his way out.]

Seifer: Defacing school property . . . I think we should take the time to have a little chat with Dincht.

Fujin: PUNISH.

[Fujin, Raijin, and Seifer leave.]

[The Front Gate. Quistis and Seifer are waiting for Squall]

Quistis: Yes, I know that, Seifer, but – Squall! There you are. Let's get going – have you both junctioned your Guardian Forces?

Seifer: I prefer to do without, thanks.

Quistis: What?

Seifer: Guardian Forces reside in your mind. I've read Odine's research. They don't obliterate memories, but they do shove them aside. I'd prefer to remember who I was without having to concentrate.

Quistis: [Shrugging] Your choice. Let's get going. We've got to finish in time for the Field Exam. [Quistis begins walking off screen]

Squall: [Whispering] Then how did you use magic against me, Almasy?

Seifer: [Also Whispering] I said that I prefer not to, not that I won't. Quistis wants us to follow, Leonhart; don't keep her waiting. [Seifer runs off screen.]

[The Scene is the entrance to the Fire Cavern. A Garden Faculty member is there.]

Faculty: The objective is to obtain a low level GF. Exercise prerequisites are . . .

Quistis: [Whispering while the Faculty member keeps talking] You've read Odine's research? That's impressive. Does he say anything about where Guardian Forces come from, or how they're created?

Seifer: [Shakes his head] He only says you can find them in places of strong physical or emotional disturbance, and past data indicates that the numbers will only increase as the years go on.

Faculty: . . .and therefore, a reasonable time limit should be chosen. Who is your accompanying instructor?

Quistis: Instructor number 14, Quistis Trepe.

Faculty: Please choose a time limit.

[Enter a time limit choice. Then, Quistis, Seifer, and Squall enter the cave.]

Quistis: A lot of students choke the first time I take them here.

Seifer: [Smirking.] A lot of students choke when you enter a classroom, Quistis. Not to mention trying to follow you back to your dorm room after – but you're undoubtedly aware of that as an instructor.

Quistis: What do you say to that, Squall?

Squall: [Shrugging.] I don't intend to choke. Let's finish this. [He walks forward.]

Seifer: [To Quistis] All the social grace of a mortuary. What do you see in him, anyway?

Quistis: What do you mean?

Seifer: I think we both know what I mean. But Leonhart's right. We should finish this exercise.

[Immediately before the battle with Ifrit]

Quistis: You and Seifer are in a class of your own. I've never seen this done better.

Seifer: Thank you.

Squall: [To Quistis] Don't exaggerate. You did this in less time by yourself when you were younger than we are now.

Quistis: How do you know that, Squall?

Squall: Seifer's not the only one who does research. Let's go.

[Battle with Ifrit. Squall, Seifer, and Quistis then return to Balamb Garden]

Quistis: Good, we've got enough time to change into uniform. Get changed and meet back here.

[Quistis and Seifer leave. Squall will also leave and get changed into uniform. He returns to the Garden Center, where Quistis is waiting.]

Quistis: Squall! Over here! [Squall walks over to her.] I was a bit hard on you this morning. Are you sure you're up to the Field Exam?

Squall: Dr. Kadowaki knows her job. I'm fine.

Quistis: Okay, then. For the Field Exam, the candidates are going to be divided into squads. One of your members is already here.

[FMV of Zell doing martial arts moves.]

Zell: Whoah, I'm with you? [Zell extends his hand to shake. Squall does not take it.]

Squall: [To Quistis] Zell Dincht?

Quistis: Yes. You'll be working together. Zell has a lot of energy– [At this point, Zell retracts his hand.]

Squall: And loses his temper at the drop of a hat. Can't I switch?

Zell: Dude, what's wrong with me? Afraid you'll be shown up?

Squall: [Ignoring Zell] Any chance for a substitution?

Quistis: I'm afraid that's not possible.

Zell: Hey! I'm talkin' to you!

Squall: I know. [He turns from Quistis.] What do you want to say?

[Snarling, Zell turns and punches the wall. Seifer walks on screen in uniform.]

Seifer: You were warned about that, Dincht. Next time, I'll forego words.

Zell: Just try it, you rotten son of a–

Quistis: [Clearing her throat loudly.] Seifer, you will be in the squad with Squall and Zell.

Seifer: And who will be squad leader?

Quistis: You will be leading the squad, Seifer.

Zell: WHAT?!

Quistis: And do keep in mind that a leader must do more than give orders.

Zell: Why is he the leader?

Seifer: For starters, I don't engage in property destruction when things don't go my way.

Zell: I wasn't asking you.

Seifer: Next, I actually keep my temper under control.

Zell: Shut up!

Seifer: There's also the consideration that I scored higher than you on the written exam.

Zell: I said, shut up!

Seifer: If you don't want to hear the answer, don't ask the question, wuss.

Quistis: [To Seifer] Don't go out of your way to irritate him.

Seifer: I don't. Dincht goes out of his way to get irritated, and it's going to get him into trouble soon.

Quistis: What do you think about the choice of leader, Squall?

Squall: [Shrugging.] It's the choice of the Garden who leads. I'm here to pass the Field Exam, not to be squad leader.

Quistis: [To Zell] Do you have any other complaints you'd like to make known at this time?

Zell: [Trembling with anger.] No, instructor.

Quistis: Very well. You will be Squad B. I will be your instructor for the Field Exam. Everything you have been taught will come under trial in the Field Exam – including, I must emphasize, our code of conduct. Work as a team, and you should come out fine.

[At this point, Headmaster Cid enters with several of the Garden Faculty.]

Quistis: I must speak to Headmaster Cid. Excuse me. [She moves away towards Cid.]

Seifer: She said teamwork, Dincht. Can you actually take an order?

Zell: Why don't you ask Squall? He's the one who gave you your new eyeliner.

Seifer: Because I already know that Squall can obey orders. He'll probably be this year's model student.

Zell: Since when did you two become all buddy-buddy?

Seifer: I don't like him. That doesn't mean I can't see what he is. As it is, I don't think you can follow orders. You can't even answer a simple question. No wonder you did so poorly on the written exam. [He turns away.]

[Zell begins punching the air.]

Squall: Cool it, Zell. The Headmaster's coming.

[All the Field Exam participants gather in front of Cid.]

Cid: Everyone here? It's been a while. How's everyone doing? This exam will involve twelve members from Squads A through D. You will be proceeding to a real battlefield. Obviously, the battles are for real. Life and death, victory and defeat, honour and disgrace . . . each of these go hand in hand. There's only one way or the other. How 'bout it? Are you still up for it? [The Field Exam candidates cheer.] You will be accompanied by nine SeeD members. Should you fail, these members shall get the job done. They always do. The pride of Balamb Garden! The elite mercenary force, SeeD! Learn from them, obey their commands and accomplish the mission. Prove yourself worthy of becoming a member of SeeD. [He looks at Squall, Seifer, Quistis, Zell, and Selphie in turn.] Best of luck.

[The gathered students and instructors leave for the garage. Squall can take the time to talk to Cid.]

Cid: Ah, Squall. Hopefully you and Seifer won't go further than those scars. I'm looking forward to having two Gunblade specialists joining our ranks today.

[At the garage, the students and instructors enter cars and leave for Balamb. Quistis, Seifer, Squall, and Zell are in one car.]

Zell: Yo, Squall. Show me your gunblade, will ya?

Squall: No.

Zell: C'mon, man!

Squall: I said, "no."

Zell: Just a peek!

Squall: Bother somebody else, Zell. I treat my weapon with respect, unlike you.

Zell: What are you talking about? I use my fists, not weapons.

[Squall turns and looks out the window, pointedly ignoring Zell.]

Zell: Say somethin', will ya!? What's on your mind?

Squall: Nothing.

Quistis: [At the same time] Nothing.

[Zell gets up and begins punching air.]

Seifer: Stop that . . . it's annoying . . . retard.


Seifer: Nothing you haven't earned.

Quistis: That's enough, Seifer. You're not perfection itself, either.

Squall: Instructor. There was a girl in the infirmary this morning. She wasn't a student. Do you know her?

Quistis: Was someone there? I didn't notice any other girls around you.

Squall: I guess not. I was still recovering. Maybe it was a dream.

Seifer: And I don't see what that has to do with the Field Exam. Let's stay focused. I'd rather not have this turn into a disaster.

[The car pulls in to Balamb. There is an optional conversation if the Queen of Cards is there.]

Quistis: Her.

Squall: Her who?

Quistis: I've heard about the lady, there. She's supposed to be the best Triple Triad player in existence. I don't agree.

Squall: Why not?

Quistis: She wants to introduce a Random draw rule. Do that, and the game takes neither brains nor skill. Merely luck.

Squall: You seem pretty worked up about that.

Quistis: Some subjects impassion me.

[There is also an optional scene in an old man's house, as he's telling his granddaughter a bedtime story.]

Man: Long, long ago . . . When this world was just made, there was a strong god called Hyne.

Girl: And, and . . .

Man: This god was very, very strong, but after fighting a lot of monsters, he became very tired. So he made people like you and me to do all the work, and the god went to sleep.

Girl: So he took a nap?

Man: That's right. However, the god was very surprised when he awoke. Surprised that there were so many people.

Girl: Yeah, there are so many people in this world.

Man: Hyne decided to reduce the number of people by taking away the children.

Girl: [Gasping] You mean . . . children like me . . .?

Man: Uh huh. Scary, isn't it? Of course, everyone was scared then, too. And so, the battle against Hyne began. Even though the people were small, they all got together, and finally cornered him.

Girl: Wow!

Man: Hyne didn't know what to do. Out of desperation, he gave half of his body to the people and ran off with the remaining other half.

Girl: He can do that?

Man: Well, he was a god. Anyway, it turns out Hyne tricked the people. The half that Hyne ran away with was the half that had the stronger magic.

Girl: Wow . . . So we still can't find the other half that ran away???

Man: Hmmm . . . It might be close by, actually. It might even be watching you.

[The scene is the Balamb Docks.]

Garden Faculty: Hurry! The other squads are already in the boats!

Seifer: Showtime. [He runs to get in a boat. Zell and Quistis follow. Finally, Squall enters. Xu is already on board.]

Xu: Hi, Quistis. They stuck you with the problem squad, did they?

Quistis: I don't look at it that way. Seifer and Squall are my best students, and Zell makes an . . . explosive complement to them.

Xu: Welcome, Squad B, to your Field Exam. I am Xu.

Zell: Nice to meet ya!

Squall: Pleased to meet you.

Seifer: Xu.

Xu: I'm not pleased to meet you either, Seifer.

Seifer: Oh, I just love this . . .

Xu: I'll explain the current situation and the mission. Be seated!

[They sit.]

Xu: Our client for this mission is the Dollet Dukedom Parliament. A request for SeeD was made 18 hours ago. Dollet has been under attack by the G-Army since about 72 hours ago. 49 hours into the battle, Dollet abandoned their position in the inner city. Currently, they have retreated into the nearby mountains and are reorganizing their troops. That's the current status. Now on to the mission objective. According to our reports, the G-Army is mopping up the Dollet troops in the mountain region. We're to make a landing at Lapin Beach. We're to eliminate the remaining G-Army within the city and liberate it A.S.A.P. Afterwards, SeeD members will intercept any G-Army forces trying to make their way into the city from the mountain region.

Seifer: So, what are WE supposed to do?

Xu: SeeD candidates are to eliminate the G-Army inside the city.

Zell: Sounds important!

Seifer: Sounds boring.

Xu: If you'd prefer to go home, Seifer, I won't regret it.

Seifer: No, by all means, continue, Xu.

Xu: The order to withdraw takes priority. Do not forget.

[At this point, Squall has the option to talk to Quistis, Seifer, and Zell]

[To Quistis]

Squall: Quistis, what was your Field Exam like?

Quistis: We actually had to hunt down some Rogue SeeD members from Galbadia Garden. Pretty intense, battling other SeeD members.

Squall: Oh.

Quistis: [After a moment.] Thanks for asking.

[To Seifer]

Seifer: So, all we're doing is mop-up. Remember to follow MY orders, and we should be fine.

[To Zell]

Zell: I'm kind of nervous; it's my first real battle.

Seifer: Don't wet yourself.

Zell: Shut up!

Quistis: Last warning, Seifer.

Seifer: Very well, instructor.

Squall: I find it hard to believe you've never been in a fight before.

Zell: Fights? All the time when I was growing up. But then, you know, you're just trying to break some bones and maybe dislocate a jaw. There's actually going to be killing now.

Squall: Just remember to keep a lid on your temper. Some enemies try to provoke you into making a mistake.

Zell: Hmmmm . . .

[The boat lands. An FMV of the beach landing plays, then the Field Exam students and instructors are standing on the beach.]

Quistis: Good luck.

Seifer: I hate it when people wish me luck, instructor. Save it for some bad student who needs it.

Quistis: Right. Good luck, Seifer.

Seifer: One of these days, instructor, you and I are going to have a long talk.

Quistis: I'll make a note of it. Now get going. You're to secure the Central Square.

[Seifer, Squall, and Zell head into town, meeting various SeeD members along the way and fighting Galbadian soldiers. They reach the Central Square of Dollet, which is deserted except for a dog.]

Zell: Come on out and fight! Cowards!

Seifer: What an idiot. [He looks around the square.] You two scout the area, just in case they're hiding. [Seifer leans against a car while Zell and Squall search the area, defeating a few Galbadians waiting in ambush.]

Squall: Nothing else.

[They wait a while. Zell begins practicing punches.]

Seifer: Maybe I'll follow Quistis's suggestion and take up Triple Triad. It looks like we won't be doing anything else on missions . . .

[They wait again. Squall kicks the car a couple of times. The dog begins to chew on Seifer's uniform until Seifer kicks it.]

Zell: Boooooooring.

[There is the sound of an explosion in the distance.]

Squall: Looks like all the fighting is somewhere else.

Seifer: Yes.

Squall: [Cocking his head.] Then why do I hear footsteps?

Seifer: Hide!

[The three hide as a small squad of Galbadian soldiers enter and cross the square, leaving by another road.]

Squall: Why wouldn't they be at the main battle? Deserters?

Seifer: [Shaking his head.] No. They were carrying specialized equipment. They're here to do something while everybody is distracted by the battle.

Zell: Say what?

Seifer: I said we're going to follow them and find out what they're up to.

Zell: Hey, our orders were to secure the square and stay here.

Seifer: Wrong. Your orders are the ones I just gave you. Weren't you just saying how bored you were?

Zell: Squall!

Squall: I stand by our leader's decision.

Seifer: That's got a nice ring to it. Along the way, you can tell our "friend" here why.

[They begin following the soldiers.]

Zell: So why follow his orders? You two don't like each other.

Squall: When are you more likely to die? When you know what your enemy wants and why, or when you have no clue what they're doing?

Zell: When you've got no clue.

Squall: So if the choice is between figuring out what the enemy is up to and remaining blind, which will you choose?

Zell: I guess, but this is an exam . . .

Squall: The difference between you breaking the rules and Seifer breaking the rules is that Seifer always has a good reason.

Zell: What are you saying?

Squall: Think about it, Zell. We're not here to do your thinking for you.

[Various battles take Seifer, Squall, and Zell to the base of the Communications Tower, which is the Galbadian's target. As they are about to enter, Selphie appears on screen, and an FMV shows her scrambling over the rocks.]

Selphie: I'm looking for Squad B.

Seifer: You've found them.

Selphie: The order to withdraw has come. We need to be at the beach at 1700.

Seifer: [Looking at his Watch.] That gives us a little more than half an hour. Well done. Return and tell them we will be at the beach at 1700.

Selphie: I think they meant come as soon as possible.

Seifer: I'm aware of that. I told you what to do. Hurry and do it. We'll be there.

Selphie: Boy, what a jerk. [She turns and leaves.]

Zell: Why aren't we going back now?

Seifer: Dincht, if you're so slow it takes you half an hour to get back to the beach, by all means, start now. I assure you I won't be sorry to be rid of you.

Zell: Listen, Almasy, why don't you–

Seifer: I guess that means you want to stay and argue. Let's go. [Seifer turns and enters the tower.]

Zell: [To Squall.] Someday, I'm going to kill him.

Seifer: [From inside the tower.] I heard that, Dincht. Everybody should have a dream. Mine decides everything I do.

Squall: Let's just find out what they're up to. [They enter the Tower]

Galbadian Soldier: The generator is up and running!

Galbadian Soldier: No problem with the boosters!

Seifer: . . . the hell they doing?

Galbadian Soldier: Cable disconnection confirmed! Beginning exchange progress!

Galbadian Soldier: Roger.

[A battle commences as the soldiers notice them.]

Squall: Repair equipment. Why would they want to fix a comm tower? Radio signals haven't worked for two decades.

Seifer: This wasn't all of their squad; the rest are upstairs. Let's go ask them.

[They take the lift to the top of the tower.]

Wedge: Major Biggs! There has been a report of a monster-shaped shadow on top of the tower. Major Biggs!

Biggs: Be quiet! I'm busy! This goes like this . . . and . . . Geez, what's with these crappy old tools? And . . . and . . . why do I have to make all the repairs!? AHHH!!!

Wedge: Sir, I'll check around while the repairs are being done.

Biggs: Let's see . . . hmmm . . . put this here . . . and . . .this goes here . . . and . . . There, it's complete!

[Squall, Zell and Seifer arrive on the elevator. FMV of the Communications Tower reactivating.]

Squall: What do you think you're doing!?

Biggs: Huhhhh? Likewise, MISTER! What do you think you're doing!? H-HEY! What happened to all the soldiers down below!? WEDGE! Take care of these twerps!!! W . . . Wedge? I . . . ah . . . Well . . . ah . . . I seem to be done here, so I'll just be on my . . .

[Biggs raises his machine gun and walks towards the elevator.]

Biggs: I-I'm leaving . . . Move it! Move! Move!

Seifer: [Jumping Forward and knocking the Machine Gun from Biggs' hand.] Sorry to crash the party.

Biggs: Ah...AHH...AHHHHH! Are you CRAZY?!

Seifer: Just shut up unless we ask you a question!

[Battle with Biggs]

Biggs: Prepare for the worst, you brats!

[Wedge arrives.]

Wedge: Major Biggs. Have you finished the repairs, sir? [Starting Suddenly] What is the enemy doing here!?

Biggs: WEDGE! Where were you!? No pay for you this month!

Wedge: Should've stayed home!

[A large gust of wind picks up Biggs and Wedge.]

Biggs: What the!?

Wedge: Ahhhhh!

[Elvoret attacks. After they defeat Elvoret, they go down the Elevator. Biggs gets up and begins punching in buttons.]

Biggs: Those little twerps are the targets! Now GO!!! Go and DESTROY them!!!

[Fight and escape from X-ATM092. FMV of Squall fleeing from the robot and Quistis gunning it down from the Boat. The scene shifts to inside the boat, where Xu, Quistis, Squall, Zell and Seifer are waiting.]
Xu: Now that you're here, perhaps you'd like to explain why you weren't in the Central Square and why you took so long to withdraw.

Seifer: Why don't we wait until the Headmaster is also present? That way I won't have to do it twice.

Xu: Very well. What do you two have to say?

Zell: Seifer was our leader. He made the decision. [Under his breath.] And I hope they kick him out for it – using steel-tipped boots.

Xu: Squall?

Squall: Seifer was our leader. He'll explain.

[The boat docks once again in Balamb, whereupon they transfer to a car.]

Xu: I am going to have to report this, Quistis.

Quistis: [Sighing.] I know. I'll come with Seifer. We'll speak with the Headmaster.

[The car arrives at Balamb Garden. The students are taken to the third floor. Xu, Seifer, and Quistis enter the Headmaster's Office.]

Garden Faculty: There are one or two issues to be resolved. Afterwards, we will announce those who have become SeeD.

[After a few minutes, Cid, Xu, Quistis, and Seifer emerge. Cid looks rather angry.]

Garden Faculty: SeeD members shall not act beyond the exact wording of a contract. We are not a non-profit organization.

[Cid turns to face the faculty member, arms shaking. Then he slumps and returns to his office. Both Quistis and Seifer leave. The screen fades to black, then fades back in to show a Garden Faculty member leaving the Headmaster's Office. He taps one student on the shoulder. The student enters the Headmaster's Office.]

Garden Faculty: [Walking over to Zell.] Zell Dincht. Please report to the Headmaster.

Zell: Oh, YES!!!!!!

Garden Faculty: [Facing Selphie.] Selphie Tilmitt. Please report to the Headmaster.

Selphie: [Gulping nervously.] Okay.

Garden Faculty: [Walking to Squall.] Squall Leonhart. Please report to the Headmaster. [Turning around] The rest of you are dismissed.

[There are groans of disappointment from the other students as Squall enters the Headmaster's Office.]

Garden Faculty: These are the four students that passed today's exam.

Headmaster Cid: First of all, congratulations. However . . . From now on, as a member of SeeD, you will be dispatched all over the world. We are proud to introduce SeeD, Balamb Garden's mercenary soldiers. SeeD soldiers are combat specialists. BUT . . . that is only one aspect of SeeD. When the time comes . . .

Garden Faculty: Headmaster . . . It's almost time for the meeting. Please make this short. 'SeeD is a valuable asset to Garden. Its reputation is solely dependent on each one of you. Handle your mission with care.' Is that what you wanted to say, sir?

Cid: [Turning away from the Faculty.] Here are your SeeD rank reports. [He walks to the first candidate, and speaks in a whisper the faculty member can't hear.] Do your best, even if you don't stand out. [To Selphie.] I'm looking forward to the Garden Party, now that you're in charge. [To Zell.] Zell. You have GOT to learn to CONTROL your temper. [Finally, Cid approaches Squall.] I don't have much advice for you. [He glances back at the Faculty Member.] Except maybe to say never get in debt. Seifer and Quistis have deserved better.

Garden Faculty: This concludes the inauguration. Dismissed!

[The four leave. Outside, Selphie starts jumping up and down, shouting "SeeD" while they walk.]

Zell: Oh, yes! First the graduation speech, then a little inauguration party dancing! I'm on top of the world!

Squall: Wake up, Zell. Cid wasn't happy.

Zell: Why should that matter to you?

Squall: Cid is loyal to the students . . . Never mind. You wouldn't understand anyway.

Zell: Are you making a comment on my intelligence?

Squall: No. Just your temper. Don't bother me, Zell; I want to think.

Zell: Well, good luck.

[They take the elevator down to the second floor. A crowd of students are waiting, including Seifer, Fujin, and Raijin. As they exit, Seifer stands at attention and begins to clap. Soon, the other students join in.]

[The scene now shifts to Squall's room; it is night. Selphie's voice comes from outside his door.]

Selphie: Squall? Squall? We've got to go to the party! Hurry up and get changed! You're not allowed to miss it if you're one of the graduates!

[Squall gets changed, and he and Selphie leave for the inauguration party. Along the way, she pesters him about joining the Garden Festival committee. When they arrive at the party, Squall leans against a pillar, taking a drink from a waitress and watching the others. Quistis is leaning against a pillar on the opposite side; she seems to be watching him. Zell runs up to Squall.]

Zell: Hey, SeeD man. Put 'er there! [He holds out his hand. Squall ignores it and continues with his drink.] Hello? Squall? [Zell waves his hand in front of Squall's face.] I swear, some people don't know the meaning of the word 'party.'

Selphie: [Running up.] I do! Speaking of which, Zell, do you want to join the Garden Festival committee? I think you'll be perfect! In fact–

Zell: I . . . ah . . . just remembered something! Gotta go! [He flees, but Selphie follows him.]

[An FMV introducing Rinoa shows. Afterwards, Rinoa walks up to Squall.]

Rinoa: You're the best-looking guy here. Dance with me? [Squall says nothing.] Let me guess. You'll only dance with someone you like? [Squall doesn't react.] Ok, then, look into my eyes. [She thrusts her face right in front of his.] You're-going-to-like-me. You're-going-to-like-me. [Rinoa smiles.] Did it work?

Squall: I can't dance.

Rinoa: You'll be fine. I can't be alone on the dance floor. [Rinoa drags Squall out on to the dance floor, and an FMV begins of the two dancing. The scene then shifts to Quistis, leaning against a pillar, watching Rinoa drag Squall around. Seifer comes to stand beside her.]

Seifer: You looked depressed when the dance started, but now you're looking positively pissed.

Quistis: Such vulgarity, Seifer. Ever had a day when everything seems to go wrong?

Seifer: Let me think . . . today, by violating orders, I discovered that the Galbadians just wanted the Radio Tower working, thereby leading to a peace negotiation between Dollet and Galbadia. For this, I was denied graduation. Even though Cid wanted me to graduate. Never mind the brand new scar Squall gave me. Or facing another year of classes. And having nobody to dance with at the moment. [He pauses.] No, I've never had a day where everything seemed to go wrong. How about you?

Quistis: Me neither. Today's been a bundle of laughs.

Seifer: Let me guess. You're a little upset because the brand new SeeD member is busy dancing with a beautiful girl – that isn't you.

Quistis: The phrase you used was, "positively pissed," I believe.

Seifer: I can empathize.

Quistis: Oh, really?

Seifer: The girl he's dancing with is Rinoa Heartilly. We knew each other a few years back. She wanted me to introduce her to Cid, so I invited her to the party tonight. Cid won't be surrounded by faculty at the party. [His eyes follow Squall and Rinoa.] Funny how you can go a couple of years without seeing somebody and not think of them. Then they show up, you find they're beautiful – and they decide to dance with somebody else. [He leans against another pillar, folding his arms.] You ever felt that? You meet someone and everything in your mind says, "Yes?"

Quistis: Perhaps. I'm not sure I'd tell if you if I had.

Seifer: Because I got you demoted today?

Quistis: Don't flatter yourself. I got me demoted today. I think you did the right thing. I would have done it myself in your position.

Seifer: SOMEBODY doesn't think I did the right thing. [He unfolds his arms, grabs his Gunblade.] You know, I'm feeling a little upset myself. Care to work out your frustrations in the Training Grounds?

Quistis: Gladly. [Quistis and Seifer leave the hall and go through the Training Grounds, making their way to the Secret Area.]

Seifer: The "Secret Area." Do you know how many students I've caught sneaking here when they shouldn't? At least I feel better.

Quistis: Just getting out of there was enough. I will admit I felt a little like violence. [There is a pause.] Seifer . . . do you agree with what they said today? That I lack leadership qualities? That I'm a failure as an instructor?

Seifer: Actually, you're one of the few people whose opinion I respect.

Quistis: Oh?

Seifer: You're as good as I am. So I listen. I don't always obey, but I listen.

Quistis: That's good to know. Just remember one thing, Seifer Almasy.

Seifer: What?

Quistis: I'm BETTER than you.

[The scene shifts back to Squall and Rinoa, who have finished dancing and are standing on the balcony.]

Rinoa: Do all members of SeeD dance like you?

Squall: Do you usually grab random strangers and dance with them?

Rinoa: Oh, you weren't random. I did say you were the best-looking guy here. And as for strangers, my name is Rinoa. Who are you?

Squall: A member of SeeD.

Rinoa: [Stamping her foot.] You're avoiding the question. I didn't ask what you are.

[Squall turns to leave. Rinoa hooks her foot around his ankle and trips him.]

Rinoa: [Kneeling down beside the prone Squall.] Manners, mysterious SeeD man, manners. You'll catch me later. [She runs back into the crowd.]

Squall: [To himself] I'll catch her later? Not likely . . . [Patting himself in sudden alarm] What the?

[Squall returns to the party floor, his eyes scanning the crowd. Finally, he sees Rinoa, holding something tightly clenched in one fist, speaking with Cid. He starts to move towards them, but Cid waves him away. Squall waits with his arms folded while Rinoa and Cid talk. Finally, Cid nods and turns away. Rinoa waves at Squall and moves to a different doorway. Squall runs and catches up to her in an outside hall.]

Rinoa: I told you you'd catch me later.

Squall: Give me my necklace.

Rinoa: Come on. Since you won't give me your name, you've given me something else.

Squall: All right, my name is–

Rinoa: Squall Leonhart.

Squall: How did you–

Rinoa: Headmaster Cid told me when I asked him, but it's nice to hear you say it. You can have this back. I don't need it now. [She tosses the necklace back to him.]

Squall: [Making a cutting gesture with his hand.] You can forget about me ever dancing with you again.

Rinoa: Yeah, but can you ever forget about dancing with me? See you later. Squall Leonhart. [To herself.] That's a nice name . . .

Squall: That's it. I'm going to bed.

[The scene shifts to the Training Grounds. Quistis and Seifer are returning from the Secret Area when there is a scream. They rush forward to see Ellone being attacked.]

Seifer: Who's she?

Quistis: The girl at the Infirmary this morning. We have to help her!

[They battle the Granaldo. Ellone has fainted. Two men in white come running up.]

First Man: She never listens. We tell her not to leave, but . . .

Second Man: Thank you. [He bows to Quistis and Seifer, then the two leave, carrying Ellone.]

Seifer: Who were they?

Quistis: I've never seen them, either.

Seifer: But you've seen that girl before.

Quistis: She was watching Squall at the Infirmary.

Seifer: In the car, you said . . .

Quistis: That there were no other girls around him. Which is quite true. She was watching him from behind a window on a far wall.

[Seifer laughs. The two leave the Training Hall. The scene switches to the next morning, when Squall wakes to the sound of somebody knocking on his door.]

Squall: What?

Selphie: It's our first mission! You, me, and Zell at the front gate!

Squall: [Rolling over, looking at his clock.] It's not even sunrise.

Selphie: Cid said it was important!

[Squall rises and slowly gets dressed. He leaves his room, and Selphie immediately grabs his hand and begins tugging at him.]

Squall: [Snatching his hand away.] I had enough of that last night. Let's get going.

Selphie: You must not be a morning person. [She runs off ahead of Squall. Squall eventually reaches the front gate, where Selphie, Zell, and Cid are waiting.]

Squall: What is this, sir?

Cid: A special mission. [He raises his head; looks around.] There isn't much time. You three need to go to Timber. You're going to help a resistance movement there. When you get to Timber, a man will say, "The forests of Timber sure have changed." You'll reply, "But the owls are still around." They'll give you further instructions. Protect them! And do what they ask!

Squall: But, sir, why us? Why now?

Cid: Because Quistis and Seifer drew too much attention to themselves yesterday. Otherwise, I . . . [He looks at his watch and gasps.] Yikes! Remember, train to Timber! Here, take this, it'll help you when you get strong enough to use it. [He hands Squall the Cursed Lamp wherein Diablos may be found. Cid then runs at full speed back into the Garden.]

Squall: [Softly.] Sir . . . you didn't answer my question. [To the others.] He didn't even say who the squad leader would be.

Selphie: He told us. It's you.

Squall: Me?

Zell: Yeah. He said I still need to work on controlling my temper. Can you believe that guy?

Selphie: I can believe it! He said that Squall's very serious, and that's the kind of leader needed on this mission. And you are really serious, Squall. I don't think I've seen you smile once since I've known you. Well, except maybe last night when you were dancing with what's-her-name, because then you–

Squall: Enough talking. Let's go catch a train to Timber.

[The three head for Balamb. The three buy tickets and board the train.]

Selphie: This train is awesome!

Zell: A transcontinental railroad, baby! It even runs through an underwater tunnel to get to Timber. Pretty cool, huh?

Squall: If you think SeeD is a luxury cruise, I suppose so.

Zell: Tell me somethin'. Have you ever enjoyed ANYTHING in your life?

Squall: No.

Selphie: I'm gonna go check out the front! Tee-hee! [Selphie leaves.]

Zell: I'm gonna go find our room. [Zell leaves. Squall enters the passageway to see Zell waving at him.] Yo, check it out! This is SeeD's private cabin! [Zell enters the cabin. Squall follows.]


Squall: You're loud. Quiet down.

Selphie: [Singing quietly to herself while entering the room]
         I love trains.
         Train, Train, Take Us Away.
         Take Us Away. Far Away
         To the Future. We Will Go.
         Where It Leads No One Knows.

Zell: [Bouncing on the cushions] Heh-heh. This is sooo cool!

Squall: It's a train cushion, Zell. You sit on them.

Zell: Lighten up, man! We're SeeD on a mission.

Squall: [Sitting down] That's why I'm not lightening up.

Zell: Fine, we can be serious. Here's what I know about it. Timber used to be a country surrounded by forests, but 18 years ago, Galbadia invaded, and Timber lost. So now Timber is under Galbadian occupation. I've heard there's a whole bunch of resistance groups.

Squall: Anything else?

Zell: Nope, that's it. Just what you hear growin' up at a port.

Squall: That's something, anyway. Whatever group we're meeting with was able to hire SeeD, at any rate.

Zell: Probably one of the bigger ones. [He stretches.] We might get some side benefits to this one.

Squall: Congratulations, Zell. You were serious for almost 18 seconds.

Selphie: [Suddenly straightening] I'm not . . . feeling well . . .

Squall: Tired or ill?

Selphie: I'm really sleepy . . .

Squall: You ok?

Zell: Hey...? Huh? What the...!? Somethin's wrong with me, too . . . I . . . feel . . . sleepy . . .

[Zell and Selphie fall sleep.]

Squall: [Shaking his head.] No. This isn't tired. It's like somebody's . . . someone I . . . [Squall collapses.]

[The scene changes to a forest, where there are three soldiers, Laguna, Ward, and Kiros.]

Kiros: Uhh, Laguna, are you sure this is the right way?

Ward: Hoo-boy, not again . . . Hey, aren't we here to fight a war? You know, against the almighty Timber army?

Kiros: Yeah, so why are we wasting our time messin' with these animals?

Laguna: Well, you see . . . It's just that, uhh . . .

Kiros: Don't tell me we're lost again.

Laguna: Anyway, we're going home. Deling City, here we come!

Ward: W-Wait! Laguna!

[The three board a nearby truck, and drive to Deling City. The truck pulls to a stop in the middle of the square.]

Ward: H-Hey! You can't park in the middle of the street!

Laguna: Chill man, it's cool.

Laguna: [Leaving the truck.] Alright, then! How's about a drink!?

Kiros: We're not just here for the booze, are we? We've got a war to fight.

Ward: So we'll get smashed and then we'll CHAAARGE!

Laguna: Kiros, Ward . . . You two seem to misunderstand. I just want to have a friendly drink with you.

[A bus and a car halt at the truck. Laguna and his friends ignore that, instead heading to a nearby hotel.]

Soldier: Hey, Laguna, you back to see her again?

Soldier: Got the hots for the pianist at the Hotel Bar?

[Laguna ignores them, pays the receptionist, and heads into the Hotel Bar with Ward and Kiros.]

Drunk Soldier: I . . . aah . . . as of today . . . am assigned to the Engineer Corps. N-Nice to meet you all. What a joyous day for me! Please, everyone, don't try to stop me . . . I would like to propose a toast . . . to myself!

Major: Listen up, soldiers. I'm Julia's private bodyguard. Better not make a pass at her.

Drunk Soldier: Yeah, and I dated the president's wife yesterday.

[The waitress seats the three.]

Laguna: [Shaking his head suddenly.] Huh?

Kiros: What's wrong?

Laguna: Ahh . . . I'm not quite sure.

Ward: Wait a second . . . Is your head buzzing...?

Laguna: W-What . . . You, too?

Ward Yeah, ever since we were in Timber.

Kiros: Me, too . . .

Ward: Hey, we're just tired, that's all. We'll be fine after a drink or two, or three.

Laguna: At ease, men.

[They slouch in their seats, but Laguna straightens suddenly.]

Laguna: I'm goin' all out tonight, right boys!?

Kiros: You talk the talk, you gotta walk the walk, Laguna.

Waitress: [Coming up to the table] May I take your order?

Laguna: The usual!

Kiros: Me, too.

Ward: Keep 'em coming!

[Julia enters. She sits at her piano and plays.]

Ward: There she is. You goin' for it tonight?

Kiros: Go for it!

Laguna: What-ever, man! Can't you see she's working?

Kiros: Don't go back on your word. C'mon, go wave to her.

Laguna: Give me a break! I'm not going to interrupt her!

Ward: So you say, but we all know you'll do it.

[Laguna stands.]

Major: Soldiers . . . Don't bother me in my time of bliss . . .

Drunk Soldier: To be able to listen to Julia play on a day like this . . . Oh baby! This is turning out to be a lovely night!

[Laguna walks towards the piano. His thoughts are displayed.]

Laguna: [Thoughts] Ah . . . to be this close to Julia . . .[Steps closer, then stops.] . . . Uh-oh . . . My leg's cramping up . . . Argh! [He limps away from the piano, then back, trying to work out the cramp. Finally, he returns to his table.]

Major: Hey soldier . . . You got a little too close to Julia . . . I'll get you for that . . .

Kiros: [As Laguna sits.] Good work, Laguna.

Ward: Mission successful!

Kiros: Here, have a drink.

Ward: I didn't think you'd actually do it. Our popularity rating's gone up a point.

Kiros: Yeah, but you cut a pretty pitiful figure up there. I'd say you're about a -3 on the manliness scale.

Laguna: Say what you want! [Sighing] Julia sure is pretty.

Kiros: [Seeing Julia approach while Laguna's back is turned.] Uhhhhh . . ..

Ward: Hunhhh...?

Kiros: Laguna, we're takin' off.

[Kiros and Ward leave.]

Laguna: H-Hey! What's the rush?

Ward: [Shouting from the doorway.] It's on us tonight! Relax and stay awhile, Laguna!

Julia: May I?

[Laguna turns and sees who it is. He stands up suddenly, then his leg cramps up.]

Laguna: Aaaaa . . .

[He limps to the side.]

Julia: Did I interrupt anything?

Laguna: N-N-N-Not at all. P-Please, s-sit down.

Laguna: [Thoughts.] Oh man, oh man, it's really HER! What do I do!? Kiros? Ward? HELP! What do I say!? But man, she is pretty!

Julia: [Sitting Down] You ok now?

Laguna: Kind of . . . [Also sitting down.]

Julia: How's your leg?

Laguna: L-Leg? Oh, this!? Y-Yeah, it's fine. Happens all the time when I get nervous. [He coughs.]

Julia: Were you nervous?

Laguna: Oh, yeah. I'm still kinda . . .

Julia: You can relax. You don't have to get nervous around me.

Laguna: Oh, sorry.

Julia: Say . . . [Whispering] Would you like to talk somewhere private? I have a room here . . .

Laguna: I-In your room!?

Julia: Well . . . [Whispering again.] It's pretty hard to talk freely here. Everyone's listening in. If you'd like to, please come by. I've been wanting to talk to you. Don't you want to talk to me?

Laguna: Of course I do!

Julia: Then I'll go ahead and wait for you. Ask for my room at the front desk, ok?

Laguna: [Thoughts] . . . This is a dream . . . This is a dream . . . No, this can't be a dream! This is too weird to be a dream . . . Julia . . .? Wants to talk to me . . .? And just the two of us! Get it together, Laguna. I always screw up by talking about myself too much. It's always been like that. But not tonight! I'm all ears for Julia! Ahh . . . time to use my manly charm . . .

Major: Pretty bold for just a grunt . . . Julia this . . . Julia that . . . Yeah, I'll fix you . . . Send you off to war a million miles away . . .

Drunk Soldier: Today's my special day. But . . . Julia chose YOU! Why!? Why must it always be like this!? (hic) And why . . . must it be on this day of all days . . . !?

[The scene is the hotel lobby. Ward and Kiros are with Laguna.]

Ward: Can you really carry on a conversation with Julia? Make sure the conversation's sophisticated.

Laguna: No worries, man! That's like, my speciality.

Kiros: One wouldn't say you converse, though . . . All you do is yap-yap-yap and never listen.

Receptionist: Welcome! Checking in?

Laguna: Whi-Whi-Which . . .

Receptionist: . . . Aah, Mr. Laguna Loire? I've been expecting you. Let me show you to Ms. Julia's room.

[The scene shifts to Julia's Room.]

Julia: Thanks for coming.

Laguna: No . . . not at all, uh . . . Thank you for inviting me.

Julia: Have a seat.

[Laguna sits on the bed, then stands and sits on a chair as Julia giggles.]

Julia: Going so soon? We haven't even talked yet.

Laguna: No, it's not that. It's just that I'm a big fan of yours, so I'm really kinda nervous, y'know?

Julia: So that's why you come to hear me play so often.

Laguna: You . . . you saw me?

Julia: You were always smiling while listening, right? You have beautiful eyes. Though they look a bit scared now. Don't worry. [Laughing.] I'm not going to pluck 'em out and eat 'em. I just want to talk, gazing into those eyes. Would you like a drink? Wine perhaps?

Laguna: I must be dreaming' . . .

[The screen fades to black, then fades in. Laguna and Julia have been talking.]

Laguna: Yeah, I don't like fightin' too much, but you get to travel, y'know? Seeing new places and stuff. And it's fun, 'cause Kiros and Ward are always with me. Hey, we should all go out drinkin' sometime! What do you say? And, uh . . . What was I talkin' about? Oh yeah, so I want to quit the army and become a journalist! So I can tell people 'bout all the things I've seen on my travels. So, like, the other day, one of my articles made the reader's column. Pretty cool, huh? Yeah, that was so cool . . .

Julia: I'm happy for you.

Laguna: Oh yeah, and then . . .

[Once again, the screen fades out and in.]

Laguna: Yikes . . . I'm talkin' too much again.

Julia: Yes?

Laguna: Tell me about yourself. Like . . . your dreams for the future.

Julia: I . . . I want to sing. Not just play the piano but sing, too.

Laguna: Oh, I'd really love to hear it.

Julia: But I can't. I'm no good at writing lyrics . . .

Laguna: Hmm . . . that must be tough.

Julia: But, thanks to you, I think I can come up with something.

Laguna: Thanks to me . . . ?

Julia: Yes. The many faces you've shown me. Times when you were hurt, worried . . . or felt pain deep inside you . . . Your smiles, your face, your eyes . . . You've shown me something. I think I can come up with a song.

Laguna: Wow...I must be dreaming' . . .

Julia: It's not a dream, is it?

[There is a knock at the door.]

Kiros: Laguna! New orders! Meet by the Presidential Residence, on the double!

Julia: Can we meet again?

Laguna: Of course! I have to come hear you sing!

Train Announcement: Next stop. Timber . . . Timber . . .

[The scene returns to the train. Squall, Selphie, and Zell are passed out on the floor.]

Train Announcement: Next stop. Timber . . . Timber . . .

Squall: [Getting up.] Were we . . . all asleep?

Zell: Maybe someone released some sleeping gas? There's lots of people who resent SeeD.

Squall: Maybe. Better be careful.

Selphie: Did I miss anything? Anyone hurt?

Squall: I don't think so.

Selphie: What a relief! Everything's cool with me! Hee! I had such a nice dream!

Squall: [Under his breath] I had a dream, too. It wasn't nice, though. I dreamt I was a moron.

Train Announcement: We will be arriving in Timber shortly. For those getting off, please be sure you have all your belongings.

Selphie: But seriously, Sir Laguna was sooo cool!

Zell: Hey! There was a Laguna in my dream, too! He's a Galbadian soldier, right!?

Squall: Laguna, Kiros and Ward . . .

Zell: Huh!? That's it!

Squall: That's what?

Selphie: Okay, I think maybe we can write off the "dream" possibility.

Squall: True. But I don't think we can do anything about it now. We'll put this incident on hold, and I'll report it to the headmaster once we get back to Garden.

Zell: [While leaving the room.] We should be there soon, eh? Here we go . . . Psyche yourself up, baby!

Selphie: Whew . . . Still sleepy.

Squall: I'm not sure it was sleep. But let's go. [He and Selphie leave. They exit at the Timber Train Station, where a man, a member of the Timber Owl resistance group, is waiting.]

Timber Owl Member: The forests of Timber sure have changed!

Squall: But the owls are still around.

Timber Owl Member: That's true. We should talk about it some more. Come with me. [They begin walking.]

Squall: Your delivery was strained.

Timber Owl Member: What?

Squall: The whole point is to make the thing sound natural so nobody notices. You sounded like a broadcast system. Just so you know.

Timber Owl Member: Well, excuse me, Mr. High-and-Mighty.

Squall: If you're going to do a job, you should do it right. Getting upset won't fix things. Where are we going?

Timber Owl Member: A bit of a transfer: [He stops in front of a much older train.] Get in.

Squall: Right. [They enter the train. Inside are several members of the Timber Owl movement, including Zone, and Watts.]

Zone: So you guys are SeeDs?

Squall: Yes.

Zone: Nice to meetcha. [He extends his hand. Squall doesn't take it.] Umm . . . I'm the leader of the Forest Owls. Who are you?

Selphie: [Grabbing his hand and shaking it.] I'm Selphie Tilmitt and this is Zell Dincht and Squall Leonhart. I'm not actually from Balamb Garden, I'm from–

Zone: Err . . . [He tries to extricate his hand.] . . . are you the squad leader?

Squall: No. I am. Let go of his hand, Selphie, and let him tell us what the assignment is.

Zone: We'll want all the members here for that. [He looks around.] We're one short. Who? [He grabs his stomach.] Owww . . . you know, I didn't use to have ulcers. Would someone go wake our last member? [The various Timber Owl members suddenly look everywhere but in Zone's direction.] Err . . . our last member doesn't like to be woken up early. I don't suppose you could . . .?

Squall: What kind of an organization are you running? A group needs discipline to succeed.

Selphie: [Under her breath] Remember, the Headmaster wants us to do what they ask.

Squall: This is ridiculous. [He stalks out of the room.]

Watts: You'll find our last member in the far car!

[Squall heads down to the last car and jerks open the door. Sleeping on the bed, he sees Rinoa. He immediately backs out of the room and slams the door.]

Squall: [To himself] What is the Headmaster trying to do to me? Have I upset him? [He takes a couple of breaths, then reopens the door and walks in.]

Squall: Rinoa!

[Rinoa wakes up with a frown. When she sees Squall, her expression changes and she jumps at him, embracing him and knocking him to the floor.]

Rinoa: You came!

Squall: [Wincing] That's two for two on concussions you've given me. Could you get off so I can get up?

Rinoa: Wow. When I wake up, it's usually ME that's grumpy. [She stands up.]

Squall: And DON'T take my necklace.

Rinoa: I wasn't even thinking about it . . . much.

Squall: [Standing up.] Am I to assume this is what you and the Headmaster were discussing?

Rinoa: Yeah. We can't really afford SeeD, but the Headmaster thought he could spare a few. So I asked for you.

Squall: Why me?

Rinoa: [Ignoring the question.] He took to the idea right away. He gave me a message for you.

Squall: A message?

Rinoa: Yeah. He made a quick recording. [She hands it to him, and Squall activates it.]

Cid's Voice: Squall, I need you three on that continent for a while – possibly a long while. In the meantime, please protect Rinoa and do whatever she asks.

Squall. [Staring at the recording device.] Gee . . . thanks, Headmaster. [He turns to Rinoa.] Apparently, according to the terms of the contract made with Headmaster Cid, we are specifically at your disposal. What do you want?

Rinoa: You could crack a smile.

Squall: That's not within my capabilities. Perhaps we should go to the briefing?

Rinoa: Oh, fine. [They walk to the briefing room. Zone starts up, obviously surprised.]

Rinoa: Introductions?

Squall: Rinoa, this is Zell and Selphie, SeeD memberes. Zell, Selphie, this is Rinoa.

Selphie: Hey, she's the one who–

Squall: Now can we start the briefing?

Zone: All right. Let's pull up the model. [Focus shifts to a model of the train tracks.] It all started when we got a hold of top-secret info from Galbadia.

Watts: I got the info, sir!

Zone: There's a VIP from Galbadia coming to Timber.

Watts: Super V-I-P!!!

Zone: The guy's name is Vinzer Deling! Our arch-enemy, and the President of Galbadia.

Watts: Vinzer Deling is a scoundrel!!! He's a dictator, not a president. Not even popular in Galbadia, sir!

Rinoa: President Deling is taking a private train from the Galbadian capital.

Zone: Our plan is to . . .

Selphie: [Jumping up and down, raising her hand] Blow it to smithereens with a rocket launcher!?

Zone: Ahh . . . not quite . . .

Zell: So what is the plan?

Rinoa: This is what we've come up with. First, I'll go over the model. The yellow train on the top right is our base. We're riding in it right now. Right next to it is the dummy car. We made it to look just like the president's car. Their train has three cars. First, there's the locomotive followed by the1st escort. The red car is the president's car. Deling should be inside. The last car is the 2nd escort. Once we get on this one, we begin the operation. Our ultimate goal is to seize the president in his car using our base, which means we'll have to switch our dummy car with their president's car. We'll use the 2 switch points leading up to Timber to carry out this operation. [She looks up.] Everybody got that so far? [Without waiting for an answer, she looks back down.] We'll get on the roof of the 2nd escort by jumping from our dummy car. We can move across the roof to the president's car without worrying too much.

Zone: Deling hates the company of his guards and being surrounded by sensors, and keeps them away from his car.

Rinoa: We'll have to complete the uncoupling before the 1st switch point. If we don't . . .

Selphie: BOOM! . . . Game over, right?

Rinoa: Er . . . yeah. So we'll have to move fast. After the car is uncoupled, we'll have the dummy car and our base move in, linking the two trains. Then we uncouple and divert at the next switch point. If all goes well, we should be able to escape with the president's car. After that, we'll return to our base and prepare to confront Deling.

Rinoa: We have exactly 5 minutes to complete the 7 procedures. If we fail, our train will collide with theirs at the switch point and it'll be all over. Don't forget that.

Zell: So the sensors are all in the other cars?

Watts: The guards have a sound sensor and a temperature sensor, sir. Any sound will trigger the sound sensor, so you'll need to be still. The temperature sensor will go off if you remain stationary. When a guard opens the blind, that means he is checking the sensor, so be careful! The sensors are powerful, but due to the train's velocity are very short range. So keep an eye on the window below, sir.

Squall: Hmmm . . . it's still going to require tight timing.

Zone: According to the simulation that we ran, it should only take 3 minutes to complete the operation. Piece of cake for SeeDs, right?

Selphie: Of course! Too easy!

Squall: Never assume anything is a piece of cake. That way, you'll live beyond your first real battle.

Zell: So how are we supposed to tell when they're doin' a sweep?

Squall: Someone will have to be lookout while the others are crossing. Risky, but doable.

Zone: To uncouple the cars, we'll have to tamper with the control system that manages the coupling. If we temporarily disable the circuit for the connection, the car will uncouple automatically. To disable it, we have to enter several codes.

Watts: . . . And we have the codes! Well, Rinoa has them, anyway.

Rinoa: I'll be in charge of relaying the codes to Squall. Squall, you'll slide down on the side of the train using a cable and enter the codes into the system. [She explains the code entry system to Squall.]

Squall: So let me get this straight. We're supposed to do a precision operation on a moving train carrying the most important person on this continent with absolutely zero detection on a dry run with no practice?

Zone: Ummm . . .

Watts: Well . . .

Squall: [Under his breath.] There's no doubt about it. I've definitely done SOMETHING that upset the Headmaster. [More loudly.] It's doable but risky. Afterwards, somebody will need to teach you people something about planning and practice, because it's clear you've never learned about either. [He turns away and folds his arms.]

Selphie: Umm . . . by the way, this train model's nice, but the president's car looks kinda shabby. Why is that?

Watts: Yeah, Rinoa made it. That's why. We bought everything else at the gift store.

Zell: Oh . . . I thought some kid made it. The paint job sucks, too.

Rinoa: Oh, shut up! I made it look like that on purpose. It represents my hatred towards Deling.

Zell: Hatred, eh? Yeah . . . right.

Selphie: It's one of the ugliest things I've seen in my life. You must really hate him.

[Squall turns back around and looks at Rinoa.]

Rinoa: Are you guys finished!? Enough about the model! Can we get on with it now!?

[They begin to file out of the briefing room.]

Selphie: I still think this is way too much hassle. Heeey! How about this? Let's derail the president's car. Y'know hit him with a big log or something. Then we watch it crash and burn! Ooh . . .So what do you guys think?

Squall: They're trying to kidnap him, not kill him. It's a lot more difficult – but usually more effective. If you believe people should be taken away forcibly. [He walks away.]

Rinoa: [Walking up to him.] Squall . . . ?

Squall: If you want this to succeed, I'll need to prepare myself. Go away.

Rinoa: Fine! [She stalks off. After a little while, a buzzer sounds.]

Rinoa: That's the signal. Are you prepared, Mr. SeeD?

Squall: No. But that's no longer an option, is it? Let's do this. Zell, Selphie, keep your mind on the work. You know what needs to be done.

Zell: No prob. That's me; focused to a T.

Selphie: I've always got my mind on work! Like the Festival Committee. Whenever there's an opportunity to talk to someone, I'm sure to–

Squall: The current job, Selphie.

[They go up on the roof and proceed to carry out the train car switch. Rinoa and the three SeeD members return to the Timber Owls' train, now carrying the President's Car.]

Zone: At last . . .

Watts: We've been wanting something like this for a long time . . .

Rinoa: All right, we've got the President!

Squall: Now what?

Rinoa: Now we can speak to him personally about liberating Timber.

Zell: Huh?

Rinoa: I mean personally, like with loaded guns.

Zell: Now, that's the kind of negotiation I like! [He punches the air.]

Rinoa: Come with me. [They enter the President's Car.] President Deling! As long as you don't resist, you won't get hurt.

President Deling: And if I do resist . . . what would you do . . . young lady?

[Rinoa steps back in alarm.]

Squall: What's wrong?

Rinoa: It looks like him, but it's not ACTING like him.

President Deling: Boo-hoo . . . too bad . . . [He stands up.] I'm not the . . . president. I'm what they call . . . a body double. All these rumors . . . about the many resistance groups in Timber . . . You pass along a little false . . . information and they fall for it . . . How pathetic . . . Seems like there are only amateurs around here.

Rinoa: Amateurs!?

Fake President Deling: Ahh . . . I'd hurt from all this . . . sitting . . . if I could still hurt . . . Young . . . LADY . . . Ahh . . . so what did you have in stORE for me had I resiSTED . . . Why doN'T you teLL mE . . . QuiTE aMUsing thouGH For beING such amAtEurs!!! HoW daRe YOU InSUlt tHe presIDent!!! [There is a battle with Fake President] You fEll For iT aMusINg tHIs iS AmuSinG! [After his defeat, the fake president turns into Gerogero, a monster.]

Squall: What the?

[The battle with Gerogero proceeds.]

Squall: Did any of you know the Galbadians had something like that?

Rinoa: No. It must be something new.

Zone: [Coming in] Man, I can't believe the president was a fake!

Rinoa: We fell for it, all right.

Watts: [Running in] Sirs! The real President Deling is in Timber! This one must be a . . . [He stops and looks at the corpse] Um . . . I guess you figured it out already.

Squall: How do you know the real president is in Timber?

Watts: I used some probing equipment to hear the soldiers in the . . . uh . . . fake president's car. I just barely found that while listening to the recording!

Zone: So he's in Timber . . . we'll need to turn the train around.

Zell: And what? You people don't have plan, you're just reacting!

Squall: You're one to talk, Zell.

Selphie: Why would he be coming to Timber?

Squall: Radio transmissions.

Selphie: What?

Squall: The Galbadians were repairing the comm tower in Dollet. They're here to use Timber's old television broadcasting tower.

Watts: Nobody's been able to use radio signals for 17 years! Too much interference!

Squall: The Galbadians think they can.

Rinoa: I want to find out why.

Squall: That's the most intelligent thing I've heard today. But that isn't saying much.

Rinoa: [Turning around and giving Squall a full-armed slap.] You could be a little politer!

Squall: [Rubbing his jaw.] Being polite is what people do when they don't have the courage to face reality. The Galbadian Government just played you for suckers, and you don't try to figure out what you did wrong. You don't want to improve. You want to posture and pretend to be liberators. And go off on another mission that will end as badly as this one. You just said you wanted to understand your enemy. That's intelligent. When you learn to think like them, you won't be as easily gulled into their next trap.

Selphie: Squall, lighten up!

Squall: Make a choice. Be soldiers or go home. If you want to go around kidnapping and killing people, there's no middle ground.

Rinoa: And where does that leave you? Soldier, or going home?

Squall: I have no home.

Rinoa: No family?

Squall: I . . . [He turns away.]

Rinoa: [Putting a hand on his shoulder.] You fight, but you've got nothing to fight for. Help us. We've got something to fight for, but we don't know how.

Squall: [Brushing her hand away.] We're going to help you because the Headmaster ordered it. Nothing more.

Zell: [Under his breath to Selphie.] That's our leader, the marble slab.

Squall: Let's get the train moving back to Timber. This is recon only. We're not out to kill. We just want information. Are any of your people good at sneaking?

Rinoa: Um . . . just me. Watts is a tech engineer. He trips over his own two feet. And Zone – well, he's recently developed an ulcer problem for some reason.

Zone: Tell me about it. [When Rinoa turns away, he discreetly points at her.]

Squall: All right. Zone, you and your people are going to be in charge of our escape route. I want this train ready to leave at a moment's notice – and I want it inconspicuous. We don't want to wade through 8,000 Galbadian soldiers to get to it. Is there somewhere other than the station we can park this thing?

Zone: I can think of a spot, yeah.

Squall: Make sure to lose the President's Car. And Rinoa's coming with us – she knows Timber. She'll be able to think of alternate routes back to the train in case things go badly.

Zell: Awright, this is beginnin' to sound like a REAL mission!

[The train heads back to Timber. It pulls to a stop in a branching that ends suddenly in a run-down part of Timber.]

Zone: Kind of ironic. This portion of the rail project got interrupted when Galbadia invaded, and the city grew around it. You should be able to get to the broadcast station by way of the Timber Maniacs building.

Rinoa: I know my way around town, Zone.

Squall: Just be sure you're ready to go when we come. [Gesturing to the others.] Let's go and find out how they plan to broadcast.

[They head through Timber. Evidence of poverty and mistreatment by Galbadian Soldiers is everywhere. There are a few optional conversations along the way to the Broadcast Tower.]

Woman: [Noticing them glancing at a train set.] I think it's good. Quite some craftsmanship.

Squall: Well, it's better than Rinoa's.

Rinoa: That's mean! I worked hard on mine!

Squall: Are you saying this isn't better than yours?

Rinoa: [Clenching her fists.] That's beside the point!

Squall: Relax. I'm kidding. It's the least you deserve for taking my necklace.

Rinoa: You're . . . kidding?

Squall: Of course, when someone says they're kidding, it's usually half true . . . [Grabbing Rinoa's arm as she tries to slap him.] Don't hit me again. Let's get going.

[Inside the Timber Maniacs Office.]

Editor: Are you interested in the company? [If Squall says yes] Ok. Well as you know, the name of the company is Timber Maniacs. We are a publisher that was established 20 years ago. We used to publish a magazine called Tim Mani, short for Timber Maniacs. It was compilation of freelance writing: letters, reports, etc . . . The majority of the fans wanted to become journalists. I joined the company because I wanted to become an editor for Tim Mani. But times have changed. Now the only things that sell are books like the battle series. It's so sad. I've lost my will to work here.

Squall: [To himself] Laguna said he wanted to be a journalist . . . [To Editor] Is the name Laguna Loire familiar to you?

Editor: Nope. Why, should it be?

Squall: I guess not.

[They make their way near the broadcast tower. An old television screen flickers and comes to life, displaying nothing but distortion and emitting static noise.]

Zell: Whoa, an outdoor TV!

Selphie: Heeey, an outdoor TV!

Rinoa: This is creepy . . . What is it?

Squall: That distortion interferes with broadcasts over all frequencies. Nobody's ever been able to do anything about it since it started.

Zell: Seventeen years ago, right?

Selphie: Right.

[The screen flickers for a few seconds, and the broadcast begins.]

Announcer: T-Testing . . . 1 . . . 2 . . . Testing . . . Testing . . . P-People of the world! Can you see me!? Can you hear me!? Oh, this is incredible! Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a recording! This is an actual broadcast over the air! Yes, it's been 17 years since a live broadcast has been possible! Oh, please excuse me . . . I seem to have lost my composure. [Clearing his throat.] We would like to present to you today a message from the lifelong President of Galbadia, Vinzer Deling. Ladies and gentlemen, President Deling.

President Deling: [Walking up to the broadcast podium.] Greetings. I am Vinzer Deling, lifelong president of Galbadia. Today, I stand before you to make the following proposition. We, the people of the world have the power to end all wars.

Selphie: See, see! It's a peace proposal to the world. I knew it!

President Deling: Galbadia has been able to bring prosperity and progress to those nations joined under her banner. This broadcast, which has not been possible for 17 years, is proof enough of that. We would like to invite all nations to join in our peace. [Clearing his throat] Unfortunately, there are some trifling problems standing between Galbadia and other nations, and they must be resolved. [Several thumps and a muffled grunt are heard. President Deling pauses for a moment, then continues.] I plan to convene with other nations' leaders immediately to resolve these problems. I strongly encourage their participation in order to resolve these problems in a timely and peaceful manner. I would now like to present my ambassador for this conference–

Zell: Man! All this just to introduce an ambassador?

Squall: That's not what this is about.

President Deling: The ambassador for the nation of Galbadia, representing me to the other nations of the world, is the Sorceress– [Seifer runs in, followed by Fujin and Raijin. Seifer kills a Galbadian soldier.]

Selphie: Holy!

Zell: Seifer! What does he think he's doing?

[Seifer marches through several Galbadian soldiers, leaving them dead behind him. Running up to Deling. Seifer holds his gunblade to Deling's throat. Quistis then runs in.]

Selphie: I think he's attacking the Galbadian President – but that's just a guess.

Zell: [Staring at the screen, fists clenched.] Instructor Trepe!? What's she doin' with them?

Quistis: [To Galbadian soldiers.] Stay back! Your president's life is in danger! I don't know what he'll do!

Zell: Squall, what are we gonna do!?

Quistis: [Again to the soldiers.] For the last time, stay back! You're only going to provoke him.

Squall: Nothing. Our job is to assist the Owls. It's none of our business.

Rinoa: You've got to be kidding! These are people you – we – know!

Squall: I'm here to do my job. Nothing more.

Rinoa: [Stamping her foot.] Right, and your job is to obey me! I'm ORDERING you to go help Seifer!

Squall: Right. Let's get going. [He begins running for the broadcast tower entrance. After a moment's surprise, the other three follow him. Soon they arrive at the podium room.]

Quistis: [Surprised.] Squall! We need to restrain him!

Squall: What do you think you're doing . . . stranger?

Seifer: It's obvious, isn't it!?

Zell: Arrogant little Seifer, trying to . . .

Seifer: Shut your damn mouth, you retard!

Quistis: Shut up, Zell.


Squall: Zell. Shut up.

Zell: [Punching at the air.] Yeah, I can see it now. Mr. "Failed the Field Exam" thinks he can become SeeD by pulling–

Squall: Shut up! NO!

President Deling: I see . . . So you're ALL from Garden. Should anything happen to me, the entire Galbadian military will undoubtedly crush Garden. [To Seifer] You can let go of me now.

Seifer: Nice going, retard. [To President Deling] Actually, I don't think I'll be letting you go just yet. You and I both know that as soon as you're free, you're going to order a strike on the Gardens, anyway. I heard your broadcast. [To Quistis] Take care of this mess! And if you've got time, break Zell's kneecaps and leave him here! [Seifer leaves, dragging Deling with him. Fujin and Raijin follow.]

Fujin: [Turning to Zell.] STUPID!

Raijin: She's got a point, ya know? Even I knew not to mention who we were.

Quistis: Well, that's torn it. Zell, prove that your body functions better than your brain and help me take on these soldiers.

[Two separate battles with Galbadian Soldiers occur. One has Quistis and Zell fighting; the other has Squall, Selphie, and Rinoa. After the battle, they look at each other.]

Quistis: What will you do now, Squall?

Squall: It's up to Rinoa. The Headmaster put the three of us under her command.

Quistis: I . . . see.

Squall: You might want to stay with us. We've got an escape route.

Quistis: That's good planning. But what are we going to do?

Rinoa: We have to go after Seifer! I – I think he did this because of me!

[They run out of the room. The scene shifts to hallway, where Seifer, Fujin, and Raijin are escorting the Galbadian president. There is a shifting noise.]

Seifer: Watch yourselves.

Edea: [Her voice comes from all around.] Poor, poor boy . . . [Edea arrives through a wall.]

Seifer: Who are you? Are you here to save President Deling?

Edea: [Laughing.] Oh, Seifer, you know. You've always known. You've been waiting for this day all of your life.

Seifer: Stay back!

Edea: I don't need to, Seifer. You will come forward.

Seifer: Shut up!

Edea: Can't you feel it, Seifer? I am the Sorceress, the ambassador of President Deling . . . for the time being.

Seifer: The Sorceress? What do you want from me?

Edea: I want you to fulfil your dream. I want you to live what you have envisioned since childhood. I want to show you the way.

Seifer: You know nothing of my dreams or childhood, woman.

Edea: Indeed? Are you sure? Look at me. Look into my eyes. Look. Look. And know that I know more than you ever thought possible.

Seifer: You . . . [He lets go of the president, who immediately runs for a nearby door.] You . . . are . . . how . . . what is happening?

Edea: You know what you want. Take my hand, and take your destiny. [She holds out her hand. Seifer takes it.]

Seifer: Yes. You always knew . . .

[Squall, Quistis, Rinoa, Selphie, and Zell enter in time to see Edea and Seifer walking towards the wall.]

Rinoa: Seifer!

Seifer: Goodbye, Rinoa. I think, if you stay with Squall, we're certain to meet again.

Quistis: Seifer, what are you doing?

[Seifer salutes Quistis as he steps through the wall with Edea. Fujin and Raijin follow.]

Rinoa: Is he going to be all right?

Squall: We don't know.

Rinoa: Who was that he was with?

Squall: We don't have time to ask. The president's gone, and this place is already swarming with soldiers. We've got to get to our escape.

Rinoa: And who's this? [Pointing at Quistis.]

Quistis: Quistis. Trepe. And who are you?

Rinoa: Rinoa Heartilly.

Quistis: Charmed. [Turning to Squall.] Where are we escaping to?

Squall: Galbadia Garden. The Headmaster said he wanted me to stay on this continent. I'm beginning to think I know why.

[They flee the Broadcast Tower and battle their way to the Timber Owl train. The scene shifts to the inside of the train. As it begins to leave, Galbadian soldiers begin to fire at it. Quistis looks out, shrugs, and lobs two hand grenades, obliterating the soldiers as well as most of the nearby buildings. Afterwards, Quistis comes back and sits with the others, adjusting her outfit.]

Rinoa: What did you just do to those buildings?

Quistis: Collateral damage. From high explosives.

Rinoa: That was part of Timber!

Quistis: Given that Galbadian soldiers were trying to kill us, I'm failing to care.

Rinoa: [Stamping away.] You and Squall deserve each other.

Quistis: You think so, Squall?

Squall: [Shrugging] I think that the danger justified the use of the grenades.

Zone: So who's she?

Squall: She's Quistis Trepe, an Instructor at Balamb Garden.

Quistis: No, I'm not.

[Squall, Selphie, and Zell look at her in surprise.]

Zell: What do you mean, you're not?

Quistis: I've been demoted from being an instructor. [Looking at Zell.] And by the way, Zell, the next time you let your tongue fly off the handle, I'm going to remove it – with a pair of pliers.

Zell: What?

Quistis: Seifer had things set up so that any retribution would fall squarely on him and no one else. Until you opened your mouth and implicated every SeeD training center on the planet.

Squall: You were more interested in hating Seifer than understanding what he was doing, and your mistake could very well kill every SeeD student you've ever known. Quistis has every right to be upset.

Zell: Hey, how was I supposed to know–

Squall: You weren't. But you WERE supposed to listen to me as squad leader when I told you to shut up. As it is, I'm putting you on probation. You mess up one more time, and I'll make you wish Quistis had gotten to you with the pliers. [Zell turns away, folding his arms.]

Rinoa: [Coming back.] So Seifer was pretending to be just another resistance member?

Squall: That's the way I understood it.

Rinoa: Why?

Quistis: He became infuriated when he found out the Headmaster only sent three new SeeD members to help you. He broke out of Balamb Garden, killed three faculty members who tried to stop him, and came with Fujin and Raijin to help you.

Rinoa: And why did you come?

Quistis: I thought Seifer would need help. I also thought that he was partially right. Squall needs more help than just Zell and Selphie.

Rinoa: [To herself.] He held the Galbadian President hostage just for me?

Quistis: I have to admit, his actions had a great deal of style. I wouldn't mind seeing a guy go all out like that for me.

Squall: [Putting his hand to his chin.] I'm wondering why he left with that woman.

Selphie: I think she was the Sorceress the President was talking about.

Squall: Why do you think that?

Selphie: Because she looked creepy and gave me a weird feeling.

Quistis: I don't know about the looks, but Selphie's intuition might be worth considering. If it's pure magic, our feelings might be a good clue.

Squall: There was a strange feeling . . . but if that's true, why did he leave with the Sorceress?

Rinoa: And what will she do to him? Do you think he could be . . . dead?

Squall: That's a possibility. He threatened the Galbadian President.

Rinoa: I hope not.

Squall: Don't hope. As long as you don't get your hopes up, you can take anything. [He looks at the ground] You feel less pain.

Rinoa: [Softly] You're hurt. What happened to you?

Quistis: [Abruptly standing and addressing the whole group.] We should be able to contact Balamb Garden from Galbadia Garden. Headmaster Cid can give us further instructions, there. [She turns to Squall] Unless, as squad leader, you have a different course of action?

Squall: Rinoa's still in charge until the contract expires. But I would prefer to communicate with Headmaster Cid and warn him that Balamb Garden might be in danger.

Rinoa: I don't want your Garden to be destroyed because of this mission. Let's go to Galbadia Garden.

Squall: [Putting his hand to his head.] Can you feel it? [Zell and Selphie abruptly fall over.] It's not sleepiness.

Quistis: What's happening?

Rinoa: What do you mean, it's not sleepiness?

Squall: I've felt . . . it . . . before . . . [He slumps to the ground. The scene shifts to Laguna and Kiros, in a place with strange crystal formations.]

Ward: [Walking up beside them.] Kiros, you sure this is the place?

Kiros: Positive.

Ward: I don't wanna be patrolling the wrong place, like last time.

Laguna: Ahh, sorry . . . This ain't the place.

Kiros: This IS it. Let's go, commander.

Laguna: Huh? [Looks at something in his hands.] I brought the wrong map. Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this . . .

Kiros: A bad feeling?

Laguna: Seriously, a BAAAD feeling! There's somethin' fishy goin' on here! You know what the old folks say . . . The unfamiliar always happens . . .

Kiros: You mean . . . unexpected . . . right?

Ward: You only got the "un" part right.

Laguna: Aah, shut up! Stop your clamorin' and make sure all your gear's equipped. Now, let's move out! [They begin walking into the canyon.] But seriously . . . This place sure is strange . . . What the heck is this big pile of rocks? You think these are natural rocks used for carving tombstones?

Kiros: Who knows . . . or cares?

Ward: Speaking of strange . . . Why have you been running around so strange?

Laguna: Strange? What do you mean strange? I'm just bein' cautious. That's the basic rule of thu– [An Esthar soldier enters.] Looks like we've got company. Esthar soldiers. Still wearin' those flashy uniforms. [Another soldier enters from behind.]

Kiros: Oh, no.

Ward: Laguna . . .

Laguna: Don't be such a wimp! [He readies his gun and kills the two soldiers.]

Kiros: Wasn't our mission just to patrol?

Ward: Why does it have to turn out like this?

Laguna: Seriously! I wasn't expecting this at all! [Battle with another group of soldiers, who are also defeated.]

Ward: [Peering into the distance.] There's more coming!
Kiros: There's no end to this!

Laguna: Better make a run for it! [They run among the crystal formations, which grow larger and larger until they are running through caverns. The soldiers pursue them until they emerge near a cliffside.]

Laguna: Don't tell me . . .

Kiros: Of all the worst possible–

Ward: Predicaments?

Laguna: [Shouting as they begin to battle the oncoming soldiers, all the while retreating toward the cliff side.] Ahhhh! I have to go to the bathroooom! Arghhhh! I'm gettin' hungry! Darn it! I wanna scratch the bottom of my feeeet! Uhhhh! The tip o'my nose itchessss! [They finally reach the cliff. At this point, Laguna, Kiros, and Ward are all seriously injured.] Look, the ocean. We're saved! Lady Luck is on our side! We can escape to Galbadia!!!

Kiros: One would say we've been run down. At least, that's what they'd normally say.

Laguna: Don't say that. It might come true. Didn't your grandmother tell you that?

Kiros: If you say something bad, it will come true? Yeah, I think she did.

Ward: Ggghh . . . rrrhhh . . .

Laguna: What'd you say?

Kiros: I think his throat was injured. He lost his voice.

Ward: It wa fu you

Laguna: Say again?

Ward: It . . . was . . . fun . . . you . . . guys. La . . . guna . . . Ki . . . ros . . . it . . . was . . . fun . . .

Laguna: Ward, that's way uncool. It's not cool to say things like that. Just for that, you're getting' the Cuchi-Cuchi treatment! How's that, huh!? Want more!? Well!?

Ward: ......

Laguna: WHOA!!! [He points to the shore.] Check it out, a boat! We're getting' on!

Kiros: A . . . vessel . . . they'd normally . . . call . . . it . . .

Laguna: Boat, vessel, whatever. We're going back to Galbadia! [He helps Kiros up, then pushes him into the water, doing the same with Ward.] You guys sure have guts! You know how high this cliff is!? [He tries to climb down, but slips.] Oh . . . sh . . . No way . . .AHHHH!!!

[The screen fades out.]

Rinoa: I think he's waking up.

Quistis: So are the others

[The scene fades in to the Timber Owls' train base. Squall is sitting up slowly, Selphie is rubbing her eyes, and Zell is shaking his head.]

Zell: I can talk – that was weird, not bein' able to.

Quistis: What happened, Squall?

Squall: It's like a dream. Only we're sharing it. [He points to Selphie and Zell.] It happened on the way to Timber, too. I'm not sure what it is, but it feels . . .

Rinoa: What?

Squall: Familiar.

Quistis: What is the dream?

Selphie: Soldiers in the Galbadian army. First they were fighting Esthar. I was Kiros and my friends were Ward and Laguna, and–

Rinoa: Laguna?

Squall: Is the name familiar?

Rinoa: Uh . . . No. Not really. What's this Laguna like?

Squall: [Under his breath] My foot. [More loudly.] He talks too much.

Selphie: Oh, hush! He's this really cute soldier who wants to be a journalist and is in love with a piano player and he's just been attacked by Esthar Soldiers so he saved his friends by pushing them over a cliff and then he fell off himself. [They all stare at her without blinking for several seconds.] Well . . . there was water at the bottom of the cliff!

Squall: How long until we reach Galbadia Garden?

Zone: We can only let you off at the nearest station. There's no rail that goes by that place. We'll be there in a few hours.

[The train pulls to a stop at a desolate station. They exit and head for Galbadia Garden. As they enter, there is an FMV of Galbadia Garden cadets flying around the Garden in flying machines.]

Galbadian Student: Which academy are you from? You sure don't look like students from Galbadia Garden.

Selphie: Wow . . . Completely different . . .

Zell: Sure is quiet.

Squall: I like it. [Rinoa giggles. Squall turns and looks at her.]

Quistis: Could you leave this one up to me? I've been here several times, and I know the headmaster pretty well. I'll go and see about our situation. [Squall nods, and she enters.]

Selphie: It's totally different from Trabia or Balamb Garden.

Zell: Really? How?

Selphie: Well, Balamb Garden really emphasizes the use of Guardian– [A voice breaks in over an intercom]

Announcement: Attention, SeeD party from Balamb Garden. Please wait in the 2F Reception Room.

[They head to the Reception Room, passing various students along the way, including a group doing push-ups as punishment. Rinoa, Selphie, Zell and Squall enter and sit.]

Selphie: I wonder if they have a Garden Festival here, too?

Rinoa: So Quistis attended classes here?

Squall: No. But she has visited several times. She became SeeD at a rather young age.

Rinoa: So . . . she's pretty competent.

Squall: Quistis IS competence.

Rinoa: You must know her rather well.

Squall: [Shrugging] Seifer and I were both her students.

Rinoa: You . . . and Seifer?

Squall: Yes.

Rinoa: How did he take being a student?

Squall: Why ask me? I'm not him.

Rinoa: No, you're definitely not.

Zell: How long are they gonna make us wait?

Squall: Patience, Zell. Or else. [He puts his hand on his gunblade.]

Zell: [Sighing] Yeah, I guess you're right.

[Quistis enters. With her is Martine, the head of Galbadia Garden.]

Squall: How'd it go?

Quistis: They understood our situation.

Martine: And according to dispatches from Deling, the Gardens are safe. "The attack on the president in Timber was classified as an independent action. There will be an official notice from the Galbadian government saying that SeeD is not being held responsible."

Zell: So, Seifer's taking all the blame? Great!

Quistis: [Hanging her head.] The trial's over, and the sentence has been carried out.

Rinoa: He was executed? Of course he was. He attacked the president. He sacrificed himself for the Forest Owls.

Quistis: Don't kid yourself. It was for you. I don't think he gave a flying fig about the Forest Owls. It was you that got Seifer involved in all this.

Rinoa: But I didn't want him to–

Quistis: You're a resistance faction, right? You must have been prepared for the worst. [Folding her arms] I'm sure Seifer was prepared, too.

[Rinoa collapses on Squall and begins crying.]

Squall: [Unconsciously putting his arm around Rinoa.] Are you sure about that? Is there any other evidence besides the dispatches?

Martine: No. As a matter of fact, I don't even believe that SeeD is going to be spared. This is Vinzer Deling we're talking about. The man can't go for five minutes without some kind of public display of power. He won't tolerate the existence of SeeD much longer. Look at the wording this statement uses . . . [Martine activates a large display, and with the exception of Rinoa, they look.]

Selphie: [Under her breath while they watch the display.] You really hated Seifer, didn't you, Zell?

Zell: [Also under his breath.] Yep. Truth be told, I'm not sad to hear he's gone. But I won't start celebrating until I'm well out of anyone's earshot.

Selphie: That's horrible!

Zell: [Punching the air.] So was Seifer.

Martine: [Turning off the display.] There's exactly the same implied threat that was used in the President's introduction of his ambassador.

Quistis: Ah, the wonderfully short step from "making peace" to "pacifying."

Martine: So it would . . . [He cocks his head] I'm getting a rush communication back from Balamb Garden. Excuse me for a moment.

Rinoa: [Still holding on to Squall.] I . . . really liked him. He was always full of confidence, smart. Just by talking to him, I felt like I could take on the world.

Selphie: Your boyfriend?

Rinoa: Well, we dated for a while, but it kinda slowed down. Then he went to Balamb Garden.

Selphie: Do you still like him?

Rinoa: How can I? He's dead.

Squall: [To himself.] Seifer's become just a memory. Will they– Will they talk about me this way if I die, too? Squall was this and that. Using past tense, saying whatever they want? What's the difference between death and separation? I won't have it!!! [He abruptly thrusts Rinoa away.]

Quistis: What's wrong, Squall?

Squall: I won't have it!

Zell: What?

Selphie: I think our leader's flipped the big one.

Squall: I'm not having anyone talk about me in past tense! I– [He abruptly falls to his knees, putting his hands on his head. After a few moments, he looks around, still on his knees.] I'm sorry . . . I guess the news hit me harder than I thought.

Quistis: [Taking his hand and helping him up.] You're strong enough to handle it, or I've completely misjudged you.

Martine: [Poking his head outside his office.] Can you come in? I've reviewed the plan from Balamb Garden. It's going to be a joint effort. [They enter Martine's office.] Actually, we've been planning something like this for quite some time now. In order to stress the importance of this mission, I must first brief you on the current situation. [He turns and looks at them.] At ease. You all know about the Sorceress being appointed as the peace ambassador for the Galbadian government. However, this ambassador thing is just a cover up. There will be no peace talks, only threats. A Sorceress creates fear among people. Tales of the war with Esthar and Adel are still being told at least a generation later. The idea of peace talks is a lie. Galbadia is planning to use this fear to negotiate favorable conditions for itself. It is clear that Galbadia's ultimate goal is world domination. Garden is no exception, either. It is a fact that the Sorceress is planning to use this Garden as her base. We have very few options available to us. We've decided to act on one of those options. Here's the orders from Balamb Garden. [He tosses a packet to Squall.] You're still squad leader.

Squall: [Reading over the orders.] They say by means of a sniper. We have no one with that skill.

Martine: That's why Balamb and Galbadia Gardens are cooperating with each other. Come with me, and I'll introduce you to the elite sharpshooter of Galbadia Garden. [They head to the front gate, where an FMV shows Irvine coaxing a butterfly onto his finger.]

Martine: Kinneas, if you're ready, this is your group. Squall here is from Balamb Garden and squad leader; he'll be briefing you. Good luck. [Martine walks back to the Garden, and the group walks up to Irvine.]

Irvine: [Sweeping off his hat and bowing low.] Hello, one and all. I'm . . . [He looks up] . . . in love. [He stares at Selphie, Rinoa, and Quistis in turn.] Three times over. [He turns briefly to Squall] I'll be happy . . . [He looks back again at Selphie.] EXTREMELY happy to be a part of your squad.

Quistis: Oh, no . . .

Zell: [Putting his hand to his forehead.] You've gotta be kiddin' me.

Selphie: I think we could do with someone who's finally happy! Everybody here's either been sad or crabby the whole time I've known them!

Quistis: It's not that kind of happy, Selphie . . . oh, never mind. Let's just get down to the briefing.

Squall: Our next mission is no ordinary mission. It's a direct order from both Balamb and Galbadia Garden. We're to assassinate the Sorceress. Kinneas will be our sharpshooter. We're to support Kinneas to our fullest. Should he fail, we are to attack head on.

Irvine: Thanks for the support, but [he looks at Quistis] I never miss my target.

Quistis: Get real.

Squall: Eliminate the sorceress. That's our order. We're going to head to the capital of Galbadia, Deling City. There, we'll meet up with General Caraway to go over the details for the plan. The train lockdown has been rescinded, so we'll be able to use standard transport. Let's get going.

[They head to the train station. They board the train to Deling. The scene shifts to the empty boarding room. Selphie jumps up and down and immediately begins running through the hallway.]

Zell: How on earth can you get so excited about a train?

Irvine: Oh, I don't know. [Looking at Rinoa] I like a girl with enthusiasm.

Rinoa: [Walking over to him] Tell me something, Irvine Kinneas . . .

Irvine: Yes?

Rinoa: [Slapping him hard enough to knock him to the floor.] Is that enough enthusiasm for you? [Rinoa walks off down the hall.]

Irvine: Whoah. [Rubbing his jaw.] I'm not as familiar with that kind of enthusiasm.

Squall: You will be.

[Irvine stands up, staggering slightly as he heads down the hall.]

Quistis: What did you mean?

Squall: Never mind. Let's head to our car.

[Zell leaves down the hallway. Squall also starts to leave.]

Quistis: Squall . . .

Squall: [Without turning around] What?

Quistis: Never mind. [Looking away from him] Why do you have to be so impervious all the time?

Squall: [Now stopping and turning around] Basic SeeD rules, instructor. You can't get hurt if you don't leave yourself open.

[Squall walks through the hallway. Outside of the door to their car, Irvine and Selphie are talking.]

Irvine: That's a pretty song. Will you sing it again for me?

Selphie: Train, Train, Take Us Away.
         Take Us Away. Far Away
         To the Future. We Will Go.
         Where It Leads No One Knows.

[Squall enters the car. Zell and Rinoa are there. Zell is snoozing on a pull-down bunk.]

Squall: [Sitting down] You're not a member of SeeD, Rinoa. Are you sure you want to come with us?

Rinoa: Do you know General Caraway?

Squall: I'm not familiar with the name.

Rinoa: I've been in Deling before. You may need my help. And Timber isn't free yet.

Squall: The contract still binds us. You don't need to worry about that.

Rinoa: I know. You're like that. It doesn't matter what YOU want to do.

Squall: You're assuming I want anything.

Rinoa: Oh, you do. You want . . .

Squall: What do I want?

Rinoa: [Smiling] If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret, now, would it?

[Quistis enters and sits down very slowly.]

Rinoa: Are you all right?

Quistis: No. But I'll survive. Too many things are happening that I don't like.

Squall: Like what?

Quistis: [Looking at Rinoa and Squall] Have you ever known Headmaster Cid to order an assassination?

Rinoa: Um . . . I don't really know him.

Squall: It doesn't seem like him.

Quistis: That's something I don't like, and I can do something about it. When we're done with the mission, I want to go back to Balamb Garden.

Squall: Let's worry about "after the mission" after the mission.

Quistis: You have an objection?

Squall: We'll see – after the mission's done.

[Irvine and Selphie walk in.]

Irvine: . . . so, by that time, all I had was a rubber band, but– [He looks around the room.] Wow. Selphie wasn't kidding when she said you people were serious.

Selphie: Finish the story!

Irvine: [Putting a hand to his jaw.] I'm beginning to a learn that there's a time and a place for everything in this group. Don't worry, you can ask me about the rest later.

Selphie: But I want to hear the rest now!

Irvine: [Putting a finger to his lips and facing her] Shhhh! We don't want to wake up the sleeping tattoo boy.

Squall: Actually, Rinoa's the one who's irritable when she wakes up.

Quistis: Of late, I seem to be irritable . . . oh, all the time.

Irvine: I'll keep that in mind. I think I got the warning a little too late with Miss Heartilly. [He sweeps off his hat and bows fluidly.] My apologies. I assure you, it won't happen again.

[A while later, the train stops at Deling, and they exit.]

Squall: Anybody know the way?

Rinoa: Bus number 8.

Squall: Are you sure?

Rinoa: I've been here before. Believe me, bus number 8 will take you right up to the door.

[They arrive at the gate to Caraway's Mansion.]

Caraway's Guard: General Caraway's mansion is right through this gate, but I can't just let you walk in.

Squall: I believe he's been informed of our arrival.

Caraway's Guard: Yes indeed, but I was ordered not to let you through until your skills have been tested.

Zell: Tested?! What the hell's he talkin' about!?

Quistis: Zell, keep quiet.

Rinoa: [Standing in the back of the group] Typical.

Selphie: We're SeeDs, you know!

Irvine: Let's leave this up to the illustrious squad leader, okay?

Squall: Test our skills? What does he want us to do?

Caraway's Guard: The Tomb of the Unknown King to the northeast. All you have to do is go there and bring back proof. A code number.

Squall: A code number?

Zell: We came all the way out here for some stupid test of skills? Who does he think we are!?

Quistis: Zell, I may agree with you, but keep quiet.

Selphie: What a bummer.

Caraway's Guard: He's seen people fail before. You've got show some commitment before he'll trust you. I don't recommend going any further than you have to. You may never make it back alive.

Squall: Gee . . . ominous. [He turns away.] Tell Caraway we'll be back in plenty of time.

[They leave the city and head to a large tomb on the Peninsula.]

Rinoa: Odd . . .

Squall: What?

Rinoa: It feels solid. Like an anchor.

Zell: What are you talking about?

Rinoa: Just a feeling.

Squall: All right, people, we're going to be taking this seriously and doing it by the book. One team goes in, and one stays out as backup.

Irvine: Great! You, Zell, and Rinoa should have a good time in there. I'll be backup . . . with Selphie and Quistis.

[Squall has the option of forming the party at this point. Quistis will say something different depending on whether or not he puts her with him in the party.]

Quistis: [If chosen to be in the party with Squall.] Thanks, Squall. That makes me feel better.

Quistis: [If not chosen to be in the party with Squall.] That's great. Don't be too long, Squall.

[After this the conversation continues as normal.]

Squall: It's approaching night. We've got a little bit of time on this one; let's make sure we're rested.

[The scene fades to black.]

Quistis: [Whispering] Squall!

[The scene fades in to night around the Tomb of the Unknown King. The night is clear, but no moon is evident, merely stars.]

Quistis: Squall!

Squall: [Grabbing his gunblade] What is it?

Quistis: [Still whispering.] Not that. No danger. [She puts a hand on his arm.] You can put the gunblade down.

Squall: What is it, then?

[Quistis slides her hand up to Squall's cheek, then abruptly kisses him. Surprised, Squall grabs hold of her. Quistis then suddenly wrenches away.]

Quistis: No. Not like this. I . . . I can't.

Squall: Quistis . . . what?

Quistis: [Turning back to face him.] Squall, listen to me. Go back to sleep. I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be here. I'll live with the mistakes I've made. [She folds her arm and hangs her head.] When you wake up tomorrow, we're not going to talk about this. We're not going to discuss it. We're going to pretend it never happened. Okay? [She runs away.]

Squall: Why . . . [He stands up and hurries after her, but cannot find her. Returning to their camp, he discovers Quistis already asleep. He looks at her for a moment.] Instructor . . . I know. But I can't be what you want me to be. I can't. [He walks away from her and back to his own spot.]

[The scene once again fades to black, then shifts to a morning view.]

Zell: Up a bit late, aren't you?

Squall: It was a restless night. [To Quistis.] Did you sleep well?

Quistis: Yeah. Are we ready to go?

Squall: [To himself] I guess she wasn't kidding about pretending it never happened.

Irvine: Not quite. Rinoa's still asleep.

Selphie: Wake her up, fearless leader!

Squall: [Kneeling down beside Rinoa.] Rinoa.

Rinoa: . . .

Squall: [More loudly] Rinoa! [Rinoa rolls over and tries to slap him. Squall catches her wrist.] I've told you not to do that.

Rinoa: [Sitting up] Don't you people ever SLEEP?

Squall: Sometimes. [To himself] Sometimes not . . . [Addressing the group.] Let's do it and get back to Caraway.

[They enter the Tomb of the Forbidden King, fighting their way through it. Afterward, they return to Caraway's Mansion and are admitted to the entry.]

Squall: [To himself] Both Balamb and Galbadia Garden are joining forces with the general from the Galbadian Army. Why? [Shaking his head.] No point in me thinking about it. SeeDs aren't meant to question why.

Rinoa: Hey, uh, Squall? Is my contract . . . still in effect?

Squall: I told you it was. What is it?

Rinoa: Don't leave me in this house, ok?

Squall: If that's your order, I'll make sure of it.

Rinoa: Okay, then. Thanks.

[They head into the living room.]

Selphie: [After a while] What's taking so long!?

Quistis: He's making us wait quite a bit.

Zell: Erghh.

Rinoa: He always does this! Making people wait just so he can see how they react! I'm gonna go complain. Everyone just wait here. [She leaves, then re-enters.] Oh, by the way, this is my house, so don't worry. [She leaves again.]

Zell: HER house? What the hell's goin' on!?

[After a minute, General Caraway enters.]

Squall: Where's Rinoa?

General Caraway: She is in her room, where she belongs. Believe me, it's for the best that she stays out of this operation.

Selphie: So you're Rinoa's father?

General Caraway: I can't remember the last time she called me that.

Squall: [To himself] I can't imagine why.

Zell: So the father's a top military officer, and the daughter's a member of an anti-government faction!? That's bad . . . really BAD!

General Caraway: Yes, indeed. It's a serious problem. But it doesn't concern you. It's my problem.

Squall: Actually, I'm under contract to obey her. That also makes it my problem.

General Caraway: I don't like the look of you, boy.

Squall: The feeling is mutual, Major.

Caraway: I'm a General, not a Major, you obnoxious little–

Quistis: Can you two squabble over Rinoa property rights a little later? We have a mission to perform.

Caraway: Right. We have far more important things to worry about.

Squall: [To himself] Garden's directives and Rinoa's orders have the same value to me. [To Caraway] How are we to do this, then?

Caraway: Follow me. [He heads into another room.] I'm sure you know about the Galbadian government reaching an agreement with a Sorceress. There is going to be a ceremony tonight to commemorate the event. It'll be held at the Presidential Residence. During the ceremony, you will split into two teams and get in position. The Gateway Team will enter the gateway and stand by. The Sniper Team will be on watch at the front of the Presidential Residence until the ceremony is over. [He points at a map of the city on the table.] This is where the sniper team will wait.

Squall: What's the Gateway Team for?

Caraway: That's the Presidential Residence. Once the ceremony ends, a parade for the sorceress will begin. That's when the gate will open. Lay low until then. The parade may be cancelled if there is any commotion. We must avoid that at all costs. Once the gate opens, the Sniper Team will move into their real position. With the parade drawing the crowd and the guards' attention, it should be rather easy to move about. The Sniper Team will head for the roof of the residence. In the corridor by the Sorceress' room, there is a hatch that leads to the clock tower, which houses a carousel clock. You'll find a sniper rifle there. Stand by in the clock tower until exactly 20:00. [He looks around the room.] The parade will begin by the gate. The sorceress will be riding on the parade vehicle. After it leaves the gate, the vehicle will turn left. Like this. [He traces on the map.] This way. The parade will circle once around the city along the outer road and return to this space. It will return on this side. Then it will turn right and head this way. Here's where the Gateway Team comes into play. At exactly 20:00, the parade will pass under the gateway. The Gateway Team will operate the console to drop the gates. The Sorceress will be trapped inside the gateway. At the same time, the carousel clock will rise out of the roof, carrying the Sniper Team up as well. There will be no obstruction between the Sniper Team and the Sorceress. Take the open shot . . . and it's over.

Irvine: Are you sure you can't put in one or two obstructions? Just to make it a challenge?

Caraway: [Ignoring the question.] That is all. Now we separate. I can't be seen with you. You're free to go anywhere. Go check out the city if you wish. Just stay out of trouble.

Squall: We are SeeDs.

Caraway: Be at your stations when the parade begins. That is all. [He leaves.]

Squall: It's time to form the teams. Irvine and I will be the Sniper Team. I'll be in the best position to judge whether further intervention is required.

Selphie: So who's gonna be the leader for the Gateway Team?

[Zell excitedly begins throwing punches.]

Squall: [Shaking his head.] Instructor Trepe . . . Quistis . . . you're in charge.

Quistis: Me?

Squall: I trust you. [He and Irvine leave. The perspective is now Quistis's.]

Zell: We're on your team, Instructor. Let's kick some ass!

Selphie: Whoo-hoo!

Quistis: Keep it calm, Zell. And remember you can't do any vital damage in that area, anyway. [She starts to leave when Rinoa bursts in.]

Rinoa: Hi! I finally got out of there! He changed the lock. Did the man say anything?

Zell: No, not really.

Rinoa: Where's Squall?

Quistis: Sorry, Rinoa. We have to get going.

Rinoa: Hold on a sec. [Holding out a bangle] Take a look at this!!! This is called an Odine Bangle.

Zell: Odine!?

Selphie: Whatcha gonna do with it?

Rinoa: It's supposed to suppress a Sorceress' powers. But its effects haven't been tested. So I don't think they're going to use it for this mission.

Zell: If it's got Odine's name on it, it should be pretty effective. Barely anything other than paper research comes from him.

Rinoa: Right!

Quistis: So what exactly do you want to do with it!? Are you planning to have the sorceress put it on!? Who? When? How?

Rinoa: That's what we're going to discuss!

Quistis: We don't have time for this. Squall and Irvine are already standing by. We have an operation to carry out, too. [She leaves.]

Zell: Whoah. [Walking up to Rinoa.] Sorry. Quistis seems to be on one today. [He leaves.]

Selphie: Quistis was always hard as an instructor. She likes people to think things through before doing them. [She leaves.]

Rinoa: [Slumping to the ground.] I understand what's going on . . . it's not like I don't have a plan . . . [She shoves a book into the doorway.] Father will engage the automatic locks soon. At least he thinks . . . [She lowers her head into her arms and begins to cry.] I hate this place, Mother. I hate it . . . [The door swings shut, but catches on a book. Rinoa lifts her head.] Goodbye . . . Father. [She forces the door open, then lets it swing back shut on the book.]

[The scene now shifts to Squall and Irvine.]

Squall: I'll make the first charge when we make the full-on attack. I'll try to buy some time.

Irvine: That won't be necessary . . . I'll get the job done.

Squall: That's the first rule.

Irvine: Yeah, right with, "Don't question the mission." Don't you get tired of that?

Squall: There are times I'd like to know myself.

Irvine: So like . . . if you knew that your enemies were pure evil, you'd get more fired up to fight them, right?

Squall: Pure evil? Right and wrong are not what separate us and our enemies. It's our different standpoints, our perspectives that separate us. Both sides blame one another. In a fight, there's no good or bad side. Just two sides holding different views.

Irvine: So you don't think anybody's pure evil?

Squall: [Shrugging.] Show me someone who's pure good.

[The scene shifts to Quistis, Zell, and Selphie.]

Quistis: [Looking out over the assembled throng.] We'll stall the sorceress here. [Softly] Then it's up to you.

Selphie: There's really no need for the three of us on an easy mission like this.

Zell: 20:00 on the dot. Don't worry. [He looks around.] Why the big parade?

Quistis: She wants to impress the people.

Selphie: It's starting.

Zell: Instructor, what's up?

Quistis: I was too hard on her.

Zell: Too hard?

Quistis: I'm going to go apologize . . .

Zell: You mean . . . Rinoa?

Selphie: But . . . but . . . We can't just leave our post!

Quistis: We still have time until 20:00. You two wait here.

[Quistis leaves, and Selphie runs after her.]

Zell: For crying out loud, Instructor! Buy her candy and flowers AFTER the mission! [He runs after them. Eventually, they run into the room where they left Rinoa. The book gets kicked out of the way.]

Quistis: Rinoa, I'm sorry. I–

[The door closes and locks itself. The three start in alarm.]

Quistis: Did we just get . . . locked in?

Selphie: That Caraway guy!?

Zell: Well, Rinoa ain't here. I think SHE was supposed to be locked in. A really sweet guy raisin' her, it seems.

Quistis: This is bad. I'm worried about Rinoa, too.

Zell: What do you mean?

Quistis: Rinoa's probably on her way to see the sorceress as we speak. She wanted to help us . . . and I just made her feel like she has something to prove.

[The scene shifts to an alley behind the presidential palace. Homeless people are sleeping near some boxes. Rinoa begins to stack the boxes in order to climb them.]

Rinoa: So what if I'm not a SeeD? I can do this. This isn't some kind of game . . . [Rinoa makes her way over the back roof of the palace until finding a way inside. Holding the bangle, she begins sneaking up on Edea, who is sitting on a chair in the middle of a room that opens out onto a balcony.]

Edea: Speak.

Rinoa: [Stepping back in surprise.] Umm . . . Excuse me . . . I'm . . . the daughter of, um . . . Galbadian Army's, um . . . General Caraway. I . . . thought I'd come pay my respects, you know . . . 'cause of my father and all, so, I brought you a small gift. Please . . .

[Edea raises her hand without looking, and Rinoa is frozen in place, then suspended in midair.]

Rinoa: Ugh. [Edea tightens her fist, and Rinoa falls to the floor.]

[FMV. Edea stands and goes to the balcony where Vinzer Deling awaits. The scene then shifts to Squall and Irvine.]

Irvine: Here she comes.

[FMV. Edea approaches the podium. Rinoa slowly comes in behind her, seeming dazed. Edea looks down on the people. The scene returns to Irvine and Squall.]

Irvine: Hey! Rinoa!

Squall: Rinoa?

Edea: [Looking back at Rinoa, then at the crowd below] Lowlifes. Shameless, filthy wretches. How you celebrate my ascension with such joy. Hailing the very one whom you have condemned for generations. Have you no shame? What happened to the evil, ruthless sorceress from your fantasies? The cold-blooded tyrant that slaughtered countless men and destroyed many nations? Where is she now? She stands before your very eyes to become your new ruler. [Rinoa starts back in surprise.] A new era has just begun.

President Deling: E-Edea . . . Are you all right? Ede . . .!

[Edea raises her hand. Deling's body becomes limp and begins to burn with purple flame.]

Edea: [Smiling] I have tolerated you long enough. The time is over. This is reality. No one can help you. Sit back and enjoy the show.

[FMV of the citizens of Deling cheering. The scene shifts back to Edea, who throws the body of Vinzer Deling behind her.]

Edea: I have pretended to serve long enough. The time has come. Rest assured, you fools. Your time will come. This is only the beginning. Let us start a new reign of terror. I will let you live a fantasy beyond your imagination. [Edea leaves the podium. Rinoa follows her helplessly.] The time is now. Let us end this ceremony with a sacrifice. [She raises her hands. FMV of a pair of gargoyles coming to life and running through the streets towards the presidential building. They attack Rinoa.]

Irvine: Hey, hey, hey, she's in trouble big-time! We've gotta go help Rinoa.

Squall: What you've gotta do is stay here. You've got a mission to perform.

Irvine: You've gotta be kidding!

Squall: How were you planning to get up there? We've got to wait until we won't attract attention. Right after the parade starts.

[The scene shifts back to Caraway's Mansion.]

Quistis: No! It's starting! We need to get out of here!

Selphie: Maybe there's a key or something? Yeah. A key . . . That's my hunch.

Zell: Look at all these books! [He tries pulling one at random.]

Selphie: Let's just check everywhere. That's all we can really do.

Zell: A guy like Caraway – he's got to have a way past his own lockdown.

Selphie: There's something fishy about this painting. What's the name? Julia?!

Zell: Yo . . . this statue looks kinda suspicious. [Puzzle-solving game sequence. They open the passage.]

Zell: NO WAY!

Selphie: Pretty sneaky!

Quistis: Let's go.

Selphie: But we don't even know where it leads!

Zell: No use stayin' here! [They make their way through the sewers. They come up.] It's starting.

[FMV. Irvine and Squall are watching from the back of the crowd as Edea begins the parade. Dancers dance in front of the float as it heads into the streets to the awe of the cheering crowd.]

Irvine: Now's our chance. Come on! What are you waiting for!? Rinoa might die!

[FMV of fireworks as the float continues through town. Seifer is seen standing triumphantly on the float, grinning viciously. Squall and Irvine rush behind the moving float and into the gate of the Presidential Residence. They make their way upstairs. The two monsters are standing over Rinoa's still body.]

Squall: They didn't attack her . . . they were meant for something else . . . [The monsters attack. After the battle, Rinoa stirs and Squall rushes over.]

Rinoa: I was dying . . . [She sits up and embraces Squall.]

Squall: It's over now. Besides, you're used to battles, aren't you?

Rinoa: [Hanging her head.] There wasn't even a battle. She grabbed me with magic. I had to follow. I couldn't help myself. It was like my spirit was leaving me a piece at a time.

Squall: That's why a Sorceress terrifies people. Come on [He helps her stand. She doesn't let go of him.]

Rinoa: Help me.

Squall: I'm still under contract . . . Just stay close to me.

[They pick up the sniper rifle. Squall hands it to Irvine.]

Squall: It's in your hands now, Kinneas. [Irvine takes the rifle and immediately begins preparing his shot. His normally smiling face in very intent. Squall and Rinoa sit.]

Squall: Rinoa. Seifer's alive. He was in the parade with the sorceress.

Rinoa: He's alive? With the SORCERESS?

Squall: Yes.

Rinoa: What's he doing with HER?

Squall: I'll make a point of asking him if the opportunity arises.

Rinoa: If?

Squall: It's up to Kinneas. He'll be taking the shot.

[Irvine ignores them both, still intent on the rifle sight. The scene shifts to Quistis, Zell and Selphie, who make it out of the sewers and to the Gateway.]

Zell: Phew! We just made it.

[FMV. The clock strikes 20:00 and the carousel begins to rise. On the float, Edea smiles. The float passes under the gateway.]

Zell: Instructor, now! Hit the switch!

[Quistis flips the switch. FMV of the gates closing and Edea's anger. The scene shifts to Squall and Irvine. Irvine gasps and jumps back from the rifle.]

Squall: Don't tell me you're getting the jitters . . .

Irvine: I . . . I can't do it.

Squall: Irvine Kinneas!!!

Irvine: I . . . I can't . . . I'm sorry. I can't do it.

Squall: Why not?

Irvine: I . . . always freeze like this.

Squall: Forget it. Just shoot.

Irvine: My bullet . . . The Sorceress . . . Squall, I – I'd change the history of Galbadia . . . of the world!

Squall: Enough! Just shoot!

Irvine I can't, damn it!

Squall: Everyone's waiting on you. I don't care if you miss. Whatever happens, just leave the rest to us. Freeze afterward.

Irvine: I'm sure I will. [He slumps and goes back to the rifle.]

Squall: Please.

Irvine: [Whispering.] Forgive me. [He hesitates for a moment, then fires.]

[FMV. The bullet heads straight for Edea's head. She halts it with an upraised hand.]

Irvine: Oh, no.

Squall: It's ok. Your aim was perfect. Just leave the rest up to me. I'm going for her myself. Irvine, Rinoa, just be ready to back me up.

Squall: [To Irvine] Take care of Rinoa. [He runs to the balcony.]

Rinoa: "Take care of Rinoa . . ." [She rushes after him] Don't! You think you're going to die!

[FMV. Squall jumps from the carousel clock drawing his gunblade. He then leaps into a convertible car and drives through the crowd, crashing into the gate. Squall jumps through the gate and climbs atop the float. Seifer is waiting for him.]

Seifer: Squall. [He checks his watch.] Right on time.

Squall: Seifer. For a dead man, you look remarkably alive.

Seifer: Oh, Deling wanted my blood. [He gestures to Edea.] The execution was rather impressive. She let me watch.

Squall: I'm not here for you, Seifer. I'm here for the Sorceress.

Seifer: Funny. She's why I'm here, too. But I'm PROTECTING her from assassins.

Squall: How could you betray SeeD?

Seifer: Come on, Squall. I CAN'T have betrayed SeeD . . . I was never a member.

Squall: [Shrugging.] I guess you're right. [He jumps forward and attacks Seifer. The two of them fight until Squall knocks Seifer's gunblade away. Seifer counters with a kick that knocks Squall's own blade out of his hands.]

Seifer: Imagine that. A draw. [Quistis, Zell, and Selphie enter the scene.]

Quistis: Seifer, what are you doing?

Seifer: I've found alternate employment, dear instructor.

Zell: Should've stayed dead, jerk. [He punches the air.]

[Squall dives for his gunblade. Seifer recovers his. Fujin and Raijin run in and take positions behind Seifer.]

Edea: Enough. They are gathered. Planted in a withered and barren garden. [She raises her hand, and ice begins to gather into a long spear.] The end . . . and the beginning. [FMV. She hurls her spear, stabbing Squall through the chest. His perspective blurs, then fades completely to black.]

[The scene is a simple country village named Winhill. A little girl, Ellone, rushes into a building. Inside, Laguna is lying in bed.]

Ellone: Uncle Laguna! There's someone here to see you.

Laguna: [Waking up] Huh? Me? What's this person look like?

Ellone: He was wearin' funny clothes. He's talking to Raine right now.

Laguna: Hmm? Is he at the pub?

Ellone: Yup. That's why I came over to get you, Uncle Laguna! [She holds her hands behind her back.] Am I a good girl?

Laguna: No, you're not! It's dangerous to be out there by yourself. Monsters come by all the time.

Ellone: It's only next door. It's ok.

Laguna: No, it's not; it's still dangerous! [He stands up.] And since you're such a cute little girl, the monsters will especially be after you! Listen. If anything like that should happen, Uncle Laguna's gonna cry . . .

Ellone: I'll be ok. I'll just call you, Uncle Laguna! You'll come rescue me, right!? [She runs out of the room.]

Laguna: Ellone! Wait! [He quickly follows her downstairs.]

Ellone: I waited! Am I a good girl?

Laguna: Yup. Let's go. [They leave the house. There are soldiers stationed around the village.]

Soldier: You think the Esthar soldiers are really comin'?

Laguna: That was two years ago. They would've been here by now.

Soldier: But . . . You never know what a country ruled by a sorceress could be up to . . .

Laguna: They kidnap little girls. I think they're lookin' for a successor to Adel.

Soldier: Shhhh! Don't say her name!

Laguna: Right. Sorry. [He and Ellone enter the pub.]

Raine: Ellone? How did you get outside?

Ellone: Magic.

Raine: I've had just about enough out of you, young lady. Now go to your room and play.

Ellone: [To Laguna] I got in twouble.

Laguna: That's 'cause you bwoke youw pwomise. Too baaaad . . .

Raine: Laguna! Use proper English when speaking to Ellone!

Laguna: I got in twouble.

Ellone: Toooo baaaddd! [They both giggle. Kiros, who has been sitting against the wall, steps forward. Ellone runs upstairs.]

Kiros: It's been a while, Laguna.

Laguna: Kiros!!!

Raine: So you do know him?

Laguna: Yeah. He was with me right before I came here to recover.

Kiros: You seem well.

Laguna: Yeah . . . You, too. Hey, how long has it been? You know, our grand escape from Centra?

Kiros: Yeah, escape right into a hospital. They let you out early, but you could barely walk . . .

Raine: I thought so . . .

Kiros: Well, I would say about a year or so.

Laguna: I was bed-ridden for over 6 months. It seemed like every bone in my body was in pieces.

Raine: I nursed him back to health.

Kiros: Thank you for taking care of him. I was able to recover a month or two after you left. Ever since then . . . I've been searching for you.

Laguna: Why?

Kiros: Life's pretty boring without you as entertainment, my man.

Laguna: That's a harsh thing to say. I've been living a productive life here.

Raine: I think I understand what you mean, though.

Laguna: How's Ward doing?

Kiros: Ward quit the army, too. Luckily, he found a job, and he's working pretty hard.

Laguna: What's he doing?

Kiros: He's a janitor down at the D-District Prison.

Laguna: Wow, can't picture him moppin' floors, but . . . I'm glad he's doing well.

Kiros: Oh, and he never got his voice back. You can tell what he wants from his facial expressions.

Laguna: Did you see . . . Julia?

Raine: You mean Julia, the singer?

Kiros: That's right. Laguna really admired her and always frequented the night club.

Laguna: Shut up! So what if I did!

Raine: Julia used to sing at a night club?

Kiros: No, she didn't sing. She just played the piano.

Raine: Then the first song she released was "Eyes on Me," the one they play all the time on the radio?

Laguna: H-How does the song go?

Raine: You don't know?

Laguna: Well, you never let me hear it!

Raine: I didn't think you listened to music. The song's about being in love . . . I really like it.

Kiros: Heard she recently got married.

Raine: Oh yeah! To some army general, right? General Caraway or something?

Kiros: I'm not too sure.

Raine: I read in a magazine that her true love went off to war and never came back. Caraway was assigned to Timber at the time. That's how they got to know each other.

Kiros: She didn't wait for the soldier to come back.

Laguna: So what! Who cares!? As long as she's happy, right? That's all that matters! Enough talk about this!

Raine: You're sounding a little worked up, Laguna.

Laguna: Who, me? Nah . . . [Turning to Kiros] So, what's your plan? You're gonna stick around here for a bit, right?

Kiros: Would that be ok?

Raine: You work for what you eat. If that's fine with you, you're more than welcome.

Kiros: Laguna . . . I have a simple question. What exactly do you DO here?

Laguna: It's like this. All the working men in this town were sent off to war. The only ones still left in town are old people, children, chocobos, dogs, and cats. And I'm sure you've noticed, but monsters have made their way into town. This here town took real good care of me. So basically, I want to return the kindness. You're lookin' at the Monster Hunter of Winhill! So as of today, you'll be my assistant. We're to patrol the town up to the town entrance! If we see anyone in need along the way, we help them. That's our basic duty! [He leaves. Kiros looks at him for a moment, shrugs, and follows. They patrol the village, fighting various monsters.]

Laguna: All right! Our first patrol, complete! We're to report to the commander and assistant commander.

Kiros: Commander . . . You mean that woman at the pub?

Laguna: Her name's Raine. Raine, OK!? She saved my life. And the assistant commander is Ellone.

Kiros: She seems like a really nice person. But easily taken in by a hotshot.

Laguna: What do you mean by that?

Kiros: Not much. Are you doing this patrol thing everyday?

Laguna: Thing!? What're you callin' THING!?

Kiros: Weren't you aiming to become a world-travelling journalist? You've heard of Timber Maniacs, right? I had a talk with the chief editor. He said he's interested in any article related to world travel.

Laguna: That's great!

Kiros: We should go talk to him sometime.

Laguna: Y-Yeah . . . I guess so.

[They begin walking back to Winhill.]

Laguna: Um, it'd be ok if we stayed here a bit longer, right?

Kiros: You need time to gather more material? This seems like a really nice town. You're gonna write about this place first, aren't you?

Laguna: No way. Can't make this place famous. Too much publicity and you get all those tourists and stuff.

Kiros: You're afraid someone might come and take Raine away? Laguna, you've changed, man.

Laguna: Uh . . . Hey! I see a monster!!! [He runs further down the road. Kiros shakes his head again and follows. They make their way back to the pub, but before entering, they hear voices.]

Ellone: Raine . . . aren't you gonna marry Uncle Laguna?

Raine: A guy like that? He was carried in here crying like a baby, and I was the one who had to take care of him. His crude way of speaking, his half-formed aspirations as a journalist – every time I try to have a serious conversation, he avoids it! Besides, I can't stand his snoring and he talks in his sleep.

Ellone: But he's really nice! I really, really like him! Raine, Uncle Laguna and Ellone should all be together!

Raine: I think what he really wants to do is travel all over the world. I don't think he has it in him to live in a quiet country town like this one. Some people are like that. It makes me mad.

Ellone: You don't like him?

Raine: I never said that–

[Laguna enters.]

Ellone: Yeah! You're back!

Laguna: [Breathing heavily as if he had just run in.] I came back in a hurry!

Ellone: Report to the commander!

Laguna: Here's my report on today's patrol and monster extermination! Including Buchubuchus and Bunbuns that Assistant Commander Ellone oh-so-hates . . . I've swept the area clear for the morning.

Raine: All right! Thank you. Shall we eat before you get started with the next patrol? I'll call you when it's ready, so just wait in your room. You seem pretty tired. You should take a quick nap.

Laguna: Well now, shall we rest up a bit?

Kiros: Sure. [They return to the house. There is an extra bed for Kiros. Laguna motions Kiros over, sits on his own bed, and sighs. Kiros looks at him.] What's the matter?

Laguna: I get scared sometimes. Scared of waking up somewhere else. Scared of not seeing Ellone.

Kiros: Scared of not seeing Raine?

Laguna: What's happened to me? I feel . . . What is this I'm feeling? Please let me be in this room when I wake up! Please let me be in this puny bed when I wake up!

[The screen fades to black.]

Kiros: Laguna, you've changed.

[The screen fades back in. Quistis, Selphie, and Zell are in a cell. Quistis is sitting, the other two are lying down.]

Selphie: [Sitting up] Laguna! He's changed!

Quistis: What?

Selphie: Well, after he fell of the cliff they rushed him and his friends to an emergency medical hospital and they saved his life but there were too many wounded soldiers so they let him go and he tried to travel and collapsed and they brought him to Winhill and Raine helped him and I think they might possibly get married and it's sad because of what happened to Julia.

Quistis: I'm going to pretend that made sense. How is Zell?

Zell: [Sitting up, rubbing his head] What the . . . [He looks down at himself.] Too weird. Same place, different body.

Quistis: What do you mean?

Zell: I dreamt I was Laguna's friend, Ward. He got a job as a custodian here.

Quistis: Where IS here?

Zell: D District Prison. This is where Galbadia sticks people they haven't figured out how they want to kill yet.

Quistis: Is there any way out?

Zell: Oh, probably, but then you have to survive a baked desert for miles in every direction. [He looks around.] Where's Squall? And Rinoa? And Irvine?

Quistis: I don't know.

Selphie: I hope they're all right.

[The scene shifts to a solitary cell. Squall is lying on a surgeon's table. He opens his eyes and sits up. Seifer is seated in a chair, watching him. Squall feels his torso where the wound should be.]

Seifer: Don't worry. You're healed.

Squall: Why? Doesn't she want me dead?

Seifer: Not yet. There's something she wants to figure out, first.

Squall: And what's that?

Seifer: Who ordered you to attack her?

Squall: SeeD.

Seifer: Don't lie to me, Squall. You know Cid doesn't do assassinations. She and I both know that he wouldn't have done this one. Where did your orders come from?

Squall: Why are you bothering asking me questions if you're not going to believe me when I answer them?

Seifer: Fine. [He gestures, and automated restraints surround Squall.] We're going to have to do this the hard way. Your choice. [He gets up to leave.] Kind of strange – I end up a Lady's Champion; a Sorceress's Champion, no less; and you're the cold mercenary. I've achieved my dream, Squall. Is this how you envisioned yourself?

[The scene shifts back to the cell with Quistis, Selphie, and Zell. The door opens, and a Moomba comes in with a tray of food. Selphie jumps for the doorway and is thrown back.]

Zell: No good. They use Moombas as servants because they can walk through the force fields. Something to do with their biochemisty.

Selphie: So why don't we skin one and use it as a disguise?

[The Moomba jumps and runs away.]

Zell: They can understand you, by the way. Great prison guards. Walk through force fields, identify people by their blood . . . Ward kept one as a pet.

Quistis: So how do the humans get through?

Zell: ID Tag. Serves as a portable jammer. Of course, people are put here to be forgotten about, so you can guess how often you get visitors.

Selphie: There's gotta be some way to get out.

Zell: Oh, sure. Trick a guard into coming in here, make a mad dash for the armory where they store confiscated gear, then fight your way through each level. It's a breeze.

Quistis: It might be. At least, for you. You don't use weapons. They won't be expecting an attack. If your dream of Ward is accurate, you'll know your way around. Of all of us, Zell, you're the best at killing with your bare hands.

Zell: We still need to trick a guard into coming in.

Selphie: Oh, that's easy. [Abruptly, the starts screaming at the top of her lungs.] HELP! HELP!!! HE'S TORN OFF MY DRESS! THE WHOLE THING'S GONE! WHAT'S HE DOING? NOOOOO!!!

[The prison door abruptly flies open, and a guard enters, looking around.]

Guard: What the . . . [Staring at Selphie.] You've still got your dress!

Zell: Damn straight. [He breaks the guard's neck and seizes the ID Tag.] Stay here. If this doesn't work, blame it all on me. [He heads out into the hallway. The screen fades to black.]

Irvine: Rinoa.

[The screen fades in to a small room. Irvine is kneeling by Rinoa, who is comatose.]

Irvine: Rinoa, wake up.

Rinoa: [Sitting up] I feel awful.

Irvine: I'll say. You didn't even attack me for waking you up.

Rinoa: What happened?

Irvine: You fainted after Squall got stabbed.

Rinoa: What? I don't faint.

Irvine: Then it was probably an aftereffect of Edea's magic.

Rinoa: Where are we?

Irvine: Hiding out. I was able to drag you away from the soldiers searching the palace, and found us this place to hole up in.

Rinoa: Where are the rest?

Irvine: Edea took them.

Rinoa: Where?

Irvine: Beats me.

Rinoa: [Standing up and putting her hands on her hips] You mean you haven't found out?

Irvine: I was busy saving your life.

Rinoa: I guess so . . . I'm just worried.

Irvine: I don't think they're dead.

Rinoa: Why not?

Irvine: She didn't kill Seifer. I don't think she'll kill them.

Rinoa: I'm going to find out what happened to them. [She turns to leave.]

Irvine: Whoah, hold on! Caraway's in charge of the military, and there're soldiers at every corner! They'll be looking for you!

Rinoa: Irvine, I've been dancing circles around General Caraway ever since I was fourteen. Trust me. And stay here, you're too noticeable.

Irvine: I'M too noticeable? You're the most drop-dead gorgeous woman I've ever seen, and you say ME?

Rinoa: What about Selphie?

Irvine: Oh, Selphie's intensely beautiful. You're drop-dead gorgeous.

Rinoa: Wait a minute . . . what about Quistis?

Irvine: Quistis is a babe. Anyway, haven't we gone off the subject? How come I'm the one who's too noticeable?

Rinoa: [Smiling] You've never been in a Galbadian government building, except to kill people. I know how to act. [She waves at him and leaves.]

Irvine: Wow, what a woman.

[The scene shifts to the prison interior. Zell is moving as cautiously as possible down the hallway to a set of stairs.]

Zell: [To himself] I sure hope they haven't changed the layout in the past few decades. How old is Ward, anyway? And how did I ever get myself into this mess? Mom always told me to calm down and captain a fishing boat. But no, I had to go and– [A voice interrupts him, coming from upstairs.]

First Guard: So that's a gunblade? Looks nasty.

Second Guard: Says you. Take a look at this. You want that layin' into your skin?

Zell: [To himself] Bingo. [He charges up the stairs. The scene does not shift, but noises are heard from above.]

First Guard: What the–

Second Guard: Who the [there is a thumping noise, then a crack. Two guard's bodies fall down the stairs. Zell then descends, carrying a gunblade, a whip, and nunchaku.]

Zell: Oh, yeah. [He reaches to each of the guards' necks.] And a couple of ID tags for Quistis and Selphie.

[The scene shifts to an upper level, where Seifer is watching.]

Seifer: Astonishing, Zell. Live long enough, and you may even present a challenge. [He turns to a nearby guard.] It appears that some prisoners are escaping on the lower level. Do something about it if you want to, but first – is the chamber ready?

Guard: Yes, sir.

Seifer: All right. Time to get this over with. [He starts to walk away, then turns back.] Oh, and captain?

Guard: Yes, sir?

Seifer: If you do decide to try and stop them . . . I'll make sure to put flowers on your grave every month. Quistis Trepe is down there, and she's more deadly than I am.

Guard: [Gulping nervously] Yes, sir.

[Seifer enters an interrogation chamber. Squall has been imprisoned in a mechanical device.]

Seifer: Now, then, where were we? Ah, yes. [Facing Squall] Who gave you the assassination order?

Squall: Seifer. I think you forgot to floss this morning.

Seifer: This isn't a joke, Squall! [He points at a nearby tech, who pushes a button, causing electricity to course through Squall's body.] Just tell me what we need to know!

Squall: The orders came from Balamb Garden. Who else would I take orders from?

[Seifer points at the tech, who once again pushes the button.]

Squall: [Breathing heavily] Let . . . me . . . go . . . Seifer.

Seifer: Last chance, Squall. I'm on a time limit, here.

Squall: How . . . could you . . . have fallen . . .

Seifer: How could YOU? Cid has NEVER ordered an assassination. And that means you're following somebody else's orders. If you say they come from Balamb Garden, then Cid is no longer in charge. [He begins to walk out of the room.] Which means there's no reason not to launch the missiles. Excuse me. I have to go get ready for the assault on Galbadia Garden. You've just kissed your former school – and Trabia Garden – goodbye. [He halts at the door, then turns to the tech.] Full power. [He leaves.]

Squall: There . . . isn't enough . . . in this machine . . . to stop me.

Tech: It isn't meant to stop. [He turns a dial.] Just to hurt. [He gets ready to push a button, when suddenly a Moomba jumps from behind a cabinet, knocking the tech unconscious.]

Moomba: [Turning to Squall] Laguna?

Squall: Laguna? What . . . are you . . . saying?

Moomba: Laguna? Laguna. Laguna! Laguna! Laguna! [More Moombas crowd around, and they all begin to chant.] Laguna! Laguna! Laguna!

[The scene shifts to Quistis and Selphie, sitting in their cell. A Moomba enters with another tray of food. The Moomba sets it down, then suddenly raises his head.]

Moomba: Laguna! [The Moomba runs out the door.]

Quistis: Laguna? What is it talking about?

Selphie: Oh my gosh! Do you suppose Laguna's HERE in this prison? That would be SO exciting! Well, unless he was a prisoner too, because that would just be a drag, but he's really kinda cute and he's had so many adventures and wouldn't it be great to meet him?

Quistis: Selphie, if I understand this right, he fought in the Esthar-Galbadia war.

Selphie: So?

Quistis: So, that was a generation ago. He's a middle-aged man by now.

Selphie: So he won't be cute; he'll be handsome. I'd still like to meet him!

Zell: [Opening the door an walking in] Well, I'm not Laguna, but maybe you're happy to see me, anyway. [He tosses them their weapons and a stolen ID tag for each of them.] In other good news, Squall is somewhere in here. [He holds up Squall's gunblade.] We've just got to find him.

Quistis: Great. Let's go. [They walk out to see ten armed guards pointing guns at them.]

Guard: Which one do you suppose is . . . Quistis?

Zell: They KNOW you here?

Quistis: A girl gets herself a reputation. [To the guards] Any of you who want to live should probably start running in the next . . . oh, three seconds. Two. One. [Most of the guards run.]

First Leftover Guard: Hey, that's the guy with the tattoos.

Second Leftover Guard: Isn't he the one Seifer says is a retard?

Zell: That's it! [He jumps at them] You're dead! [Quistis, Zell, and Selphie begin battling their way through the prison. The scene shifts back to the room in Deling, where Irvine is sitting. The door opens, and Rinoa enters.]

Irvine: That was quick.

Rinoa: I told you I know my way around. Let's go.

Irvine: Wait a minute. Go where?

Rinoa: The D District Prison. That's where they were sent.

Irvine: The D District Prison? Are you crazy? That's out in the middle of nowhere! We'll get nailed before we make it to the third floor!

Rinoa: But we've got to save Squall!

Irvine: Nothing doing. I'm heading back to Galbadia Garden. I've done my job. They can rot.

Rinoa: Come on!

Irvine: No way, I'm not signing on for a death trip.

Rinoa: You have to!

Irvine: Give me one good reason why. And slapping doesn't count.

Rinoa: I'll give you two. First, you've got a chance with Selphie, and she's locked somewhere in there.

Irvine: [Raising his hand, then stopping and letting it fall.] Hmmm . . . what's the other reason?

Rinoa: If you DON'T do it, I GUARANTEE you'll never have a chance with me.

Irvine: Okay, NOW you're making a compelling case for raiding the prison. Where do we find an off-road car?

Rinoa: I think– [She cuts off as the door opens, and Fujin and Raijin walk in.]

Fujin: HAPPY.

Raijin: Yeah, looking for them's kind of been tiring, ya know?

Fujin: COME.

Raijin: You heard the lady.

Irvine: Yeah, I heard, but I didn't understand.

Raijin: It's Seifer, ya know? He sent us to look for Rinoa.

Fujin: HIDDEN.

Raijin: Like I said, we're tired. We're supposed to take you to him.

Rinoa: That's really nice of him, but I can't.

Fujin: MUST.

Raijin: Yeah, it's really not a request, ya know?

Irvine: The lady said she can't. Why don't you two turn around and leave before things get ugly? [He looks at Raijin briefly.] Well, ugliER. [Turning to Fujin.] How did you ever end up working with a guy like this? You're prettier than that.

Fujin: FLIRT.

Raijin: [Staring at Fujin in surprise.] Hey, remember, we've got our orders, ya know?

Fujin: [Hanging her head.] DUTY.

[Combat occurs. After Fujin and Raijin are defeated, Rinoa and Irvine steal an off-road car and head out of Deling City.]

Irvine: Hey! Watch the speed limit! I like to have all four wheels on the ground!

Rinoa: No time! Hang on!

[The scene returns to the prison interior. Bodies of soldiers are piled around Zell, Quistis, and Selphie.]

Selphie: Quistis, I'm running out of room!

Quistis: Don't worry, this wave's thinning out. I think we'll be able to make it up the stairs, soon.

Zell: [Holding a guard in a headlock and punching him in the face] CALL ME A RETARD, WILL YOU?!!!

Selphie: Uh, Zell? I think that one's already dead.

Zell: Oh, yeah. [He drops the body.] I really am trying to control my temper, but Seifer . . .

Quistis: Here comes the next batch . . . if we hit the center first, we should be able to make it up the stairs. They look like they're winded from running.

Zell: Right. Who leads?

Quists: You take point. I'll hold them back while you two get up the stairs. [They charge. The scene shifts to a desert where three metallic lumps shine under the sun in the distance. An off-road vehicle carrying Rinoa and Irvine lands abruptly.]

Irvine: For crying out loud, couldn't you have gone around the hill?

Rinoa: [Laughing] Come on, Irvine, where's you're sense of adventure?

Irvine: It only goes 100 miles an hour. Tops.

Rinoa: [Slamming on the brakes] Here we are. Looks like a couple of guards.

Irvine: Is that all? [He raises his rifle, aims, and fires twice.] Now there aren't a couple of guards.

Rinoa: I thought you always froze when taking a shot. You said, in the tower–

Irvine: I lied. I do that from time to time.

Rinoa: Then why . . .

Irvine: Squall wouldn't have liked the real reason, and there wasn't time to explain.

Rinoa: Then why . . .

Irvine: I realized it made no difference. She can restore radio waves; she can stop a bullet. I still didn't like doing it. Too much of a gamble. Let's go. [They beginning driving toward the metallic lumps. They stop, and Rinoa looks around. Irvine begins searching the dead guards' bodies.] Looks like ID tag entry. Found a door?

Rinoa: [Pushing various buttons on a computer desk.] One of these has to work! [She slams both fists into the desk in frustration, and a door opens in one of the metallic lumps.] Oh. There it is.

Irvine: [Sweeping off his hat and bowing] Would now be a good time to be a gentleman and let the lady go first?

Rinoa: Get going before I slap you. [She turns and runs for the opening.]

Irvine: Lots of enthusiasm . . .

[The scene shifts to Quistis, Zell, and Selphie, battling at the base of another staircase.]

Zell: I have to admit, I'm starting to get a little tired.

Quistis: How many floors is this?

Zell: Don't know. It's not the battles, it's the stairs that are killing me.

[They fight their way up the stairs. The scene remains unchanged, but Selphie's voice can be heard.]

Selphie: Uh-oh . . .

[The scene changes to Quistis, Zell, and Selphie facing fifty guards armed with machine guns. The camera then zooms past them to where Rinoa and Irvine stand looking at the massed guards, who have not yet noticed them.]

Irvine: Something tells me this isn't the time for sniping. [He leaps forward, grabs machine guns from two guards, then proceeds to mow down the entire contingent with a machine gun in each hand, screaming at the top of his lungs. Quistis, Zell, and Selphie flatten themselves against the floor.]

Rinoa: You can stop! The guards are dead.

Irvine: [Tossing the machine guns away, then looking down and patting himself.] None of them shot me . . . ? Whoah.

[Rinoa hugs him. Selphie runs up, hugs, and kisses him.]

Irvine: Ladies, ladies, one at a time . . . [He looks over at Quistis.] No kiss from you?

Quistis: No kiss. But . . . thanks for the rescue.

Rinoa: [Letting go of Irvine.] Where's Squall?

Quistis: That's what we're trying to find out.

[The five begin picking their way through the prison.]

Rinoa: [Stopping suddenly and cocking her head] What's that noise? [She runs up a flight of stairs. She opens a door, then backs out, falling on the floor and laughing. The scene shifts to show Squall, still locked in the machine, surrounded by Moombas on all sides.]

Squall: [Turning and looking at Rinoa.] Come on, this isn't funny!

Moombas: Laguna!

Squall: Get me out of this thing!

Moombas: Laguna!

Quistis: [Walking in] Go easy on them, Squall. I don't think they're trained with torture devices.       [She presses a few buttons on the control panel, and Squall is released.]

Squall: Thanks. [He turns and walks over to Rinoa.] Are you done laughing? We need to go.

Rinoa: [Still rolling on the floor] Give . . . me . . . a . . . minute . . .

Squall: We haven't got a minute. [He hauls her to her feet.] Is everybody here?

Irvine: Yeah. What's the rush? Most of the guards are dead, and the rest are running.

Squall: Seifer.

Zell: What about him?

Squall: He and the Sorceress are going to retaliate against the assassination attempt.

Quistis: What?

Squall: Let's go. I'll explain once we're out.

[They exit the prison to find it's been raised several floors above the desert. Two robots fly down.]

Robots: Emergency escape prevention activated. Termination of fugitives initiated.

[There is a battle. After the robots are defeated, the towers begin lowering.]

Irvine: There's our car. [He jumps into the driver's seat.] And anybody but Rinoa can drive.

Rinoa: We're in a hurry!

Irvine: I still haven't recovered from last time.

Quistis: I'll drive. Move over.

[They begin driving away.]

Quistis: Talk, Squall. I need to know where I'm going.

Squall: Seifer and the Galbadian Army are attacking Galbadia Garden. Missiles are being launched against Trabia and Balamb Garden.

Selphie: What?

Quistis: We have to return and warn Headmaster Cid.

Squall: Right.

Selphie: WHAT ABOUT TRABIA GARDEN?! They're not going to get a warning! I've got to stop that missile launch!

Irvine: Whoah, hold on. You're talking about sneaking into a dangerous government complex and playing around with cruise missiles. I can't let you do that. Unless, of course, you invite me to come along.

Selphie: [Hugging him delightedly.] Woohoo! You will?

Irvine: Sure. I don't know if you even know where the launch site is.

Squall: I'm not going to abandon Balamb Garden.

Irvine: You won't have to. Selphie and I can do it alone.

Zell: I'm with them. I'm going to the missile base to try and stop the launch.

Quistis: Zell . . .

Zell: "Zell" nothing! It's MY fault that they even blamed the Gardens in the first place! [Hanging his head] I've got to do what I can to fix it. I'm going with them.

Squall: It's their choice. We'll leave them the car at the train station. We can catch a train and head back to Balamb Garden. [He looks at Rinoa.] Rinoa, I don't–

Rinoa: Oh, I'm coming with you to Balamb Garden, Squall.

Squall: What about the Timber Owls?

Rinoa: I don't think they'll need me. To tell you the truth, I think Zone found me hard to get along with.

Squall: Then why did you join them?

Rinoa: I hated my father. And loved my mother. She was from Timber, and my father was part of the conquering army. I decided to try and free the place. It had happy memories for her. But I'm not going to sacrifice other homes in order to save my own.

Squall: All right. You, me, and Quistis will go back to Balamb Garden. The rest of you will attempt to stop the missile launch.

[They separate at the train station. Irvine, Selphie, and Zell go to the missile base in time to see the first missile launch.]

Irvine: Uh-oh . . .

Selphie: I hope . . . I don't know what I hope! Any missile's a bad one! Let's go!

[Through a combination of stealth and trickery, they make their way to the command room and succeed in reprogramming the remaining missiles.]

Irvine: It looks like there was only one launch at each target. But the other twelve on queue – somebody wanted not only to kill them but remove every last trace.

Selphie: But missiles were still launched . . . [She hangs her head.]

Irvine: Hey, the Gardens can't be defenseless. We've done what we can. [He puts an arm around her shoulder.] Let's get out of here.

[They make their way out to the exit, where they are blocked by a heavily armored military vehicle. After they manage to break it down and kill its pilots, an alarm begins flashing.]

Announcement: Base security compromised. Security lockdown complete. Self-destruct – active.

Zell: Crud. [He goes to the exit and pounds on the door a couple of times.] Well, at least I'm goin' down calm. Always thought I'd die angry.

Selphie: I hope it was enough.

Irvine: Might as well die happy . . . [He turns to Selphie, and the screen fades to black. Then an FMV shows of the base exploding. The scene then shifts to Squall, Quistis, and Rinoa standing at the entrance to Balamb Garden. Students are running everywhere.]

Quistis: This isn't good.

Rinoa: What is it?

Quistis: That's right . . . you've never been here other than for a party. SeeD is a calm place. The students are upset about something.

Squall: Right. [He hefts his gunblade.] Let's go find out what.

Garden Faculty: [Accosting them as they approach the doors] You – do you stand with Cid or with Garden Master NORG?

Squall: That's a stupid question. We're with Cid. He's in charge of the Garden. Now, get out of our way before I get you out of our way.

Garden Faculty: You're with Cid? Die!

[Fight with random monster and Faculty Member.]

Squall: And who is NORG?

Quistis: If anybody knows, it'll be Cid. We have to find him.

[They enter Balamb Garden to find students running everywhere, even battling each other. Several of them are asking where Cid is.]

Rinoa: Ummm , , , I think the other students may have had the same idea.

Squall: We don't have much time. Let's sweep the area.

[They continue battling Garden Faculty and their monsters. Eventually, they find out the SeeD members loyal to Cid are cordoning off sections and establishing defenses so they can both find and protect him. They also find out that Xu set it up.]

Quistis: Let's find Xu.

[They see Xu entering the main elevator, casually knocking out a student who attacks her. They run and get in the elevator with her.]

Xu: You're a sight for sore eyes. How did the mission go?

Squall: Which one?

Xu: Oh, take your pick. One and a half of them were unauthorized either way.

Quistis: Where's Cid? We need to talk to him?

Xu: I believe you're on his side. Perhaps it's better to say he's on YOUR side. He wants to see you. He's up in his office.

Squall: In his office?

Xu: Yeah. We're pretending he's missing so that the Garden Faculty will look for him everywhere else.

Quistis: Clever . . . and risky. I like it. [They go in to Cid's office.]

Cid: You're here! Great! [He gets up, then stumbles.] I'm getting to old for this. I've got a job for you . . . oh, hello, Rinoa! Has Squall been helping you out?

Quistis: You'll have to ask another TIME, Headmaster. The Sorceress is launching missiles at this location.

Cid: Well, that makes sense. SeeD DID try to kill her, and she's always had a bit of a temper . . . [He smiles for a moment, then his expression returns to a frown.] But that's beside the point. Okay, well, maybe it isn't, but at least it's not what I want to talk about. We can avoid the missiles, but you'll need my key. You'll also need NORG's key, so I want you take that elevator, go down to his headquarters, and kill him. [All of them step back, surprised. Cid suddenly pounds his desk] I mean it, Squall! Tear that bastard to pieces! It was the worst mistake of my life going to him to get the money to start this place up! I'd rather have it obliterated!

Squall: Yes, sir. [He turns to Quistis and Rinoa.] Let's go.

Rinoa: Let's go?! But he hasn't explained–

Squall: Rinoa, this is a SeeD matter. We don't question the mission. We just do it.

Cid: Here's a comm device. I can talk you through what you need to do once you have the other key.

[Squall, Quistis, and Rinoa enter the elevator and descend several floors.]

Squall: Quistis . . . did you know the Garden had this many levels?

Quistis: Not one clue.

Rinoa: We're just going to kill him?

[The elevator stops and they emerge.]

Garden Faculty: You are not invited to the Master's presence. Cid must have sent you. Where is he? He owes–

Squall: [Swinging his gunblade and cutting the faculty member in two] The headmaster owes you nothing.

Quistis: Nicely done.

Rinoa: Errr . . . which way do we go?

Quistis: There's another Garden Faculty member up ahead. I'll talk to him. [They approach another faculty member.] Master NORG wishes to speak with us.

Faculty: I was not aware.

Quistis: We know where Cid is. We're here to tell him.

Faculty: You may approach the Master. I will take you to him.

[They enter a room with a large dais and throne. Inside sits a bloated, inhuman creature.]


Rinoa: Okay, I can see why we're supposed to kill this guy . . .


Squall: He sent me here with a message.


Squall: It's really simple. Cid's debt ends, or you do.

Quistis: Well, actually, he didn't give us the first option. I believe the phrase was "Tear that bastard to pieces," wasn't it, Squall?


Squall: Then it's a good thing we've got someone who isn't a SeeD with us.

[Combat with NORG. After his defeat, the Garden Faculty collapse, and the throne explodes. Only NORG's skin is found.]

Squall: [Speaking to the comm device.] Headmaster, NORG's dead, but there doesn't seem to be any key.

Cid: That's because there isn't one. I lied.

Squall: You lied?

Cid: I do that from time to time. On the other hand, you'll now be able to get into the lower engineering without interference from the Faculty, and I'll be able to get the upper floors ready. And I think I mentioned that I really wanted him dead. Anyway, this place is actually a converted shelter from the previous wars. Down there in engineering activates the missile defense.

Squall: Which is what?

Cid: Beats me. None of our engineers could explain it. Just use the key at the engineering console and press the button. We'll see what happens after that.

Squall: Headmaster, I–

Cid: Good luck, Squall.

[They descend to the engineering level and activate the defense systems. FMV of the incoming missiles, then of Balamb Garden lifting up and hovering over the ground, moving out of the way of the incoming missiles. An explosion cracks some windows as Balamb Garden floats slowly away. Squall, Quistis, and Rinoa return to the Headmaster's office.]

Squall: We're moving!?

Headmaster Cid: I see . . . So this is the secret . . . Hey, help me look for some flight controls!

Rinoa: Wow!

Quistis: Unbelievable.

Cid: [Heading around to the back of his office] Hey, a ramp! I think I've found the flight controls!

[They head up the ramp to a flight control platform. FMV of the sky, the birds, and then the flying Garden. It continues with Rinoa looking over the edge of the platform, then pushing the hair away from her face, and looking back and smiling.]

Headmaster Cid: Squall! The controls aren't responding! We're going to crash into the town of Balamb if we don't do something!

Quistis: We have to do something, fast!

Rinoa: Squall, do something!

Squall: How should I know what to do? I've never flown a Garden before! [Rinoa shoves him at the controls. Squall begins to press buttons. FMV of the Garden almost hitting Balamb but turning at the last moment.]

Rinoa: All right, Squall! You did it!

Squall: No, YOU did. I'm going to have sore ribs for at least a week.

Quistis: Brace yourselves! We're going to crash into the sea!

Cid: Everybody hold on to something!

[FMV of the Garden hitting the water – and floating.]

Cid: Phew. Squall, everyone, a job well done. I think the worst is behind us for now.

Quistis: That depends on the explanation. I'd really like to know what's going on, Headmaster.

Cid: [Hanging his head] I guess you do. I went to NORG for the money to found SeeD. But he insisted on being a partner until the debt was paid. And then proceeded to make sure the debt was never paid. He wanted to show a profit, so he encouraged the use of Guardian Forces so you would be less likely to remember your past and more likely to simply obey orders. He constantly interfered with my decisions. I held up as best as I could, but I completely lost my temper when he ordered my wife's assassination.

Quistis: Well, that makes– [Stopping suddenly.] Your WIFE?!!

Cid: My wife. The Sorceress. Tyrant of Galbadia. She's always had a bit of a temper. I wonder if she blames me for the attack . . .

Squall: No. When Seifer was questioning me, he said she didn't believe you did it, Headmaster.

Cid: Well, that's relief. I'd hate to picture the argument the next time we met . . .

Quistis: Excuse me, Headmaster, but why did you have to go to NORG in the first place? You're a better planner.

Cid: I was young, and there wasn't time. I had never planned on building an elite mercenary fighting force.

Squall: Then why did you found SeeD in the first place?

Cid: Because my wife ASKED me to.

Quistis: You call that a REASON?

Cid: If you can think up a better one, be my guest. So far, it's the only reason I've got. [He looks around suddenly.] I think we're drifting with the tides. Until we figure out how to steer, we'll have time to settle things down. I'd better go talk to the students soon, but first . . . [He turns to Rinoa.] Has Squall been helping you?

Rinoa: He's followed the contract to the letter. I think you gave me one of the best, Headmaster. Thank you.

Cid: [Turning to Squall] I think you implied that Seifer is currently working for the Sorceress.

Squall: Yes, sir. And the next time I see him–

Cid: Don't be too hasty on that one, Squall. I can't blame him. [Chuckling] I've got a special relationship with the Sorceress, myself. [Turning to Quistis] Don't be too hard on yourself – an instructor who produces people like Seifer and Squall is probably the best one here. And I think you can now believe me when I say I know a thing or two about conflicted interests. Feel free to return to your rooms and rest – Rinoa, I'm sure we can spare a dorm room. I've got to go reassure the students. [He gets up and starts to leave, then turns back.] Oh . . . when you get a moment, I'll also need to hear about Selphie, Zell, and Irvine. [He leaves.]

Rinoa: What a nice man . . . I meet a person like that and wonder why my own father was such a jerk.

Quistis: Cid has a way about him. He–

Rinoa: He's even got Squall's loyalty.

Squall: [To himself] Is that why you wanted me there, Headmaster? Did you want me to side with the Sorceress? Or did you believe that I would disobey orders when the time came? [Out loud] I'm going to bed. I'm tired.

Rinoa: Squall–

Quistis: Haven't you learned yet? [Squall gets up and leaves.] This is how he acts whenever he's afraid of getting hurt. [The scene fades to black.]

Rinoa: Squall.

[The scene fades in to Squall lying down on his bed. Rinoa is kneeling beside the bed.]

Rinoa: Squall!

Squall: [Rolling over] Mggfxtr.

Rinoa: Come on, wake up!

Squall: [Groping for his clock] It's not even nine in the morning. I'm tired.

Rinoa: Fine, I'll do this the hard way. [She raises her hand to slap him. Squall catches her wrist.]

Squall: I told you not to do that.

Rinoa: Well, now that you're up, you can show me the Garden.

Squall: Forget it. I'm going back to sleep. [He lets go of her wrist and starts to roll back over.]

Rinoa: Do I need to remind you about the terms of your contract?

Squall: [Stopping in mid-roll] All right, fine. You give the orders. [He stands up.] Wait a minute . . . who let you in here?

Rinoa: Well, I learned an awful lot about picking locks after growing up with my father's idea of a home. But it turns out it wasn't even necessary. You forgot to lock your door.

Squall: I'll remember that from now on. Don't come here unless I ask.

Rinoa: But then I'd never have seen how adorable you are when you smile!

Squall: When was I smiling?

Rinoa: While you were asleep. [She pulls him close.] What were you dreaming about, SeeD man?

Squall: I . . . uh, nothing. [He pulls away, stumbles, and falls back on the bed.]

Rinoa: That's not very good balance. Are you sure you're up to giving me a tour?

Squall: I didn't even want to get up in the first place!

Rinoa: [Laughing] Here. I'll help you up. [She pulls him up.] Are you ready to go?

Squall: No. Does that make a difference?

Rinoa: Sure! If you're not ready to go, I'll have to drag you. If you're ready, you walk under your own power.

[Squall begins a tour of the Garden, going to various areas.]

[First, in the Cafeteria]

Squall: This is the cafeteria.

Rinoa: Do you plan to show me every boring place in the building?

Squall: This has been the site of more and bloodier battles than any other place in the history of Balamb Garden.

Rinoa: The students are that violent?

Squall: No. The hot dogs are that popular. [Rinoa laughs.] I wish I were joking.

[Next, the training grounds]

Squall: This is the training area. There are real monsters in here – they were let loose during the riot. This is for advanced students. There's even a "Secret Area" where you go if you're sneaking out with a girl after hours.

Rinoa: Oh? Ever been there?

Squall: No.

[In the Infirmary]

Dr. Kadowaki: Hi there, Squall. Oh my! I've never seen you walk around with a girl! Is she your girlfriend?

Squall: No.

Rinoa: Squall, can't you just say 'yes' for fun?

Squall: Not for fun.

Rinoa: [Quietly, drawing close] Then what about for real?

Squall: Rinoa, you– [he cuts off suddenly.] NO! [He leaves the infirmary.]

Dr. Kadowaki: Give it up, girl. That's the wonderful world of Squall Leonhart.

Rinoa: I know. I'm planning to stay. [She runs out after Squall. Squall is in the passageway, his head in his hands.]

Squall: Can't . . . can't . . .

Rinoa: [Sitting beside him] Why not?

Squall: Shut up! Go away! I hate you!

Rinoa: [Shaking her head] No, you don't, Squall. But I bet you think it'd be easier if you did. [She leaves.] See you later.

[The scene changes. Squall is sitting on his bed in his dorm room, absently twisting the ring around his finger.]

Cid: [Speaking over an intercom.] Squall.

Squall: [To himself] Shut up, Headmaster.

Cid: Squall, this is urgent. You're needed.

Squall: [Continuing to speak to himself] You sent me to her, Headmaster.

Cid: There's a ship fast approaching.

Squall: [To himself] And now she'll go away. She'll go away, but she'll never leave, and it will hurt and hurt and hurt until I'll do anything to bury it just stop, stop remembering stop stop stop stop stop

Cid: Squall, are you listening?

Squall: [Standing up and screaming] STOP! [He pulls out his gunblade and completely destroys the intercom, then tears his bed to shreds. Finally, he collapses in a corner, crying. The scene fades to black, then fades in to a small boy standing outside a building. It's raining hard.]

Boy: . . . Sis . . . I'm . . . all alone. But I'm doing my best . . . I'll be ok without you, Sis. I'll be able to take care of myself. [The boy clenches his fists, holding a necklace in one hand.] I'm by myself! I'll do it myself!

[The scene returns to Squall's room. Quistis is there.]

Quistis: The Headmaster sent me when you didn't respond. Should I tell him you're busy?

Squall: [Looking up] I'll need a new mattress. Tell the Headmaster I'll be coming shortly.

Quistis: [Turning away] Do you know how much I would have given to see you cry or laugh?

Squall: [Standing up] I don't have many more tears, Instructor. They're lost in the rain. Let's go.

Quistis: [Turning back around, putting a hand on his shoulder] Nobody can live alone, Squall.

Squall: Then at least I won't take anybody with me when I die.

Quistis: You look barely able to walk. Let me at least help you.

[Squall looks down for a moment, then sighs and nods. Quistis helps him through the Garden to Cid's office.]

Cid: [Looking at Squall] Rough night?

Squall: It's been a difficult time. What do you require of me, sir?

Cid: The ship that's approaching – I don't recognize them. I was going to suggest that you and Quistis be the welcoming committee, but if you're not feeling up to it . . .

Squall: I can do it. Are they armed?

Cid: No. But it's not often that a ship with sails floats above the water rather than upon it.

Squall: All right. Let's go see what they want. [He and Quistis head down to a level approximately equal with the ship's deck, then go outside to hail the ship, which pulls into synch with the floating Garden.]

Man in White: Hail, the Garden. We are pleased to meet those who have borne our name into the world.

Squall: What do you mean?

Man in White: We are the SeeD. We serve and guard the Sorceress who has once again returned to you. We must return her to her home.

Quistis: She's in Galbadia.

White SeeD: That Sorceress is not of our concern. We seek the Sorceress of Esthar.

Squall: But Adel's been missing for–

White SeeD: There is much you do not understand. Adel's name is cursed and forsaken. The Sorceress of Esthar returns here from time to time, and such is her wont, but our duty is to retrieve her and return her to safety. The Name of the End lingers still.

Quistis: [To Squall] Do you have any idea what they're talking about?

Squall: No. [To the White SeeD] Uh . . . we don't know what you're talking about. Can you explain?

White SeeD: The girl that you saved in the Training Grounds. We believe that she is once again among you. We request permission to search your Garden to find her.

Squall: In that case, you will need to speak to our Headmaster. Are your intentions peaceful?

White SeeD: The weapons of the world are nought beside the weapons of the eternities. We enact no violence to the world.

Squall: I'll bring you to talk to Cid. The others will have to wait until he's given permission.

White SeeD: That is as it may be. I come. [They return to Cid's Office.]

Cid: Oh, hello. She's come back again?

White SeeD: Yes. We need to retrieve her.

Cid: I've never seen that ship before.

White SeeD: It was necessary. You have moved.

Cid: I suppose we have, at that. Yes, your men may search the ship.

White SeeD: The blessing of the Daughters upon you, as always, Headmaster. [He leaves.]

Quistis: All right, so we've established that you know them and they're here for somebody who keeps coming back. I'm still confused, Headmaster.

Cid: The whole problem with running an organization like this is that there are so many things to keep track of, at once. I still haven't heard about Selphie, Zell, and Irvine, and there are piles of paperwork to fill out . . . but that's not relevant. There's a girl – well, a woman, really, but I always think of her as a child, and she keeps coming here when she's supposed to be in Esthar.

Quistis: Esthar's been isolated since the end of the last war, Headmaster. Nobody's come in or out.

Cid: As I understand it, nobody's SUPPOSED to go in or out. They can't figure out how she keeps doing it.

Squall: They said she was a Sorceress.

Cid: I suppose. Anything's possible. It's a frightening thing, to watch a Sorceress awaken . . . but that's neither here nor there. Well, I guess it's there, but that's where it's going to stay. Are you all right, Squall?

Squall: I am ready to perform the duties required of me as a SeeD.

Cid: I guess you are. But treat the furniture more gently; it's expensive.

Quistis: Headmaster–

Cid: Quistis, if you have advice or suggestions, I would ask you to voice them to me outside of Squall's presence. [Turning to Squall.] You've been overworked. Try and get some rest and pull yourself together.

Squall: Yes, Headmaster. [He leaves.]

Cid: Did you have anything further to say?

Quistis: He's . . . Headmaster, I'm afraid for him.

Cid: Me, too. But I don't think his healing is in our hands.

Quistis: Headmaster, I . . . [She stops, hanging her head.]

Cid: [Patting her softly on the shoulder] Nobody likes to feel vulnerable or weak. You understand that better than most.

Quistis: She's . . . she's the one who reaches him. She's the one who makes him laugh and cry. I'm–

Cid: You are who you are. Quistis, my favorite student – and the best instructor I've ever seen. So good that NORG didn't dare keep you as a teacher. And I would hate to think that she measured herself solely in terms of one other person's regard – no matter who that person is.

[The scene shifts to Squall, returning to his dorm. A White SeeD stops him.]

White SeeD: You are Squall Leonhart?

Squall: Yes.

White SeeD: It is permitted to give you this message from the Sorceress.

Squall: What? What message?

White SeeD: This is the message she commanded me bear: "I'm trying to help, but there are so many ways it can go wrong!"

Squall: And what is that supposed to mean?

White SeeD: I do not question the will of the Sorceress. The Precepts are unbroken and the message can therefore be delivered.

Squall: . . . Okay. Whatever. Now let me go to my room.

White SeeD: Yes. We must also depart swiftly.

[Squall enters his dorm room, lies down on the floor, and falls asleep. The scene fades to black. There is the sound of a crash, then the scene fades in. Squall's mattress has been replaced, and he is lying down in his bed.]

Cid: [Over the intercom] Uh, Squall . . .? I hope you're awake. We could really use you up here.

Squall: [Keying the intercom] Yes, Headmaster. I will be up momentarily. [He gets up and heads to the Headmaster's Office, where Cid, Quistis, and Rinoa are waiting.]

Cid: Thanks for coming, Squall.

Squall: As you commanded, Headmaster. [He does not look at either Rinoa or Quistis.]

Cid: I'm afraid we kind of . . . ran into a town.

Squall: In the middle of the sea? Very well, what do you want me to do?

Cid: I'd like you to go apologize. If I'm right, this may be Fisherman's Horizon – it's on the only rail to Esthar. Or what was the only rail to Esthar before Esthar got isolated. They may have the mechanics to fix the Garden – and tell us how to steer it.

Squall: Very well, Headmaster.

Cid: Oh, and take Rinoa and Quistis with you.

Squall: As you order, Headmaster. Trepe, Heartilly, come with me.

Rinoa: "Heartilly . . ."

Squall: This is a peaceful mission. Recon and Diplomacy. Possible Bargaining for Aid and Supplies. Adopt a low-profile approach, direct inquiries to the local administrator. Let's go.

[They take a path from the wreckage to the idyllic town of Fisherman's Horizon.]

Old Fisherman: Is that your building that just crashed into us?

Squall: Sorry. We don't know how to steer it. We'd actually like to speak to the person in charge.

Old Fisherman: Hey, no problem. A building was bound to crash into us sooner or later. The mayor's in the center of town.

Squall: Thank you for your aid. Good day.

Quistis: You know, Squall, with a little work, you'll some day show as much emotion as a granite block.

Squall: To present a professional appearance, emotional excesses are to be avoided, Instructor.

Quistis: I'm not an instructor.

Squall: Emotional excesses are to be avoided, SeeD Member Trepe.

Rinoa: You might even be fooling yourself into thinking this will work. [Squall says nothing.] Hello? [Squall says nothing.] Squall? Squall? S-Q-U-A-L-L!

Squall: I'm requesting silence, Heartilly.

Rinoa: Well, that's a very nice request, but since I'm not a member of SeeD, I'll go ahead and ignore it.

Squall: Then leave the team. I won't miss you. [Rinoa runs up and slaps him. Squall merely continues walking.] The mayor's in the center of town, so we shouldn't be too long in getting there. It will be good to get the Garden mobile and controllable as soon as possible.

Quistis: [Under her breath] Oh, Squall – don't do this . . .

[They arrive at the Mayor's House in Fisherman's Horizon.]

Mayor Dobe: Please have a seat. [They sit.] Allow me to get to the point. When are you leaving?

Squall: We'll leave as soon as the Garden is capable of moving.

Mayor Dobe: Any idea when?

Squall: I'm afraid not. We only discovered our Garden was mobile a short while ago. Therefore, we don't even know how to move it. We're still in the process of understanding everything.

Mayor Dobe: Our technicians will assist you. They should be able to repair and service everything. How does that sound?

Squall: To let outsiders into our Garden is not within my authority.

Mayor Dobe: Go consult with your leader if you don't have the authority.

Rinoa: Umm . . . excuse me. Why do you want us to leave so bad? [Squall looks the other way.]

Mayor Dobe: We don't want military organizations in Fisherman's Horizon. You rely on force to solve problems. That is in direct defiance of our principles.

Flo [the Mayor's Wife]: We believe that any problems can be settled by discussion. If you reach a mutual understanding, there is no need to fight.

Squall: [To himself] If you don't fight, you can't die.

Mayor Dobe: Violence only leads to more violence. We believe your presence here will attract violence. That's why we want you to leave as soon as possible.

Squall: Let's go back to Garden. We'll ask our Headmaster for permission for your technicians to help us, and thank you for your aid. We will endeavor to leave as swiftly as possible. [They leave the mayor's house.]

Quistis: Gosh, that was unpleasant.

Squall: Forget it. They'll help us leave; that's what matters.

[Suddenly, two runners come to the house, shouting.]

First Runner: Galbadian soldiers!!!

Second Runner: Mayor, we have a big problem! The Galbadians are coming!

Mayor Dobe: [Appearing in the doorway] Galbadians? Are they armed?

Flo: It must be some kind of mistake.

First Runner: They arrived at the old train station. They were armed, big-time.

Mayor Dobe: Let's not panic. President Deling and I are acquaintances. I'll go talk to them and work things out.

Rinoa: President Deling is dead. Galbadia is now ruled by the Sorceress.

Mayor Dobe: I'm sure everything will be all right. [He leaves for the train station.]

Flo: [As Squall and his party turn to leave] Wait! The Galbadians are here because of you, right? They're after you.

Squall: I don't know.

Flo: You'd better take full responsibility! It's your fault! Violence begets violence!

Squall: Responsibility? We haven't done anything yet. We will follow your mayor; he is the one who agreed with us. [They reach the old train station, which is abandoned and rusted with disuse.]

Mayor Dobe: I've already told you. I've never heard of this girl Ellone. There is nobody here by that name.

Squall: Ellone? Elle . . .?

Galbadian Soldier: Fine. But we're under orders to find her. We've heard she's in danger, and the Sorceress wants her safe and unharmed. Prepare to dismantle this place.

Mayor Dobe: Wait a minute! I'm telling the truth! I've never seen this girl!

Galbadian Soldier: It doesn't matter, old man. What matters is whether WE haven't seen her. Sit back and enjoy the show.

Mayor Dobe: No, please! I beg of you! Don't!

Galbadian Soldier: Shut up or I'll start the dismantling with you. [He picks up Dobe. Then he looks over at Squall.] Who the hell are you?

Squall: We're SeeDs.

Galbadian Soldier: SeeDs! Get the Iron Clad over here! [Battle with the Galbadian Soldiers.]

Rinoa: Something's coming.

[With a rumble, a large machine comes over the rails. It's spouting smoke at various places and shaking uncontrollably.]

Quistis: THIS is Galbadia's latest weapon?

[They fight the machine, which eventually shakes itself apart. From the wreckage, Selphie, Zell, and Irvine stand up.]

Selphie: Woohoo! We're alive!

Irvine: And what are you people doing here? We thought you'd be at Balamb Garden.

Zell: The Garden was destroyed, wasn't it? We were too late! Damn it!!!

Quistis: Calm down, Zell. We found a way to make the Garden move, but it crashed into the town here. We're getting repairs.

Rinoa: Why did you come in that thing?

Selphie: Well, um . . . [She suddenly looks down with her hands clasped behind her back.]

Irvine: [Clearing his throat] What she's trying to say is that it's complicated. I mean–

Zell: Garden wasn't destroyed? OH YEAH!!! [He starts jumping around, performing various martial arts moves.]

Irvine: Yeah, we're happy it worked out. The base was going to self-destruct and we were trapped inside. So we had just beaten this machine and Selphie and I thought that it might have a chance to protect us . . .

Quistis: Yes, I'm sure that's EXACTLY what you two were thinking.

Irvine: [Clearing his throat again.] Well, once we were inside, we thought that, and told Zell to come in. We sealed it up as best we could, and it sheltered us from the explosion. Of course, after that, we were stuck inside, and had to pretend to be the Galbadian crew in order to escape. We joined with a crew who's looking for this Ellone girl, and . . . here we are. And we have you to thank for breaking us out of that thing.

Squall: The Headmaster will want to hear your report. Come with us to the Garden. [He starts walking off.]

Selphie: Wow, what happened to our fearless leader?

[Both Quistis and Rinoa are silent.]

Irvine: We'll talk about that later, I think. We should probably go to the Garden and decide what we're going to do next. [They all begin heading to the Garden.]

Selphie: I'm kind of worried about Trabia Garden. I mean, you guys made it out okay, but I'd still like to check up on them – they used to be my school.

Zell: Yeah, I guess so. I swear, I'm going to nail Seifer if it's the last thing I do.

Quistis: Zell, you'll need to train a lot more if you expect to fight Seifer. He plans his way through everything. If you really want to beat him, you're going to have to do more than outfight him – you'll have to out-think him.

Rinoa: That isn't easy to do. I've tried. [They enter the Garden. Cid is waiting.]

Cid: Squall informed me that the three of you arrived and also that Fisherman's Horizon will be sending us repair technicians. I think I'll need a report from our new arrivals, but first, Selphie, I have to inform you that the festival stage area was one of the portions of the Garden that ran into the town–

Selphie: OH, NO!!!! [She runs off.]

Irvine: She's going to need someone to help her. If you'll excuse me . . . [He tips his hat to the crowd, then runs after Selphie.]

Cid: [Watching both of them go] Well, Zell, it looks like you'll be the one to give the report. Qustis, Rinoa . . . well done. Come with me, Zell.

[The scene shifts to the ruined stage. Selphie is sitting on the edge with her head hanging down.]

Selphie: Drat . . . why did the stage have to get wrecked? Couldn't it have been something less important like the Infirmary or Food Storage?

Irvine: [Walking in and picking up a bit of wreckage] You seem a bit down, Selphie.

Selphie: The Garden Festival! It's supposed to be here, but now . . .

Irvine: Looks pretty bad. [He tosses the piece of wreckage away, then picks up another, looks at it, then tosses it beside the other one.]

Selphie: What're you doing?

Irvine: Oh, cleaning, sorting . . . you can't tell what can be fixed unless you've cleaned up the mess.

Selphie: Hey, yeah! Let's clean it up! Maybe the Headmaster can persuade those technicians to repair this place, as well. [She jumps up and begins cleaning. Quistis and Rinoa enter.]

Quistis: Oh, my, this did get damaged.

Rinoa: Here, Selphie, let me help.

[After cleaning for a little bit, Quistis finds an electric guitar. She plugs it in, sits down for a moment, then hesitantly starts playing.]

Selphie: I didn't know you played an instrument.

Quistis: Not for a long time. I'm a bit rusty. When I was younger, I studied.

Irvine: I went for Bass, myself.

Selphie: Huh?

Irvine: It's poor man who doesn't know how to serenade a lady, Selphie. You gotta know music and dancing – you never know when the opportunity will come up.

Selphie: Hey, that's not bad. [Zell and Cid walk in.]

Zell: Nice groove, Quistis. We cleaning up? [He hitches up his sleeves and begins lifting a heavy speaker.]

Cid: Zell told me of all you did to prevent the launch. I must say, I'm rather impressed by your ingenuity and resolve, Selphie.

Selphie: [Putting her hands behind her back and blushing] I just was doing what I had to do, sir.

Cid: Yes. But you'd be surprised at the number of people who won't even do that. At the very least, I think you three deserve some sort of official commendation . . .

Irvine: That's very generous, sir, but how's this: since Selphie's a bit upset over this whole stage area disaster, could you work it with the technicians to fix it up?

Cid: That's a good idea, Irvine.

Irvine: [Glancing at Quistis] Maybe Quistis and I can do a duet or two afterward.

Quistis: No way.

Zell: Hey, you weren't doin' too bad. And if you're worried about the Sniper, here, I'll come on with the drums.

Selphie: You play the drums?

Zell: You kiddin' me? It's beating things really hard with blunt objects! How could I NOT?

Selphie: Oh, Headmaster Cid, once the stage is repaired, let's have a SeeD concert where all the students get to see actual members of SeeD playing and we'll keep their identities a secret so that everybody will come to see who it is and then have a good time with the music and maybe dance afterward and–

Quistis: No way. I am NOT getting up on a stage and performing in front of the students. That would be–

Cid: – a good idea. I think the students deserve a little chance to celebrate after all they've been through. And you all should have plenty of time to practice between now and the finishing of the repairs. We can make it an event of sorts – a new age of freedom for the Garden. I'll talk with the cafeteria about making extra snacks for the night . . . [He starts walking off.]

Quistis: But, Headmaster!

Cid: [Turning back] Hmm? Oh, Quistis, don't worry. You'll do fine. You always do. I'm looking forward to a great show, so you better start practicing. [He walks off.]

Quistis: [Darkly] Somebody's going to pay for this.

Selphie: [Gulping nervously] Uh, Irvine, do you think when all this is over, Galbadia Garden might accept a transfer member?

Irvine: If you want, I'll personally make sure you're there.

Zell: A concert! OH YEAH!!!!

[The scene shifts to a repaired stage. Selphie is walking around straightening chairs, checking the decorations, and humming contentedly to herself.]

Selphie: Train, train, take us away . . . [The door opens.] HEY!! NO PEEKING!!

Irvine: Relax, I'm on the committee. Cid just listened in on a practice. He says we're good enough that he's making attendance mandatory.

Selphie: [Jumping up and down] WOOHOO!!

Irvine: Hey, you haven't even heard the funny part, yet.

Selphie: What's that?

Irvine: He also said, ". . . which means Squall's going to leave his room if I have to use a can opener to get him out."

Selphie: Oh, dear . . . [They both start laughing. The scene shifts to Squall's room. Squall is lying on his bed, staring at nothing. There is a knock on the door.]

Rinoa: Squall, the concert is starting.

Squall: [To himself] I don't care. Go away.

Rinoa: And attendance is mandatory. Everybody has to attend. You're the only one not there already.

Squall: [Quietly] Elle? Sis? Can you hear me?

Rinoa: Squall, if you don't open the door, I'm breaking it down.

Squall: [Whispering] I think I keep dreaming about you. I think I'm dreaming of you before I was born. How can I do that? It hurts to think of you . . .

Rinoa: One!

Squall: You left. You left one day and never came back.

Rinoa: Two!

Squall: And the Galbadians were looking for you. Is everybody looking for you?

Rinoa: THREE!!

Squall: Elle? Sis? Can you hear me?

Rinoa: That's IT! [There's an explosion, and Squall's door flies inward, smashing against the far wall by his bed. He doesn't react. Rinoa marches in.] You're going to this concert whether you want to, or not! [Squall silently stands up. Rinoa takes his hand and begins pulling him through the Garden] Honestly, could you pick up the pace? We're going to miss the opening number! [The sound of applause, whistling, and cheering begins to grow, almost covering up the sounds of a massive guitar solo. They step in a brightly lit stage area, with decorations and students everywhere. Squall's eyes go up to the stage, then he steps back in surprise.]

Squall: Is that . . . QUISTIS playing the electric guitar?

Rinoa: Yep. You seem surprised. And emotive for the first time in days. [Squall quickly schools his face back to stillness and says nothing.] Come on, let's go. We've got reserved seats. [She drags him by the hand to some seats near the stage. They sit, and both begin to watch the stage, not looking at each other. After a minute, Rinoa speaks without looking at him.] You don't have to push us away, Squall. I know you want to, but you don't have to.

[Squall is silent.]

Rinoa: And it won't work on me, anyway.

[The band finishes a number to thunderous applause. They start up a new number. Rinoa begins speaking, still without looking at Squall.]

Rinoa: I just want you to know that when you're ready, I'll be here . . .

Squall: [To himself] Why?

Rinoa: I'll be waiting here . . .

Squall: [To himself] For what?

Rinoa: I'll be waiting . . . for you. So, if you come here, you'll find me . . . I promise.

[They continue to watch the concert for a few moments. Then, Rinoa turns and carefully begins drying the tears from Squall's face. He reaches up and almost convulsively takes her hand. The two sit in silence as the music continues.]

[The scene is now after the concert. Selphie, Irvine, and Zell are busy sweeping the floor and putting away chairs. Quistis is on the stage.]

Quistis: Well, now that it's over, I have something to say . . .

Selphie: What's that?

Quistis: If ANY of you EVER make me put on a concert again, I'll render this place down to scrap metal and sell it to a SEWER CONTRACTOR! [She stalks off the stage and through the halls. As she's heading to her dorm, a voice stops her.]

Seifer: That was quite a performance.

Quistis: [Turning around quickly, hand on her whip] You were watching?

Seifer: [Stepping into view, gunblade in hand] Of course. How could I stay away?

Quistis: [Sighing, removing her hand from her whip, and turning away] Why are you here, Seifer?

Seifer: That depends on who's running this Garden.

Quistis: Headmaster Cid. Someone else tried to take control, but Cid had us kill him.

Seifer: I did notice a lack of the usual Garden Faculty. So Cid is back in charge . . . that's good. In that case, you can tell him that the Sorceress will not take any further action. You're free to go as you will. But do not interfere with us.

Quistis: [Turning back to face him suddenly] Why do you care, Seifer?! You've left us.

Seifer: I haven't left you, Instructor. Any more than one side of a coin leaves the other.

Quistis: Why did you come to me?

Seifer: Maybe because you're a bit more mature than everybody else. Maybe because Squall and Zell shouldn't see me here. [He turns away and starts walking] And maybe, Instructor, because I want you to trust me.

Quistis: TRUST you? What possible reason could there be for trusting you?

Seifer: [Stopping without turning] If I gave you reasons, Instructor, your trust wouldn't mean much, would it? [He continues on, leaving slowly. Quistis reluctantly turns away and walks to her dorm room.]

[The scene is Squall's room. A door has embedded itself in the wall, but Squall is sleeping on his bed.]

Cid: [Over the comm device] Squall, I'd like you to come up to my office. It's time for a planning meeting.

Squall: [Waking up and keying the intercom] Yes, sir. I'll be right up. [He gets out of bed, grabs his gunblade, and begins running down the hall. Soon, he arrives at Cid's Office. Quistis is there.]

Quistis: You look better.

Squall: I'm feeling better, I guess. By the way, that was–

Quistis: If you say one word about the concert, Squall, I swear I'm going to break your jaw.

Squall: – an excellent job fighting the machine in Fisherman's Horizon. [He turns to Cid.] Headmaster, you mentioned a planning session. Will it just be us?

Cid: As a matter of fact, no. I've invited all of you who were part of the mission against my . . . against the Sorceress. They should be coming, soon. [The door opens, and Zell runs in.]

Zell: I'm here, Headmaster. What are we planning?

Cid: Well, I think we should wait for– [Irvine and Selphie walk in. Irvine has his arm around Selphie, and they are laughing.]

Irvine: So what did you do, then?

Selphie: I'm not telling you that until you tell me the rest of YOUR story.

Irvine: So that's how you want to play, eh? We'd better save it until after this meeting. [He lets go of her, sits on a chair, and sticks his feet up on the Headmaster's desk while leaning back.] What's the score?

Cid: Um . . . the "score" is, er . . . [There is a soft knock on the door.]

Rinoa: Headmaster? You wanted to see me?

Cid: Ah, yes. Come in, Rinoa. [She enters.] We're all here? Excellent. Now, as you may have guessed, we're here to discuss what to about the Sorceress. Quistis received a message from her last night . . .

Squall: A message? How?

Quistis: That's not important right now. She said that we're safe so long as we don't interfere with her.

Irvine: Lemme guess – we're going to interfere with her.

Cid: That's what I want you to decide. I can't make very objective decisions where she's concerned.

Quistis: We can't decide if we don't know what she's doing.

Squall: Right. We need to understand her. Does anybody have the first idea how?

Irvine: I could probably make some intelligent guesses.

Selphie: [To Irvine] You know how we can find out what she's doing?

Irvine: I'd rather not say until we're committed. Listen, we start messing with her, she'll start messing with us – in ways we can't even begin to imagine. Any loose ends, any second thoughts – it could cost us everything. I know there's something Selphie would like to do, first.

Zell: What's that?

Selphie: I'd like to check up on Trabia Garden – see if the missiles hit or not. I was a student there for a long time.

Squall: That makes sense. Irvine's right. I want to go to Winhill. [They all stare at him in surprise.] I think I should try to piece together what the "dreams" I've been having mean. And the place to start is in Winhill, for me.

Cid: Anybody else?

Quistis: Any unresolved issues I have, I don't need to travel to find.

Zell: All I really want is to give Seifer everything that's been coming to him.

Rinoa: Timber won't suffer too much . . . I get the feeling the Sorceress isn't as interested in oppressing it as Galbadia was. I'll go where you guys go for as long as you'll have me.

Cid: Well, they've taught us how to steer this thing – where do you want to go first?

[The player may choose whether to go to Trabia Garden or Winhill first, but both must be done for the story to proceed.]

[Trabia Garden]

[The scene is the exterior of Trabia Garden. There is wreckage everywhere.]

Squall: Looks pretty bad.

Selphie: [Entering] A direct hit? Oh, no!

Quistis: I don't think so. There'd be a lot more damage from a missile strike.

Selphie: [Looking up above the fence] I'm going in.

Squall: [As she begins climbing the gate] Be careful.

Irvine: [Walking up] I'm not going to complain that she's climbing the gate, or anything, but why not just open it? [Selphie gets over the side, and Irvine pulls on the gate. With a loud screech, it opens. They walk in, but Selphie is nowhere to be seen.]

Rinoa: Any idea where Selphie is?

Squall: I think she ran off ahead.

Irvine: Well, come on, let's go after her! [They move to a fountain area with rubble strewn all around. There are a few students sitting or standing.]

Selphie's Friend: So, you've been looking after Selphie?

Irvine: I keep my eyes on Selphie as much as possible.

Quistis: [Under her breath] Yeah, I'll bet you do . . .

Selphie's Friend: Huh? You and Sel– No way!

Selphie: [Running back in] Oh, don't worry about him. That's just the way he is.

Selphie's Friend: I'm glad I saw Selphie. I feel a lot more cheerful after talking to her!

Selphie: There should be an outdoor basketball court in the back. Wait for me there, ok? I want to go catch up with some of my friends.

Irvine: Hey, I want to meet your friends, too!

Selphie: Okay, come along! [She runs off.]

Irvine: [Whispering to Squall] It's always a good idea to scout the opposition, eh? [He runs off.]

[The scene is the Trabia Garden Garage. Selphie enters with Irvine behind her. A few children are there.]

Children: Selphie!

Boy: I'm sorry, Selphie! Can you forgive us?

Selphie: What? Why? Why are you apologizing?

Boy: That teddy bear you gave me . . . I couldn't save it!

Girl: I can hear him crying! He's lonely!

Selphie: My teddy bear's a lot stronger than you think! As long as you're all safe, Mr. Bear's very happy. [Cupping her hand to her ear] Heeey! I can hear him! Mr. Bear's watching over you secretly. So don't be naughty and don't be sad all the time! Just remember, Mr. Bear is watching you!

Girl: [Gulping nervously] Okay. I . . . I promise to be good! Tell Mr. Bear I won't be sad or cry all the time, ok?

[The scene is an indoor basketball half-court with bleachers. A couple of students are there, one much younger than the other.]

Older Boy: I'm tellin' you, the "MogMog Moogle" team will make it! And they'll probably play the "Mach Chacobos" in the finals!

Younger Boy: Your pronunciation's all wrong! It's "chocobos," not "chacobos!"

Older Boy: Although, this season, the "Moomba Samba" team has a great line-up . . .

Younger Boy: My dream is to play for the "Mach Chocobos," but before that, I have to practice so I can be a starter on the "ChocoKids" team.

[Finally, Selphie and Irvine come to the outdoor basketball court. At the entry, they're met by a student.]

Student: Hey! Selphie! Nice to have you back! We've got a new monument in the basket ball court! Take a look! [He stops.] Oh, wait . . . the Student Body President's out there.

Selphie: Uh-oh!

Irvine: What is it?

Student: Well, Selphie's pretty much always been the most popular girl at Trabia Garden. Our current Student Body President boasted that he could win against her in the election when the time came.

Irvine: And he did?

Student: Well, Selphie didn't even run.

Irvine: So, what's wrong with that?

Student: She still got more votes – she just couldn't be president because she hadn't filled out all the forms.

Irvine: Why didn't you run?

Selphie: Well, I was seriously considering what I ended up doing – transferring to Galbadia Garden to learn more about Guardian Forces. And I didn't really want to be President – you don't get to plan as many parties, you just assign other people to plan parties – and that sounded boring, so I thought, "Why not let him win?" And I didn't run, and he's hated me ever since.

Irvine: Oh. Well, Squall and the others are out there – we should probably go talk to them.

Selphie: I guess so . . .

[The scene shifts to the outdoor basketball court. An undetonated missile has lodged itself firmly in the center of the court. Rubble and metal are everywhere.]

Quistis: [To a nearby student] How could you have shorted the detonation mechanism?

Student: We'd been worried ever since the Sorceress was able to make the TV transmission, so a bunch of us tech guys looked up the old technology and decided she'd be doing the same thing for the missiles, and decided that would make it possible to short out the detonation timer, since missile technology hasn't advanced much in the past 17 years. The hard part was the emitter wiring, but we–

Rinoa: [Turning to Selphie] It looks like your Garden's hurt, but safe, Selphie.

Selphie: Yeah, I guess so. We can get out of here–

Student Body President: [Standing a little ways off and speaking loudly] Gee! I wish the faculty was a little more reliable! What do they expect the student body committee to do under these conditions!? It's good thing I'm actually HERE, instead of having run off to another Garden because I forgot to fill out election paperwork–

Selphie: That's not why I left for Balamb Garden and you know it!

Student Body President: Yes, it would have been terrible for the students to be taken in by somebody who's now shown her TRUE colors – it seems she couldn't even come back in time to help us avoid MISSILES.

Selphie: Oh! [She turns away and puts her face in her hands.]

Irvine: [Walking up to the Student Body President] Excuse me.

Student Body President: Yes?

Irvine: You've just upset a girl I like.

Student Body President: So?

Irvine: [Drawing his rifle suddenly and pointing it at the Student Body President] So that means you've got exactly three seconds to apologize before you start losing body parts.

Student Body President: What? You're joking!

Irvine: One.

Student Body President: Are you insane?! Put that gun down!

Irvine: Two.

Student Body President: You're out of your mind! You can't just shoot me here in the–

Irvine: Thr–

Student Body President: [Turning rapidly to Selphie] Okay, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry [He keeps on babbling]

Irvine: [Without lowering the rifle] Is that good enough, Selphie?

Selphie: [Without turning around] Was he on his knees?

Irvine: Nope.

Selphie: Not good enough!

Irvine: You heard her [Gesturing with his rifle] On your knees while you've still got 'em. [The Student Body President kneels suddenly.] Good. Now keep it up until we're gone. [Irvine walks over to Selphie, who gives him a long kiss. The group then leaves Trabia Garden.]

[The scene is the same as when Laguna was here – the village of Winhill is essentially unaltered. There are many flowers, and a couple of children playing in the street. Squall will enter Winhill alone.]

Girl: Hey, we're playing shadow-stepping. Do you wanna play, too? My brother's It. Don't let him step on your shadow, or you'll be It.

Boy: No! You cheated!

Man on a Rocking Chair: Originally, we were opposed to letting outsiders into our village. But I'm glad we hired those two guys for security. Before they came, the kids couldn't even play outside. A while back, we let a wanderer named Laguna live here with us. Everything was fine in the beginning, but he ended up stirring up a major disaster. Like I said, it was a while back, but the old folks are still really cautious with outsiders.

[Inside a house.]

[When Squall first enters, Squall sees Raine at the far end of the room.]

Squall: Raine?

[But as she approaches him, it turns out to be someone else.]

Squall: No.

Woman: Hey! Who do you think you are, barging in like this!? Get out of here, stranger!

Squall: [To himself] I don't know if I'm a stranger. But I don't want to remember . . . that deeply.

[Inside the Winhill Pub, Squall examines some white flowers, and a familiar figure stands from behind the counter.]

Squall: Raine?

[As Squall approaches her, it turns out to be a cat.]

[At a Flower Shop]
Old Lady: How are you today? Are you here to visit an acquaintance? What do you think of our village? It's very small and boring, isn't it?

Squall: I'm not sure. It seems familiar. What are these flowers?

Old Lady: Those white ones are really beautiful, aren't they? A woman named Raine gave them to me. They bloom beautifully every year. It's unfortunate that she's no longer with us. If only she had stayed away from that outsider . . . Nobody understood flowers as well as Raine.

Squall: So Raine is . . . dead?

Old Lady: A long time ago. Left poor Ellone and her new brother with no home.

Squall: Elle . . . Goodbye, and thanks for the flowers. [To himself] Ellone . . . and her new brother . . . is this where I was . . . born?

[In the outer fields, where Chocobos run, there is an old man]

Old Man: There used to be a flower shop in the town square. It was owned by a woman named Raine. She lived there with a little girl named Ellone. Raine was so good with flowers. She made wreaths for our harvest festivals. Her wreaths of white flowers were most beautiful. We'll never see wreaths like that again. Ellone was so adorable . . . wearing those wreaths over her head and prancing around like an angel.

Squall: You said "was." What happened?

Old Man: Then Ellone and that Outsider . . . nothing's been right since.

[The next time they enter the Garden after having been through these two areas, the following scene occurs in Cid's Office.]

Quistis: Have you found what you wanted?

Selphie: Yep! Trabia Garden's safe!

Squall: I'm not sure. Winhill . . . I've done all I can do. I think we should focus on the Sorceress, now.

Irvine: If you say so. If we're going to figure out what the Sorceress is up to, I think a good place to start is heading to the place where she used to live.

Quistis: Great, how are we supposed to know that?

Irvine: Well, I think Cid knows, but it's pretty clear he's not talking. Makes sense. But I got a good look through the scope of that Sniper Rifle, and I think I recognized the face. If I'm right, we can go right here – [he jabs a finger at a map] – and find an old house on the coast that used to belong to her.

Cid: Irvine, you're not telling everything you know.

Irvine: Headmaster, I'll wait till I'm absolutely sure. If I'm wrong, no harm done. And if I'm right – well, we'll know one way or the other soon enough.

Squall: If Irvine thinks he recognized her, that's more than the rest of us have to go on. I think we should do it.

Selphie: Me, too!

Zell: Hey, if he's wrong, we'll all laugh at him . . . it's a win/win situation!

Rinoa: Come on! Irvine's shown his worth – [Irvine suddenly sits up straighter, looking at her] – not THAT much worth. I meant as a team member. I think we should give his suggestion a try.

Quistis: Slim leads are better than no leads. I say yes.

Cid: All right, but . . . be careful.

[They pilot the Garden to a nearly barren coast. They exit before an old building; vines are creeping up the sides and the windows are in a state of disrepair. Further beyond is a broken lighthouse. They gather at the exterior.]

Quistis: Grim.

Selphie: Sad.

Zell: A broken lighthouse . . . ?

[They begin walking forward. The scene shifts to the doorway of the building, then suddenly flashes to a rainy scene of the same building, in good repair, with a boy standing at the entrance.]

Boy: . . . Sis . . . I'm . . . all alone. But I'm doing my best . . . I'll be ok without you, Sis. I'll be able to take care of myself. [The boy clenches his fists, holding a necklace in one hand.] I'm by myself! I'll do it myself!

Rinoa: Squall!

[The scene shifts back. Squall is standing there with his fists clenched.]

Squall: Here . . . why are we here?

Rinoa: Squall, you're wet. How did you get wet?

Squall: [Looking at himself in surprise] I don't know. It was raining . . . then.

Rinoa: Then? Then when?

Squall: When I stood on the doorstop after my sister left nothing but her necklace. I don't – I don't want to remember . . .

Quistis: This place . . .

[They step into the doorway to an old room. The scene abruptly flashes; the windows are in good repair, and two little girls are facing each other.]

Girl With Brown Hair: [Jumping up and down] I know who you like! I know who you like!

Girl With Blondeish Hair: [Folding her arms and shaking her head] Nu-uh! Nu-uh!

Boy: [Walking in and talking to the girl with brown hair] I picked this for you. [He holds out a solitary flower.]

Rinoa: Why do you people keep stopping?

[The scene changes back to the old room; the windows are broken.]

Rinoa: It's like you're fading out . . .

Selphie: Irvine, this can't . . .

Quistis: It's not possible–

Selphie: But I did know who you liked – even then . . .

Quistis: Shut up! No, you didn't!

Zell: Irvine, what is this?

Irvine: Let's go down to the lighthouse, and I'll explain.

[They head out the back door along the path to the lighthouse. The scene flashes, and the lighthouse is whole, even though it's unused; a group of children is heading down to the beach, though one boy is hanging back.]

Lead Boy: [Running down the steps] Yeeahhh!!!

Boy Hanging Back: Kids aren't suppose'ta play with fireworks! [Running to the Lead Boy] I'm telling!!! I'm gonna tell on you!!!

Lead Boy: Shut up! We're havin' fun!

Boy Hanging Back: Stupid! Stupid! I'm telling! [He runs back up the path.]

Lead Boy: [Shouting after him] I'm NOT stupid! Shut up! [He turns to the others] I got these, and I'm going to light them.

Girl With Brown Hair: Woohoo! A fireworks show!

[The scene begins to fade to black as the children reach the lighthouse. Suddenly, there's an explosion, illuminating the lighthouse as it begins to crumble. The scene fades back in, and the children run screaming from the lighthouse. When they reach the top of the path, a woman is there, standing with her arms folded.]

Boy: See, Matron, I told you! It was Zell! He had fireworks.

Matron: I see that, Seifer. The children have disobeyed. [The five children begin edging away.] I expected better of them. But Zell destroyed the lighthouse. [She gestures, and Zell flies into her hand.] We have rules for a reason, Zell. And you are going to learn what it means when you break them. [The remaining four children back away even more. Without looking at them, the Matron points at them.] Stop right there! Don't think you four are getting off the hook, either. Seifer will take you to your rooms until I've decided what to do with you.

Cid: [Stepping into the scene, looking much younger.] Edea, don't be too hard on them; they're–

Edea: – responsible for the destruction of the lighthouse. They MUST learn to obey, Cid. Zell knew the rules but thought he was smart enough to break them anyway. Obviously, he wasn't.

Zell: No! It's not my fault!

Seifer: Yes it is! I saw you take the fireworks down! I told you it was against the rules, stupid!


Rinoa: What are you seeing?

[The scene flashes back to the present beach and the ruined lighthouse. Rinoa is looking at them expectantly.]

Rinoa: Whatever's happening to you guys, it's not happening to me.

Zell: That JERK! That arrogant, rotten, ba–

Quistis: Zell, get a hold of yourself.

Zell: Do you know what she did to me? Seifer told on me. I'd forgotten. Do you know how long he's been calling me stupid?! [He picks up rocks and begins throwing them at the walls, then sits down with his head in his hands, crying.]

Selphie: How could we not have remembered?

Irvine: Because Balamb Garden more than any other emphasizes the use of Guardian Forces. You don't lose your past, but you've got to have something fairly direct to bring it back to you. So we had to come here, because you had to know–

Squall: That the Sorceress Edea, the one who raised us in her orphanage, our mother after the Esthar War took our parents, is the one I asked you to kill.

Irvine: Right.

Squall: And when you saw her in the Sniper Scope, you didn't want to take the shot. You didn't want her blood on your hands.

Selphie: And so you remembered because you were trained in Galbadia Garden–

Irvine: – and I don't really like using Guardian Forces, anyway. Oh, and Selphie?

Selphie: Yes?

Irvine: When we were younger, I thought you were beautiful, but now I see I was mistaken.

Selphie: WHAT?!

Irvine: You're INTENSELY beautiful. At least.

Quistis: Squall . . .

[Squall is looking out over the sea with his hand on his necklace. There are tears in his eyes. Quistis walks carefully up to him.]

Quistis: Your sister left one day. Vanished. And you went out into the rain. I know. I remember. I watched you. You stood out in the rain for hours and didn't move. And then you came back in and you didn't smile, you didn't talk . . .

Squall: I don't want to have to remember it, Quistis.

Quistis: You didn't have to be alone, then . . . I was watching.

Squall: Maybe I didn't. Maybe I did. [He wipes the tears off his face and turns around.] But we still don't know what she's doing. It's a long way from running an orphanage to terrorizing a continent.

Irvine: And even then, do we know if we'll be able to do it? Attack her, knowing that she is who she is?

Rinoa: I'm not sure she's herself.

[They all look at her in surprise.]

Rinoa: Up on that balcony . . . I heard her talking to the crowd, even though they couldn't hear her. I couldn't help hearing her. She was drawing me after her. But she said something like, "The same Sorceress you once feared now stands before you."

Selphie: What are you saying?

Rinoa: I don't know much about Sorceress powers. But I do know that there's only one Sorceress Galbadia has ever feared.

Quistis: Adel.

Rinoa: And we do know that Adel vanished and Esthar became isolated. Then this person . . . Edea . . . comes, and she's not acting like the mother of an orphanage. She's ruling nations and conquering. She's acting like–

Squall: – like Adel did before she vanished. Are you certain of what you heard, Rinoa?

Rinoa: Yes. I heard everything. I couldn't help myself.

Selphie: Can a Sorceress do that? Take over somebody else?

Squall: I don't know. There's only one way to find out.

Zell: What?

Squall: We go to her and ask her.

Quistis: She told us not to interfere. I don't think she'll respond to a few simple questions.

Squall: [Drawing his gunblade] I wasn't thinking of saying "please."

[They return to Cid's office.]

Quistis: Headmaster, did you . . .

Cid: I see a few memories have been jogged loose from wherever your Guardian Forces stuck them. What– what have you decided?

Squall: We're going after her. Rinoa thinks she might be possessed.

Cid: [Hanging his head and sighing] I see. Try not to kill her. I'll call Xu in, she'll get the students ready.

Quistis: Headmaster, what about–

Cid: Quistis, what you're doing may be right. Like I said, I have a hard time making objective decisions. [Straightening suddenly] But even if it is right, I CAN'T be a part of an attack on my wife. I'll leave you to it. [He keys his intercom] Xu, please come up to my office. There's a lot of planning to do, and I can't be in on it. [He turns back to them] Try not to kill her – and try not to get killed yourselves. [He walks out the door slowly.]

Selphie: Someone should go help him!

Irvine: Leave the man alone for a while, Selphie. He's not in the mood to be cheered up. Let's just stick with what we have to do.

Xu: [Entering the room] What exactly is it that we have to do? I'm guessing it's unpleasant.

Squall: The Sorceress Edea took control of Galbadia Garden. She will be at the Garden with the Galbadian Army. We need to confront her.

Xu: [Whistling softly] You don't think small. You expect us to launch an assault on the Galbadian Army?

Quistis: That would get us slaughtered.

Squall: I'm open to suggestions.

Quistis: The Galbadian Army isn't the goal. The goal is Edea. The army is simply an obstacle. All you need to remove a living obstacle is–

Zell: – a distraction!

Quistis: [Turning to him in surprise] You were paying attention to that lecture? Maybe I should have given you a better grade . . . [Turning back] Zell is correct. All we need to do is give the Galbadian army a target and we should be able to head in with little to no resistance.

Selphie: Um . . . something tells me you've got a target in mind.

Quistis: The students. Any SeeDs we can call in. Something to provoke them into attacking. And then a defense.

Xu: Quistis, you're talking about a professional army! The students will be slaughtered.

Quistis: [Shaking her head and smiling slightly] The professional army hasn't had any training in magic or Guardian Forces. Between the two of us, I think we can guarantee that the students will be paying attention to their lessons between now and the time we confront Edea.

Irvine: Yikes, Xu was right. Neither of you think small. I'm assuming that we six are supposed to sneak into Galbadia Garden in the middle of a pitched battle?

Squall: Yes. We're the ones Cid trusts to handle this.

Irvine: I've got to say, all things considered, I'd rather be at the Garden Festival.

Selphie: You'd BETTER be, you're on the committee!

Xu: All right. Quistis, we're going to need to work out defensive details. [To Squall] I wouldn't advise heading to Galbadia Garden too quickly.

Squall: Right. We've got some time before we arrive, everybody. Prepare yourselves however you want.

Zell: Aren't we going to stay and help plan?

Squall: This is Quistis and Xu we're talking about, Zell.

Zell: Good point. Well, I'm off to get some hot dogs! [He leaves.]

Selphie: [To Irvine] And now you're going to finish your story.

Irvine: All right, but we'll need some privacy, I think . . . [They leave together. Rinoa also leaves. Squall, after a moment of looking around, quickly leaves the room and catches up with Rinoa.]

Squall: Rinoa.

Rinoa: [Turning around and looking at him] Did you want something, Squall?

Squall: [Scratching his head] Uh . . . well, I guess not. Hmmm . . .

Rinoa: Oh. [They look at each other for a moment or two.] So . . . is that necklace your . . . sister's?

Squall: Yeah. It was the only thing she left . . .

Rinoa: I probably should have stolen something different from you, then.

Squall: Huh? Oh, yeah, I guess so . . .

Rinoa: What about that ring? Is that yours?

Squall: Yes.

Rinoa: Let me see. [She grabs his hand.] It looks like the monster on the necklace.

Squall: It's actually a kind of animal, not a monster. It's called a Lion.

Rinoa: Does the Lion have a name?

Squall: Griever.

Rinoa: [Smiling] Well, I guess I know what to steal next time.

[Squall takes off the ring and hands it to her.]

Rinoa: What . . .?

Squall: [Shrugging] Theft protection. You can't steal it if I've already given it to you.

[Rinoa flings her arms around him, hugging him tightly and backing him up a few steps.]

Squall: Uh . . . I'm going to need my rib cage pretty soon; could you try not to break it?

Rinoa: Oh. Right. [She lets go of him.] Um . . . so, I guess I'll need to train a little before we get there.

Squall: Okay. Do you remember the way to the Training Area?

Rinoa: Actually . . .

Squall: I'll show you.

[They walk out the hall together. As they are about to enter the training area, a voice suddenly rings throughout the building.]


[When they arrive at the location of Galbadia Garden, they find that it is not there. At the controls, Quistis and Xu are sharing a pair of binoculars.]

Quistis: Looks like we'll have even more time for training the students.

Xu: Somebody should probably tell Squall.

Quistis: Hmmm . . . it looks like the foundations are still down there.

Xu: I noticed that.

Quistis: [Keying the intercom] Squall, could you come up here for a second?

Squall: [Through the intercom] I'll be right there. [Squall comes up the control area.]

Quistis: Galbadia Garden has moved.

Squall: [Looking out through the binoculars] Like us? No, the foundations were left behind.

Quistis: I believe the Sorceress has made her Garden mobile, as well.

Squall: [Nodding] Then we'll have to find it. More preparation time won't hurt.

[At this time, Galabdia Garden must be tracked down. Whichever town they arrive in, Galbadian soldiers have occupied. Though there are soldiers, Edea, Seifer, Fujin, and Raijin are not to be found. Finally, Squall and the others approach the Galbadian Garden, which has come to rest near Edea's house. The scene shifts to the control deck, where Quistis, Xu, and Squall are standing. Squall looks out the binoculars, and an FMV shows of Galbadia and Balamb Gardens approaching one another.]

Squall: All right. Xu, this is your show. Quistis and I will stay here until the moment comes for us to enter Galbadia Garden.

Quistis: [Keying the intercom] Festival Group, report in.

[The scene shifts to the Festival Stage, where Selphie and Irvine are standing with many gathered students.]

Irvine: We're ready to party down here, Quistis. Feel free to come; you're definitely a girl I want at a party.

Selphie: [Pushing him a little] Hey!

Irvine: Wouldn't you want her at a party?

Selphie: That's beside the point!

Irvine: [To the intercom] I'd better hang up before you guys hear Selphie tell me what she thinks the point is.

[The scene shifts back to the control deck, where Xu is covering her mouth with her hands and laughing.]

Quistis: Not ONE word. [She turns back to the intercom] Hot Dog team, report in.

[The scene shifts to the front entryway, where Zell and Rinoa stand with another group of students, as well as a few military vehicles.]

Zell: We're ready to bust some skulls, Quistis.

Quistis: All right. Let's get their attention. Show them some magic whenever you're ready, Zell.

Zell: Right on, Instructor. [He keys off the intercom, then turns to Rinoa.] Well, let's see what old Ifrit can– [He stops and looks suddenly at Rinoa again.] Hey, where did you get THAT?

Rinoa: [Hurriedly stuffing something hanging on a chain around her neck underneath her clothing.] What, the chain? They're pretty easy, I used one from an old ID tag–

Zell: No, that ring. Isn't that Squall's?

Rinoa: Um . . . shouldn't you be attacking Galbadia Garden?

Zell: I KNEW it; it is Squall's! Wow! [He turns and looks at Galbadia Garden.] Let's channel a little anger. [Zell summons Ifrit, who tears a large chunk out of the side of Galbadia Garden.] That probably did it. [FMV of Galbadian Soldiers preparing for assault.] Hey, the Garden's coming right at us. [There are flares of rockets. Zell begins to shout as Galbadia Garden comes swiftly closer] GET READY, PEOPLE! THIS IS THE REAL THING!

[The scene shifts to the control deck.]

Xu: Odd . . . they're within rocket range, but they're not slowing down I thought they'd attempt to keep their distance . . .

Quistis: No, they're speeding up! They're going to ram! [She slaps the intercom] Brace for impact! Brace for impact!

[FMV of the two Gardens running into one another and tearing sizeable chunks out. Several Galbadian mobile units ramp out of Galbadia Garden and begin landing on Balamb Garden, firing away. Other Galbadians with personal flight suits begin swarming around the whole Garden, breaking through at various points. The scene shifts back to the control deck.]

Quistis: [Still on the intercom] All groups, report in!

Irvine: [Over the intercom] This is Festival group. Selphie's throwing a fit about the new damage to the stage. It's incredible. I think she killed eight Galbadians at once. Oh, my word, I've never seen a rocket launcher used like THAT before. Anyway, I'm seeing a few practice targets. Got to go.

Quistis: That man . . .

Zell: We've got major Galbadians on our butts! Half of 'em are dead, but – INCOMING!!!!

[FMV of chunks of Balamb Garden falling. Rinoa, fighting various Galbadians, loses her balance and slides over the edge, barely managing to grab hold of the edge. The scene shifts back to the Control Deck.]

Zell: Damn! That explosion knocked Rinoa over the edge! She's hangin' on, but I can't reach her!

Quistis: [Looking over at Squall, who's looking over the edge of the Garden.] Squall, what–

Squall: If I screw up, take Zell, Irvine and Selphie and get Edea. [He jumps over the railing and slides down the side of the Garden. Before he falls off, he leaps and grabs hold of one of the Galbadians in a flight suit. They begin weaving erratically. The scene shifts to other two areas, where students are tossing fire, ice, and lightning everywhere. Selphie and Irvine are laughing with each other as Galbadians drop around them. Zell is jumping from mobile vehicle to mobile vehicle, disabling mechanisms and killing their drivers. The scene shifts back to Squall, who manages to undo the fastenings of the flight mechanism and then holds on to it while the Galbadian drops to the ground. He flies over to where Rinoa is hanging on to the side of the Garden, rescuing her.]

Rinoa: Thanks!

Squall: Ah . . . it was in the contract. Have to keep you safe.

Rinoa: Right.

[They land near the battle at the entryway. Rinoa steps back from Squall, who suddenly reaches over and tugs on the chain around her neck. His ring hangs on the chain.]

Rinoa: It, um, wouldn't fit around any of my fingers . . .

Squall: [Nodding and letting go of the chain] It looks like this wave is thinning. I think it's time. Let's get Zell and call the others. [They head over to Zell, who is shouting encouragement to the students and doing martial arts moves.]

Zell: That's the way! Don't let up! Do what you have to! You guys kick BUTT!

Rinoa: Zell . . .

Zell: [Whirling suddenly, then starting in surprise and falling over.] Wow. Squall saved you? It's worse than I thought . . .

Rinoa: Zell, don't make me slap you . . .

Zell: [Scrambling up.] Wouldn't think of it. Is it time, then?

Squall: Yes. Give the signal.

Zell: [Turning to the students] You heard the man!

[The students fire multi-colored flare guns which burst around the Galabadia Garden windows. Presently, Selphie, Irvine, and Quistis arrive.]

Quistis: Great timing. Nice to see you alive, Squall.

Selphie: Did our fearless leader do something foolish?

Quistis: Apparently not. Let's go.

Squall: Remember, the goal is Edea. Let's not get sidetracked. [They head into Galbadia Garden. There are various monsters, including Cerberus. Finally, they enter the Auditorium. Seifer, Fujin, and Raijin are waiting.]

Seifer: Squall. I was expecting you later.

Squall: We want to see Edea, Seifer. Get out of the way.

Seifer: That would be the problem. We don't want you to see Edea. [He looks around.] Rinoa. You grow more beautiful every time I see you.

Rinoa: I can't say the same about you, Seifer.

Seifer: That's unfortunate. You know, we did break up when I went to Balamb Garden, but maybe, for old time's sake . . .

Rinoa: No.

Seifer: [Shrugging] Oh, well. Can't blame a guy for trying. [He looks at Zell] You know, Dincht, if I didn't know better, I'd swear you'd doubled your IQ by growing another brain cell.

Zell: Talk, talk, talk, Seifer. [Pausing for a moment, then suddenly shouting.] HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN HOW TO FIGHT, SCUMBAG?!

Seifer: Oh, I have no doubt we'll fight, soon enough. But I've got one final question. [He turns to Quistis.] Do you trust me yet, Instructor?

Quistis: Seifer, what kind of a question is that?

Seifer: Apparently not one that you'll answer. Let's get this over with.

[Battle with Seifer, Fujin, and Raijin. After they are defeated, Edea descends.]

Edea: Pathetic. Get out of my sight. You have failed me.

Seifer: No . . .

[Edea gestures, and Seifer is thrown against the wall. He collapses, blood trickling from his mouth.]

Rinoa: NO! [She runs over to Seifer, and there is a bright flash. When the light clears, Rinoa is slumped over, barely standing, and Seifer is whole. He stands.]

Squall: Rinoa!

Seifer: Goodbye, Edea. If you will not have me, I know of one who will. [He gestures to Fujin and Raijin, and they leave.]

Edea: And now it has come. Children of the Gardens, my children, come. There is much to be done.

Squall: We're not your children. The woman who raised us didn't overrun continents.

Edea: Yet she stands before you.

Quistis: Maybe. Maybe not.

Edea: [Raising her hand] Then receive the punishment for your disobedience.

[Battle with Edea. As she is defeated, a light begins to flow out of her. Rinoa screams and collapses.]

Squall: Rinoa! [He runs over and picks her up in his arms.]

Edea: Squall . . . ? Quistis . . . ? What are you doing here . . . ? [She slumps over.]

Quistis: [Hurrying up to Edea] Squall, she's going fast!

Squall: Quistis, get her to Balamb Garden Infirmary! Zell, Irvine, Selphie, clear a path! [Qustis picks up Edea, and they hurry back through Galbadia Garden. The sounds of battle are absent. As they exit Galbadia Garden, they see that the fighting is over.]

Quistis: Zell, get a report from the teams. Irvine, Selphie, take some unwounded students and scour the building. We'll be in the Infirmary. Go! [Zell, Irvine, and Selphie depart. Squall and Quistis rush to the Infirmary. Kadowaki is there, tending wounded students.]

Kadowaki: [Without looking up] There's a lot of wounded, unless it's major, the line's out in the hall.

Quistis: It's pretty damn "major."

Kadowaki: [Looking up] Whoah! Sorry, but it's been a long day! Get them over here! [Kadowaki begins hooking machines up to Edea.] What's wrong with the girl, Squall? I don't see any wounds.

Squall: I don't know. She . . . collapsed.

Kadowaki: Put her on a table. I'll look at her once the wounded have been tended.

Quistis: [Keying an intercom] Xu, find Headmaster Cid. Tell him he wants to be at the Infirmary.

Zell: [Entering the room at the run] They say the Galbadians suddenly turned and ran. Away from us, but not back into Galbadia Garden. There's major structural damage to the Garden, but we won't be able to tell how much until we try to back away from Galbadia Garden. Which we should probably do very soon, since if you're right, it was the Sorceress that was making it fly.

Quistis: [Starting suddenly] You're right! Come with me to the control deck! [They leave the Infirmary. Squall looks around, finds a chair, and sits next to Rinoa. Kadowaki goes back to treating the wounded students. After a few minutes, Cid arrives. He rushes to the Infirmary bed where Edea lies.]

Cid: Is she–

Kadowaki: I've stabilized her condition. She's lost a lot of blood, and her brain chemistry indicates a lot of stress. Even if she weren't wounded, I'd recommend a three-week vacation.

Cid: [Looking around] I don't suppose there's a chair anywhere . . .?

Squall: [Standing up] Here, Headmaster. Use mine.

Cid: Thanks, Squall. [He looks at Kadowaki.] Uh . . . is there a way to have a little privacy? [Kadowaki goes to her desk and presses a button. A shimmering wall of light obscures the view and sound between the main office and Edea's and Rinoa's beds. Cid takes the chair and sits next to Edea, hesitantly reaching out to touch her hand.]

Squall: I'll leave, Headmaster, if you . . .

Cid: [Quietly] No. Stay. [He glances at Rinoa.] It isn't easy, is it?

Squall: I . . . don't know what you're talking about, Headmaster.

Cid: I suppose that's true, in a way. I just hope we can find another chair. I have a hunch you won't be leaving this room for a while.

Squall: Why did you send me to her, Headmaster?

Cid: [Looking back at his wife] Once you're ready to understand the answer, Squall, I think you'll find you no longer need to ask the question.

[Squall says nothing, but walks over to the wall beside Rinoa's bed and slides down until he is sitting. Suddenly, the general intercom chimes in.]

Zell: All right, everybody, brace yourselves! We're trying to disengage from Galbadia Garden! [There is a shriek of metal and some shuddering. Squall stands up and keeps Rinoa steady on her bed. The shuddering grows stronger, and minor explosions are heard.] All right, we're moving away at top speed – which isn't much, but hey, it's better than nothing!

[The wall of light shimmers briefly, and Kadowaki enters.]

Kadowaki: [Frowning] Headmaster, Selphie Tilmitt wants to visit with you – and she has an outrageous young man named Irvine Kinneas with her.

Cid: [Smiling slightly] It's okay, Dr. Kadowaki. They can come in. [Selphie and Irvine enter.]

Irvine: [Holding his hat in his hands] I'm sorry, Headmaster, we did the best we could . . .

Selphie: Is she going to make it? We tried our best . . .

Cid: I think she's going to be fine. I know you did your best, Selphie. You always do. It's one of the many things I've always admired about you. [Selphie gives Cid a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.]

Irvine: She's looking more stable. What about [he glances over and starts in surprise] . . . Squall?

Cid: [Smiling] I'm pretty sure Squall's going to be okay. It's nice of you to be so concerned for him, though. [Selphie starts laughing quietly to herself.]

Irvine: Uh . . . I was about to ask about Rinoa, but I guess Squall will keep us up to date. [He turns to Selphie] Are you laughing at me? [Selphie nods. Irvine frowns.]

Cid: Did you want to stay a while? I'm sure we can find more chairs . . .

Selphie: [Still giggling a little] Oh, no, Headmaster. There's still a lot to do around the Garden – the Festival Stage is going to need another cleaning, and half the books in the library are off the shelf, and–

Irvine: Come on, Selphie, we can go over the list on the way out. [They leave. The scene fades out. When it fades in again, it is night. Cid is still in a chair by Edea's bed, snoring slightly. Squall is still sitting by Rinoa's bed.]

Squall: [To himself] Looks like the Headmaster's asleep. [Quietly] Headmaster? Headmaster?

[Squall gets to his knees and looks at Rinoa over the edge of the bed.]

Squall: Rinoa? Can you hear me? [Rinoa continues breathing evenly, her eyes closed.] Rinoa? I don't know if you can hear me, but . . . [he swallows] You're asleep and I can't find you. I can't talk to you. I don't want you to go away. [He reaches out and takes the chain around her neck in his hand, looking at the Griever ring. There is a white flash.]

[The scene is Caraway's Mansion. A little girl is playing with a toy train set there, beside a grand piano. Caraway and Julia are standing by the window, looking at each other, Caraway with his fists clenched, Julia with her arms folded.]

Caraway: Don't give me that! You think of him! You ALWAYS think of him!

Julia: I married you. I've borne your child. Isn't that enough to satisfy you? [Caraway strikes the window sill, then turns and stalks away. Julia goes over to where the little girl is playing.] Don't worry. He means well. He's just not able to live down that I was in love with somebody else before I met him. Shall I make up a lullaby for you, Rinoa? [She looks at the toy train set] Hmmm . . .

[There is a white flash, and the scene is Winhill at night. Laguna is standing on a hill, looking at Raine.]

Laguna: Don't worry. I saw a lot of the world as a young soldier. Ward's still working in the prison; he'll know where Kiros is. We'll get together and find her. Piece of cake!

Raine: What if they've taken Ellone to – to Esthar?

Laguna: I don't care if they've stuck her on the moon! I'm going to find her!

Raine: Goodbye, then . . .

[She stands on her toes and her face approaches Laguna's. There is a white flash, and the scene is Deling city in the sunshine. A young girl is running at top speed through the streets when she suddenly collides with a blond boy a little taller than her.]

Boy: Hey, watch it!

Girl: I'm sorry. It's just so nice to be free!

Boy: Free? You've been in prison?

Girl: Yeah, a great big prison named Caraway's Mansion.

Boy: You live in Caraway's Mansion? Right. And I'm the champion of Sorceress Adel.

Girl: Don't say her name!

Boy: Why not? I've been saying it every day in my history classes, and nothing bad has happened.

Girl: You take history?

Boy: I study everything. Say, are you ever going to get up? I can't until you do.

Girl: Oh. Sorry. [She stands up.] My name's Rinoa. Rinoa Heartilly.

Boy: I'm Seifer. Seifer Almasy.

Rinoa: Well, Seifer, if you're not busy, can you show me around until my father's goons catch up with me?

Seifer: I've got homework.

Rinoa: Then I'll help you do it!

Seifer: I don't need help. [Rinoa hangs her head] But if you want to tag along, I guess you can.

Rinoa: Thanks!

[They turn away, and there is a white flash. The scene is a school lunchroom, with snow falling outside. Many students can be seen outside, playing in the snow. A teen-aged Seifer sits alone at one end of the table, looking over a textbook while eating. A fairly muscular student walks by, looks at Seifer, then slams Seifer's book shut.]

Student: You forgot to pay the "library fee," bookworm.

Seifer: That's because there isn't one.

Student: Actually, there is, and it's my job to collect. How much have you got on you?

Seifer: Well, not much, actually . . . except this fairly inexpensive video recorder. I imagine when the supervisors see what you do with your lunch breaks, you'll be looking at . . . oh, a semester's worth of detention.

Student: [Lunging] Give me that!

Seifer: [Rolling out of the way of the lunge and coming to his feet at ready] Or . . . what, exactly?

[The student throws a punch, which Seifer blocks. Seifer skips back another couple of steps.]

Seifer: [Turning off the recorder] And now I've got you throwing a punch. That's not just detention, that's expulsion. Do you want to quit now, while you're ahead, or would you like to go for round three?

[The student charges forward, swinging wildly. With cool precision, Seifer blocks the punches, then destroys the student's kneecap. The student falls to the ground, howling.]

Seifer: [Looking down at him] You see? First, you lost your free time. Next, you lost your education. Now, you've lost your health. If that knee ever heals, you can come see me, and if you want, I'll show you what you lose next. [He walks over to the table, picks up his book, and begins to leave the cafeteria. Rinoa, however, comes in, and he stops.]

Rinoa: Hi, Seifer! [Looking over at the shrieking student] What's wrong with him?

Seifer: It was terrible. Brain defect. I was just about to go get a supervisor. Why is your nose bleeding?

Rinoa: Oh, I lost my balance after jumping out of my window.

Seifer: Why were you jumping out of your window?

Rinoa: My father's installed automatic locks on the doors.

Seifer: Heh. There are ways to beat those things. Locks aren't much good without ways to unlock them, and those can be figured out . . . [He glances back at the student] I really need to get a supervisor, but after a school, we can learn how to deal with locks. [He fishes in his pocket and pulls out a handkerchief.] Here, let me clean that off . . .

[He begins gently wiping her face. There is a flash of white, and the scene is a field of flowers. Rinoa stands there, then suddenly turns.]

Rinoa: Squall?

Squall: [Voice coming from all directions] Rinoa!

Rinoa: Squall, what's happening? What's – [Rinoa begins to roar, and white light begins to shine around her. From her shoulders, wings begin to grow.]

Squall: Rinoa!

[The light flares intensely, and the scene is Edea's house. Laguna, Kiros, and Ward stand there.]

Edea: You must look for her in Esthar. Adel has taken her. You must go directly there. Do not turn aside for any reason.

Laguna: I wasn't plannin' on it. We're going to break Ellone free and send her back to Winhill.

Edea: I wish I could be more help. But I will make you this promise: when Ellone returns, I will watch over her as much as I can.

Laguna: Hey, thanks. [He turns to Kiros and Ward.] Let's go to Esthar!

Kiros: There should be a train from Fisherman's Horizon. [They walk off.]

Edea: [Turning and looking up.] Squall? What are you doing watching this?

Squall: Huh?

Edea: [Putting her hands on her hips] You need to leave, Squall. This isn't your time. Your time is not now. You need to go back.

Squall: How? How do I go back?

[There is a white flash, and the scene is the Balamb Garden Infirmary. It is daylight. Squall is lying on the bed where Edea used to be. Rinoa is still unconscious.]

Edea: Wake up, Squall. Rinoa's mind isn't the safest place to be right now.

Squall: Rinoa's mind?

Edea: [Laughing] Squall, where else did you think you were?

Squall: The past . . .

Edea: Yes, but only because Rinoa pulled you there.

Squall: Rinoa! What's wrong with her?

Edea: Nothing, as such. She's just asleep.

Squall: Asleep?!

Edea: A sorceress can't really awaken until they've slept.

Squall: A sorceress?!

Edea: Squall, this conversation's going to get a trifle boring if you keep repeating everything I say.

Squall: Uh . . . right. Sorry. So, I guess you're . . .

Edea: Well, I'm not going to be going around terrorizing continents and creating monsters any more, if that makes you feel better.

Squall: Uh . . . right. How long was I out?

Edea: Oh, several days, from what I understand. I didn't actually wake up until a couple of days ago, and after that I was . . . busy . . . with Cid. As far as location, we've been parked outside the orphanage, working on repairing Balamb Garden.

Squall: How do we wake up Rinoa?

Edea: Beats me. It took me a while to wake up, myself, but I was five when it happened to me. Her mind is changing, Squall. It's got to rearrange itself, and that takes time – it also means that she might unintentionally carry along some extra baggage, like she did with you. Her mind's very vulnerable at the moment. It's better to sleep through it.

Squall: Why?

Edea: Well, Odine could probably give you the best answer, but he's in Esthar. Adel would probably babble on like she always did. Personally, I like to say it's like learning to walk. You've suddenly discovered you have an ability, but you're not sure how to use it. You've got to train yourself to use it. That's what Rinoa's mind is doing – figuring out how to use her ability.

Squall: You're not talking like you did.

Edea: Oh. Adel always liked to sound like holy writ.

Squall: No, I mean when you punished us for the fireworks.

Edea: From what I've seen, Squall, you've learned discipline. I can treat you like an adult. Zell, on the other hand . . . Well, Cid says he's been making improvements, but . . .

Squall: So . . . if Adel took over you, could she take over Rinoa?

Edea: That's a very penetrating question, Squall. And again, the answers aren't here.

Squall: Then where?

Edea: In Esthar. That's where Odine continues his research. That's Adel's nation – before she vanished.

Squall: Then that's where I'm going next. [He starts to sit up.]

Edea: Calm down, Squall. I can understand your concern, but you may want to at least explain to all the others before you head off to Esthar. And you may want to spend some time in your OWN head now that I've put you back there. [She stands up and flows through a wall.]

Squall: [Staring after her] Maybe so. Maybe not. [He turns to Rinoa.] She said you'll wake up. That you just need to rest. [He looks down for a moment, then back up.] I . . . I just want you to know that when you're ready, I'll be here. I'll be waiting here – [He stops for a moment, then continues] I'll be waiting . . . for you. [He starts to walk away, then turns back.] So, if you come here, you'll find me . . . I promise.

[The scene shifts to the Balamb Garden hallways. Students are busy repairing the Garden. Edea flows sedately down a hallway. She sees Quistis leaning against a wall with her arms folded. Edea stops.]

Quistis: Matron.

Edea: Quistis, haven't you grown up enough to call me Edea?

Quistis: That depends on how you define "grown up" . . . Matron. I'm not that much different from what I was as a child.

Edea: What do you want?

Quistis: I'm worried.

Edea: About Squall? He's fine.

Quistis: About Seifer.

Edea: What about . . . Seifer?

Quistis: [Flatly] Let me refresh your memory. Blond hair, white coat, served you until you threw him against a wall? Ring a bell?

Edea: There's no need to be snide. Why are you worried about him?

Quistis: [Rolling her eyes] Did he learn that habit of asking pointless, obvious questions from you?

Edea: Don't worry. Rinoa healed him. [Quistis frowns.] Does that upset you?

Quistis: Not at all, Matron. But I wonder where Seifer went after you rejected him.

Edea: If you're that worried, I'm afraid you'll have to find him. I couldn't even begin to start looking.

Quistis: Why not? You're a sorceress, for crying out loud!

Edea: I'm going to have my hands full just helping Squall survive the trip to Esthar.

Quistis: Esthar?

Edea: Did you learn the habit of repeating everything I say from Squall?

Quistis: Touché, Matron. Very well. I'll worry about Seifer privately – on the way to Esthar.

[Quistis heads to the Infirmary, where Squall is just leaving.]

Quistis: So, you're finally awake.

Squall: I guess so. Edea said I was out for a several days.

Quistis: You were. You scared us.

Squall: [Clearing his throat] I'm afraid I've got to go to–

Quistis: – Esthar. Edea told me. Were you planning on going alone?

Squall: No. But I'm not sure who will want to come with me.

Quistis: I will. [There is a moment's silence, and Quistis puts her hand on his arm. Suddenly, though, she turns away.] I'll go see if any of the others want to come. [She walks off.]

Squall: Quistis . . .

Quistis: [Turning back] Yes, Squall?

Squall: Thanks.

Quistis: I wish I could do more. Is that all you wanted?

Squall: Is that all YOU wanted?

Quistis: There's a lot I want from you, Squall. But it seems that the door is closing rapidly. [Whirling around and bowing her head] I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said . . .

Squall: Instructor, I–

Quistis: [Without looking at him] You only have so much to give, Squall. And I think you've given it. Just remember that more than one of us cares for you. I'll go get the others now. Excuse me. [She leaves. Squall stares after her, then returns to the Infirmary and sits heavily on a bed.]

Squall: [To himself] I remember, Instructor. I always remember. [Irvine, Selphie, and Zell enter the Infirmary.]

Zell: Quistis said we had a new mission and you were going to tell us about it.

Squall: Is she coming?

Zell: She said she already knew the general idea.

Squall: [Sighing] All right. This is it: I'm going to Esthar. If you guys want to come with me, you can.

Zell: Esthar? Why Esthar?

Selphie: Hasn't Adel left Edea?

Irvine: Esthar's bad news, Squall. Galbadia's still afraid of it.

Squall: Esthar is the center of research on Sorceresses. Dr. Odine publishes his reports from there. If we want to be sure of ending the threat posed by Adel, that's where we've got to go.

Selphie: Into the heart of her kingdom? Wow.

Squall: You don't have to come with me if you don't want to. I'll leave you some time to make up your mind. We'll be going there from Fisherman's Horizon, so you'll have plenty of time to think it over. [He stands and leaves.]

Selphie: [Looking at Rinoa's bed] You think maybe our fearless leader has an ulterior motive for wanting to find out about Sorceresses?

Irvine: Maybe. It doesn't really matter, to me. He gave a good enough reason. We need to know if what happened to Edea can happen again. We won't find the answers anywhere else. I'm in.

Selphie: Me, too!

Zell: But the cafeteria's going to get a new supply of hot dogs on Thursday! [The other two stare at him, and he hangs his head.] All right, fine, I'll come.

[The scene is Quistis's dorm room. She is sitting on her bed, staring out a window. There is a knock on the door.]

Quistis: Who is it?

[The knock repeats.]

Quistis: [Sighing, standing up and walking to open the door] You'd better have a good reason for disturbing me, whoever you are, because I'm in a really bad mo– [She opens the door to see Squall, and rapidly shuts it again.]

Squall: [Through the door] Instructor, I want to talk.

Quistis: No.

Squall: I can wait.

Quistis: I can sneak out my window.

Squall: [After a moment] Instructor, how can you blame me for running away when you're doing the same thing yourself?

Quistis: [Opening the door] The difference is that you're just afraid of being hurt. I AM being hurt. [She moves to shut the door, but Squall blocks her.]

Squall: Then why are you coming?

Quistis: Maybe because you need my help. Maybe because Rinoa Heartilly will make a mistake. And maybe, Squall, because Seifer will come to find you. There, is that enough?

Squall: Seifer?

Quistis: [Rolling her eyes] I can't believe it took us this long to notice we were all raised by the same person. Seifer, Squall. I'm sure you remember him. He abandoned us for Edea, but then she abandoned him. What do you think that's done to him?

Squall: I hadn't considered.

Quistis: I have. He was a student of mine, too. But wherever he's gone, he'll come to confront you again. He won't be able to help himself.

Squall: And you think Rinoa will make a mistake?

Quistis: I won't give up until I've lost completely, Squall. Now, have I bared enough of my soul to you?

Squall: I suppose so. I just wanted to clear the air.

Quistis: Fine. The air is perfectly clear. Now, get out of the way of my door so I can slam it in your face and attempt to preserve the last vestiges of my privacy.

[The scene shifts to the hall outside as Squall moves away. Quistis slams the door shut. The scene fades to black. The player can now explore the world at leisure. Once they reach Fisherman's Horizon, the following takes place.]

[The scene is Squall's bedroom. The door embedded in his wall has yet to be removed and repaired. Squall is asleep. The intercom crackles.]

Cid: Squall, we're approaching Fisherman's Horizon.

Squall: [Waking up and keying the intercom] Thank you, Headmaster. Tell the others I'll meet them at the entrance. [He heads out of his room and to the Infirmary. There, he carefully picks up Rinoa. He carries her to the entrance, where the others have assembled.]

Irvine: Wow. You're not going to be much good in a fight while you're carrying her.

Squall: Then I'm glad you all decided to come along. Let's . . . [He stops as Cid and Edea approach.]

Edea: I am coming with you.

Zell: Uh, Matron . . .?

Edea: Zell, are you questioning me?

Zell: [Standing up straighter] No, Matron.

Edea: Good.

Selphie: Don't you want to stay here with the Headmaster?

Edea: Of course I do. But that's not what I'm going to do. We've said our goodbyes, so let's not drag this out. There aren't any trains to Esthar any more, so we've got a long walk ahead of us.

[They walk through Fisherman's Horizon and take the long rail bridge to the continent of Esthar. Monsters of all description attack them. After a particularly large battle, they stop for a moment.]

Quistis: Where did all of these come from?

Edea: A sorceress can either create monsters or summon them. Adel wanted lots of protection for her realm. She didn't care whether the protection wanted to be there or how ugly her realm became.

Quistis: You seem to have known her quite well.

Edea: Yes. We loathed each other.

Quistis: Why?

Edea: Adel thought we were divinely appointed to rule over humanity. I thought that our power gave us an enormous responsibility toward humanity. She came and tried to persuade me to her side, and I refused.

Quistis: And then she took you over?

Edea: Actually, she branded me a heretic and sent her personal guard to kill me.

Selphie: Her personal guard?

Edea: Yes; they called themselves the SeeD.

Squall: Wait, but we're–

Edea: I do confess, I chose the name when I asked Cid to create the mercenary SeeD for the sole purpose of annoying Adel. Petty, childish . . . and very, very, satisfying.

Irvine: So what happened with her personal guard?

Edea: They never could seem to find me. When it comes to concealment, I am a veritable champion.

Quistis: So she took a different road and discovered a way to possess you.

Edea: Sorceress powers shape themselves according to the mind of the person wielding them. Adel's passion was always dominance.

[They continue until they reach a cliff side showing nothing but a barren desert.]

Selphie: Where did Esthar go?

Squall: There's a flickering . . . [He walks forward, carrying Rinoa. A hole suddenly opens in front of him.]

Zell: What the . . .

Irvine: Is this an illusion? A way of hiding what Esthar really is?

Edea: Whatever it is, we must make use of it or turn back.

Squall: There's no turning back. [He enters the hole. The others follow. Inside the hole is a mass of technology. They navigate their way through until they find themselves on a clear crystal panel, which shuttles them outside and toward the city of Esthar.]

Zell: [Pointing at the city] That thing's huge!

Selphie: Wow!

Irvine: I didn't know they were this advanced . . . why are they hiding?

Quistis: There's only one reason to hide – you don't want somebody else to find you. Who are they afraid of?

[They arrive at the City of Esthar, which is extremely technologically advanced. The equivalent of an airborne railway system takes them to various shops in the city. While they explore, they find that Odine may be found in a suite adjacent to the president's palace. Once they head there, they are confronted by Esthar soldiers and an overweight man in heavy robes.]

Soldier: What is your business here, strangers?

Squall: We're here to see Odine.

[The overweight man shakes his head.]

Soldier: I'm sorry, but nobody may see Odine without presidential permission.

Squall: Fine, where is the president?

Soldier: Not just anybody can see the president, sir–

Edea: What if the Sorceress Edea were here to see him?

Soldier: Hah! Now, that's a good one! The Sorceress Ed– [He stops suddenly] You aren't, are you? Edea the Heretic?

Edea: Would you like a demonstration? [The soldiers all step back. The overweight man taps the soldier on the shoulder, nods, and gestures upward.]

Soldier: Uh . . . the President's currently at the space station. To get there, you'll have to use our launch site. [He takes something from the overweight man.] Here are some passes that will authorize the trip. Uh . . . have a nice day . . .

Squall: What would their president be doing in space?

Edea: You'll have to ask him when you meet him. I will not journey so close to the moon.

Quistis: Why not?

Edea: I don't like the look of it. Now, do you want to meet Odine or not?

Squall: I guess we have to go meet this "president" of theirs. Let's go to the launch site.

Selphie: [Jumping up and down] Let's take these trains some more first! They're the best trains ever!

Irvine: Uh, Selphie, we're kind of in a hurry.

Selphie: Oh, drat.

[The scene is the launch site. Squall, carrying Rinoa, enters the facility. A person at a desk jumps up suddenly.]

Technician: Who are YOU?

Squall: Relax. I've got the permission. [He nods his head out the door.] She's carrying it. Send us to your space station. I've got to talk with the president. [The rest of the group enters, and the technician begins counting.]

Technicial: Seven of you? That's going to be an awful lot.

Edea: I won't be going. Neither will Zell.

Zell: What? Why not!?

Edea: I want somebody to stay with me for protection. I've chosen you, Zell.

Zell: [Straightening] Uh, sure. Right. I'd be happy to stay here with you, Matron.

Edea: Excellent.

Quistis: Are you expecting trouble, Matron?

Edea: I believe it doesn't pay to take chances. I am known as a heretic, here.

Irvine: Perhaps I'd better stay, as well.

Selphie: Irvine?

Irvine: Zell's good with his hands and fists, but a little long-range protection might not be a bad idea.

Edea: You've always been gallant, Irvine. Ever since the day you picked that first flower for Selphie. Thank you.

Irvine: [Clearing his throat and glancing at Selphie] You're – uh – welcome, Matron. [Pulling his hat off and holding it in his hands] Though, to be honest, I'd like a chance to make up for shooting at you in Deling.

Edea: It wasn't your fault – and I survived.

Irvine: Now it's my turn to thank you. That means a lot to me.

Technician: [Backing away with his mouth open] Is that . . . is she . . .

Squall: Yes to both. We're down to four people now, is that easier?

[The technician starts to run. Quistis pulls out her whip, entangles his legs, and drags him back to her.]

Quistis: [Hauling him up so she can speak to his face] You weren't going to run off and do anything stupid, were you?

Technician: Uh . . . no. No, nothing stupid.

Quistis: Good. Because I've been in a bad mood for a long time, now, and it's not getting any sweeter. Now, how do we get to the space station?

Technician: Uh, well . . . this way.

[The technician leads them to a capsule.]

Technician: We call this the Lunar Gate. Sort of a fancy name. But the space station's actually pretty close to the moon. We put you in a freeze and shoot you at high velocity, then you thaw out when you get there.

Quistis: Why the freeze?

Technician: Because with all the restraints so that you don't get battered to pieces, you can't really move. And it's an awfully boring trip if you're awake.

Quistis: [Turning to Squall] Do we have to– Never mind. Let's just get this over with.

[FMV of the capsule launching and traversing space to the Space Station. The scene shifts to the Space Station interior, where technicians begin reviving them.]

Technician: Initiating final thaw sequence . . . hold on, this may itch a bit . . . [There is a bright flash.]

Selphie: [Opening her eyes] Yow! Hey, get these things off me! I can't scratch! Aaauuugghh! [She begins wiggling as much as possible in her restraints.] I itch I itch I itch I itch . . .

Technician: Easy. [Pressing a few buttons on the capsule, he looks down in the pod. Suddenly, he turns to the wall and keys an intercom.] Medic! Get up here, there's an unconscious girl in the capsule!

Squall: [Opening his eyes] It's not the journey. She's been like this for a while. It's part of the reason we're here.

Technician: Oh. Well, there's still no harm in having the station medic take a look – to get stationed here, you can't just be good. You've got to be brilliant.

Quistis: Does that include you?

Technician: [Laughing] Not really. I'm on duty rotation. He's got permanent position, along with quite a few engineers. [He pushes some more buttons, and the restraints lift.]

Selphie: [Sitting up and scratching herself vigorously] Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh . . .

[A medic and a man with a clipboard enter the room.]

Medic: [Leaning over Rinoa] Wow. Mental activity off the charts. Shifting too rapidly . . . [He turns to Squall] Do you know what she is?

Squall: We understand that the president's here. We need his permission to see Odine.

Medic: Odine would be the one to see, all right. Is it okay if I take her to the med lab? There are a few things I can do to make sure her body doesn't deteriorate too badly.

Squall: Don't hurt her.

Medic: The SeeD would execute me if I did.

Squall: [Nodding] You got that right. Go ahead and take her. I'll be back for her.

Man With Clipboard: I'm Piet, Administrator of this station. May I please see your passes? We take safety very seriously, here. [Quistis hands him their passes.] Oh. Well, these are about as legitimate as you can get. I wonder why? Well, none of my business. I'll take you to the president, and give you a little tour along the way.

[They begin to walk through the station.]

Piet: Most of these windows show the moon. We watch for signs of another Lunar Cry like the one that ravaged the Cetra continent a century ago.

Quistis: We have no records of what happened to the Cetra continent.

Piet: THEY certainly didn't leave any. But we have our own record of that time.

Quistis: It would be interesting to study your histories, then.

Piet: And difficult. The record keepers are very wary of outsiders; it takes a great deal to gain their trust. Here, on the right, we have our life support core. We're able to utilize a great deal of cosmic radiation to provide energy, but it does take up space for all the necessary conversion. [He begins rattling off a few theories. Quistis nods attentively.]

Selphie: [Whispering to Squall] Do you have any idea what he's talking about?

Squall: Some. It looks like Quistis is getting most of it.

Piet: And here is the reason for this station's existence. [He gestures out a large window. The scene shifts to show a giant disc with the shape of a screaming woman engraved upon it. The scene shifts back to the interior.]

Selphie: Creepy.

Squall: Worse.

Quistis: That's Adel. [Turning to Piet] You keep Adel imprisoned here?

Piet: Yes. The president comes regularly to inspect the seals on her prison.

Quistis: But . . . Adel ruled Esthar.

Piet: And she was overthrown. There is a new ruler in Esthar. If the president wishes, he can tell you the story himself. Ah, here we are. The president's room. [He opens the door. The scene shifts to the interior of the president's room. At the far end, Laguna is sitting in a chair. When he sees them, he stands.]

Selphie: Oh my gosh! [Elbowing Quistis] See, I told you he'd be handsome.

Quistis: [Looking at Laguna, then at Squall] Very much so.

Laguna: Squall. I've been waiting a long, long time for you to come.

Squall: Laguna?! How do you know my name?

[Suddenly, another door opens, and Ellone runs in, burying Squall in a hug. Two White SeeD enter the room immediately after.]

Ellone: Oh, Squall! You made it! You made it!

White SeeD: Behold the Sorceress of Esthar. Make obeisance, and give her all honor. Blessings be upon her brother, and those who travel with him.

[The scene changes to the Lunar Gate, where Edea, Zell, and Irvine sit on a benches.]

Zell: So . . . what do we do in the meantime?

Edea: We practice patience.

Zell: I hate patience.

Edea: That is why I am making you practice. Any fool can do that which comes easily to them.

[A White SeeD walks up and taps Irvine on the shoulder.]

Irvine: Yes?

White SeeD: We wish the Sorceress Edea to know that the ban against her is no longer in force. The Sorceress of Esthar has granted clemency.

Edea: Convey my gratitude to the Sorceress of Esthar. The SeeD are a strength to the land.

[The White SeeD bows and leaves. Both Irvine and Zell stare at Edea in surprise.]

Zell: I thought you didn't like Adel.

Edea: That message was not from Adel. If Adel were still reigning in Esthar, she would have no need to possess others. Adel vanished, and another sorceress took her place.

Irvine: A lot of sorceresses are running around these days.

Edea: I suppose you could say we are "running around," but I would hope there is more to our actions than that.

Irvine: All of these women plotting back and forth . . . give me a nice, simple target any day of the week.

[There is a rumbling sound, and a slight trembling. Zell runs outside. FMV of Lunatic Pandora flying towards the city of Esthar.]

Zell: What is THAT!?

Edea: [Standing and flowing through the wall to be outside.] Lunatic Pandora.

Zell: Luna what?

Edea: A massive crystal formation unearthed during Adel's war. It can be used to concentrate and focus sorceress powers. Adel used it as a weapon until I tore it from her and cast it into the sea.

Irvine: [Shouting to make himself heard over the noise] So what's it doing here?

Edea: We shall see.

Zell: [Pointing] You said you wanted a nice, simple target?

Irvine: Yeah.

Zell: I got one for you on the roof of that thing.

[The scene shifts to the top of Lunatic Pandora, where Seifer stands looking down with Fujin and Raijin.]

Seifer: [Under his breath] Zell, Zell, Zell. It's rude to point like that. You should be more mannered when you're with the Matron. [Narrowing his eyes] Let's get below deck, people.

Raijin: I'm kinda enjoyin' the breeze, ya know?

Fujin: [Sighing] RIFLE.

Seifer: Don't get too attached, Fujin. He's like that with everybody. Well, Raijin, would you rather stay here and be shot?

Raijin: Of course not. But I don't know these people like you do, ya know?

[They descend, and the scene shifts back to Edea, Zell, and Irvine outside the Lunar Gate.]

Zell: I think they're headin' for the city!

Irvine: We'd better go, just in case they're planning something. [They both look at Edea.]

Edea: I would have expected nothing less from you two. Let us head to the city.

[FMV of the Lunatic Pandora flying over the city. Zell, Irvine, and Edea arrive at the outskirts.]

Irvine: Look at that flight path. It's going to brush right by the palace.

Zell: You think we'd have a chance to board?

Edea: You seem very eager, Zell.

Zell: I've been wanting to beat Seifer for ages. Recently, though, he's climbed to number one on my "Kill" list.

Irvine: I think we can board there. Let's hurry. [They navigate through the city, making it to a possible intersection point. Irvine turns to Zell as they observe the steady approach of Lunatic Pandora.] You've got a "Kill" list?

Zell: Yeah, don't you?

Irvine: No need. When I decide I want to kill somebody, they die. That way, I don't have to keep notes.

Zell: You're that good?

Irvine: Nah. I'm just jokin' with you. Helps me stay loose.

Edea: Perhaps we should focus on our method of entry.

Irvine: I've always been a fan of dramatic leaps.

Zell: Rope and a grappling hook?

Edea: [Sighing] Honestly, I don't know why they let you two out without supervision.

Irvine: I thought you WERE our supervision, Matron.

Edea: Fine, I'll get us up there. But behave yourselves when we're inside!

[The Lunatic Pandora passes nearby. Edea levitates them in. As they begin walking down the crystalline passage, however, some force knocks them back. They find themselves sitting on the streets of Esthar, watching the Lunatic Pandora fly away. Seifer, Fujin, and Raijin can be seen looking at them.]

Zell: Quick, Irvine!

Irvine: [Shaking his head] I can see the force field distortion. My bullets won't be penetrating that any time soon. We'll have to just see what happens.

Zell: Damn! I want that man DEAD!

Edea: They're leaving the city. Apparently, it just happened to be en route . . .

Irvine: Then what do they want?

Zell: [Turning to one of many people watching the Lunatic Pandora] Hey, is there anything important out that direction?

Esthar Resident: You're not from around here . . . We call it Tear's Point. Some people call it the Sorceress Monument. It's where Adel had her temple before she was overthrown.

Zell: What would he want with Adel's temple?

[FMV of Lunatic Pandora arriving at Tear's Point, which begins to glow in response. The scene changes to the space station.]

Squall: Elle? Sis?

Ellone: Squall! [She wipes tears from her face.] This is the first time . . .

Squall: The first time what?

Laguna: Ellone may be getting ahead of herself. I think Odine's the only one who can explain it.

Squall: But what are YOU doing here? How can you be president? I've been seeing bits of your life in my dreams–

Laguna: [Turning to Ellone] H-hey, you didn't say anything about that!

Ellone: I was just trying to help him understand why . . .

Laguna: [Turning back to Squall] Er . . . just which parts of my life did you see?

Squall: A piano lounge in Timber. A fight between you and Esthar soldiers in some weird crystal caves. And a town called Winhill.

Laguna: Okay, Ellone's given you the story of my life. [Under his breath] Gee, thanks, Ellone. Remind me to read your diary sometime–

Ellone: [Also under her breath] Don't you dare! I have a hard enough time convincing the SeeD not to use it as scripture!

Laguna: All right, since you don't know how I became president, I guess she hadn't gotten to that part yet. When me, Kiros, and Ward got here, they captured us and made us slaves . . .

[The scene changes to a laboratory, where Laguna, a few other slaves, and a Moomba are working on the floor of a platform over a chasm. The work is under the supervision of Esthar soldiers.]

Security Guard: Don't roam around! And no talking!

Laguna: I'm hungry . . .

Security Guard: You! I said no talking! It's only been three days, you wimp! When I was young, I worked all day and all night . . . without sleep!

Laguna: I wonder if Kiros and Ward are workin', too?

Security Guard: No talking! How many times do I have to– [The guard is interrupted by the sound of a chime.]

Laguna: Oh! Meal time! All right, it's time to eat! [The other slaves go to the elevator.]

Security Guard: You keep working! That's what you get for your big mouth! That beast over there, you, too! No meal until your work is done!

Laguna: Hey, you can't be serious! I'll be done in 2 to 3 hours, but his job won't get done for days!

Security Guard: He just won't get fed for a few days. If he wants to eat, he should work faster. [Another security guard enters from the elevator.]

Second Security Guard: Come give me a hand. I can't handle the big guy alone.

Security Guard: [To Laguna] Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. The camera is watching you. [They leave.]

Laguna: [To the Moomba] You all right? You look exhausted. Do they feed you all right? Got a fever or something? Or you just scared of heights?

Moomba: Grrr . . . Grrr . . .

Laguna: Your stomach's goin' "Grrr?" That's funny. Wonder if that means "thank you" in your language. Moombas like you get worked to death for no reason. Only get half the food and sleep compared to us humans. It's not fair. [The room shakes.]

Odine: [From overhead, with a heavy accent] Bahh! This is a failure!!! [Laguna looks back at the Moomba.]

Laguna: You need a tool? I'll go get it. Wait right there. I think there was one here . . . [He stands up and begins looking around. While he does, a group of technicians enters with another security guard.]

Security Guard: Hey, you over there! Your shift's done! Go eat!

Laguna: Roger that . . .

Security Guard: Go now!

Laguna: All right, hold your horses! I'm goin' already. Oh . . . I almost forgot. [Throwing the tool to the Moomba] Here, catch! [The Moomba attempts to catch it but loses its balance, almost falling over the side. Laguna hurries back and catches the Moomba.] Whoa! [Pulling the Moomba up] Geez . . . that was close.

Technician: [Whispering to him while looking at the clipboard] You're such a . . . nice guy. Not many guys like you these days. You might be the kind of leader we need.

Laguna: [Whispering] A leader?

Technician: That's right. A lot of us are dissatisfied with the way Adel's been ruling Esthar. We may be disorganized now, but someday we'll gather our forces to remove Adel from power. We're overthrowing the ruler of a country. A sorceress, far beyond our powers, with SeeD everywhere. Most of us involved in the Adel resistance are specialists. It's easy to research ways to fight Adel, but there's no one to lead the movement. No one who knows how to fight but still cares enough to want to. Maybe you're it.

Security Guard: [Advancing with his weapon toward the technician] Hey! No talking with the slaves! What did you tell him? Up to no good?

Laguna: Stop! [He jumps up and fights the guard, then kills him and takes the guard's machine gun. Another security guard comes out of the elevator.]

Security Guard: Hey, what's the hold up here– [He sees the dead guard] Don't move!

Laguna: Darn it . . . I did it again . . . Probably execution this time. Well, too bad! [He kills this soldier, too.]

Laguna: [Pointing the tech and the Moomba to the elevator] Just get on and go! I'll take the blame! [The tech and Moomba open the door to the elevator and Kiros and Ward enter.]

Laguna: Kiros! Ward! Great timing! [A team of security guards descends on a hovering platform.]

Kiros: Well, that's a matter of opinion.

Security Guard: Stop talking and just keep walking!

Ward: . . .

Laguna: It's not so bad! Two is better than one! So four is better than two, right?

Kiros: [Looking at Laguna, himself, and Ward] I only count three. Are you . . . starting to hallucinate?

Laguna: [Staring at the floor] Yeah . . . I CAN see it! Oh . . . my sweet Elle . . . You make your uncle so happy. [Turning to the others] I know where we are and where to go. Let's finish these guys. [They fight the Esthar soldiers, then run to the elevator.] Jaaaaaaaail break!!! [They head to a tall structure.] No security guard . . . now's our chance! [They head in, and through a door see two men in lab coats who are working at various computers.]

Assistant: To use Lunatic Pandora as a weapon . . . You would need a system to move it. Are you researching that now?

Odine: [Gasping] I forgot!

Laguna: Yeah, Odine's here . . . perfect . . . [A Moomba walks up to him.] Hey! You waited for me?

Moomba: Grrr . . . Grrr . . . Lllll . . . [The Moomba runs off]

Laguna: Stay on your toes! Don't get captured again! [The assistant heads out the door, and Laguna grabs him and claps a hand over his mouth.]

Kiros: Surprise . . .

[Kiros is advancing threateningly when the tech runs up.]

Technician: [Panting] That Moomba was a pain to follow. This guy's okay . . . He's a resistance member. He's Dr. Odine's assistant. All the hot info about the lab comes from him.

Assistant: Is he a new member? Welcome to our group. You made quite a bit of noise down there, so this may be a good time to leave this facility.

Technician: Did something happen to the doctor? Or did Adel stop funding this lab?

Assistant: No, it's Dr. Odine. He . . . he's done it again. He's found a new toy he prefers over a big one like Lunatic Pandora. Some child named Ellone.

Laguna: Ellone!?

Assistant: You know her?

Kiros: She's the reason we're here. You're going to help us find her.

Ward: [Gesturing emphatically] . . .

Laguna: Where is she? Where's Ellone!?

Assistant: Only Dr. Odine knows where she is kept.

Laguna: Right. Thanks for all your help. Better go some place safe. Adios!

Technician: If you're looking to free that girl, Ellone, you'll eventually need help. Facing Esthar – not to mention Adel – with only the three of you will be difficult. Why not let us help you? We'll provide you with all the information you'll need.

Kiros: It's not a bad idea. We don't know anything about Esthar. I never want to go through all this again. I'm sure Ward feels the same way.

Ward: [Smiling] . . .

Laguna: Fine! We'll accept your help. In return, we'll help you with your Anti-'Azel' movement or whatever.

Ward: [Shaking his head] . . .

Kiros: [Sighing] It's "ADEL." Start listening more closely, 'cause it's getting embarrassing . . . [Looking around] At least, Ward thinks so. You can see it in his eyes.

Laguna: Who cares!? I speak with passion, from the heart! That's what matters most.

Technician: We do need someone to motivate us. I really think you can lead us.

Laguna: Leave it to me! Once we free Ellone, I'll take up that offer! Let me go pay a visit to Odine. Wait right here! [To himself, heading to Odine] Darn it, did it again! Why don't I ever think things through?

Technician: This girl, Ellone . . . is she your special someone?

Laguna: [Stopping] Huh? Yeah, something like that.

Kiros: Laguna, please . . . she's like a daughter to you.

Laguna: She may be small, but Elle's still a lady. Do you know how angry she'd be if she heard me talking about her like a baby? I say 'special someone' out of respect . . . and fear.

Kiros: I see. You have a point. It's not wise to upset her.

Laguna: Right. Do you remember the "J Disaster?"

Kiros: Yes. She got upset and put fruit jam in your shoes. You were almost in tears!

Laguna: Ugh! Just thinking about it gives me goose bumps.

Technician: Sounds like a brat . . . I mean, a spunky girl.
Laguna: [Having found Odine] Odine! Where's Ellone!?

Odine: [With a heavy accent] What are you saying!? I do not know any . . . Ellone. [Laguna pulls out his machine gun and points it directly between Odine's eyes.] Okay, I was lying! I know Ellone! [He runs to the elevator.]

Laguna: Hey wait! [He enters the elevator with Odine.] I'm talking about Ellone! Where did you take her? [The elevator stops, and Odine runs for a car.]

Laguna: [Raising the machine gun] Tell me where!

Doc Odine: In O Lab! Ellone is there.

[The scene shifts. Laguna, Kiros, and Ward are in front of a huge laboratory.]

Laguna: This is the place, right? Sure is weird.

[They fight their way through Esthar soldiers and eventually unlock an inner chamber. Inside, Ellone has a simple bed and no other decorations. She sees Laguna and runs to him.]

Laguna: Ellone!

Ellone: Uncle Laguna!

Laguna: See . . . I told ya I'd come save you. [Hugging Ellone] Sorry I'm a little late, but . . .

Ellone: I could tell you were coming. I saw you. I talked to you.

Laguna: I know. Listen, Ellone, I made a promise I have to keep. Adel's the one who took you, and as long as she's in charge here, they're going to try and capture you again.

Ellone: I know.

Laguna: Ward, take her back to Winhill. Kiros and I'll stay to help the resistance.

Ellone: You're not coming back?

Laguna: I can't. Tell Raine . . . tell her that she can get some help from a woman named Edea.

Ellone: You have to come back, Uncle Laguna! Raine needs you!

Laguna: [Looking at Kiros, Ward, and Ellone in turn] H-hey . . . [Kneeling down in front of Ellone] Ellone – I know Raine needs me. But I can't go back until I'm sure you two will be safe. And that won't happen while Azel's still in charge.

Kiros: He means Adel.

Laguna: Same difference! I'm tryin' to say something important here! [Turning back to Ellone] Sometimes, if you want to help someone you love, you can't stay with them. But I promise I'll come back to Winhill when I can.

Ellone: [Sniffling] 'Kay . . .

Laguna: Ward, keep her safe. Then come back. We're going to need you here.

Ward: [Saluting] . . .

Laguna: Come on, Kiros. Let's go meet with this "Resist Atel movement."

Kiros: Adel! Adel!

Laguna: That's what I said. Come on . . .

[The scene changes to Sorceress Memorial. Laguna is there with many men. Adel approaches, and they bow down.]

Adel: What is going on? I am eager to take vengeance on the Heretic.

Laguna: We hunted down the culprit who has been hiding Ellone. We finally have them trapped.

Adel: Where?

Laguna: Inside there. Ellone's been taken hostage.

Adel: [Entering] Cunning . . . they hide from me in my own home, Ultimecia. I sense your frustration, stronger than before. Soon the bond will grow strong enough for speech . . .

Laguna: [To himself] I knew she would go in right away if I mentioned Ellone.

[The scene changes to inside the Sorceress Memorial. Ellone is stuck between two pillars, her expression one of pain. Adel walks forward and attempts to touch Ellone, but her hand passes through the image.]

Adel: You thought I would fall for that trick?

Laguna: [While running up behind her] Actually, you already did. My plans are . . . always . . . [Shoving her between the pillars] Perfect!!! [Shouting] Kiros! Ward! NOW!!!

[Adel begins to scream as energy flares between the pillars and matter begins to coalesce around her.]

Laguna: Hah! Piece of cake!

[The scene shifts back to the space station.]

Laguna: Adel was careless. We got lucky. We launched her out here because the SeeD attempted to free her.

White SeeD: She was not yet forsaken.

Laguna: There was war between us and the SeeD, and there seemed no way to stop them. No way, except . . .

Quistis: You found them a new Sorceress.

Ellone: I had to leave you, Squall. The SeeD forsook Adel only because Laguna gave them a new demigoddess to follow. I agreed to do it.

White SeeD: The Sorceress of Esthar guides us. Her precepts of benevolence have transcended Adel's commandments of power. The name of Adel is lost and forsaken. The Name of the End lingers.

Selphie: What's the "Name of the End"?

Laguna: Ultimecia. Odine can explain when we get back down. You guys have to see him. And we're better off away from Adel's prison.

[The scene shifts to the present-day Tear's Point, where the Lunatic Pandora hovers directly over the Sorceress Memorial. The Lunatic Pandora shines with intense light, which abruptly shoots into space. The scene shifts back to the space station.]

Tech: President! I'm reading massive energy from the surface!

[The light bathes the entire station, rocking it back and forth.]

Laguna: Status! What happened?

Tech: Nothing, sir. All systems read normal.

Laguna: Adel's prison?

Tech: All seals still holding, sir.

[Suddenly, alarms begin blaring.]

Medic: [Over and intercom] Emergency! Somebody get down to the med bay! She's–

[There is a long scream followed by silence.]

Laguna: What's happening down there?

Squall: Where's the med bay? Rinoa's there!

Laguna: Rinoa . . . ?

Ellone: I'll explain it to him, Squall. Piet, show Squall and his friends where the med bay is! Hurry!

Piet: As you command, Sorceress. [He runs out the door. Squall, Quistis and Selphie follow him to the med bay. The medic is dead, torn in half.]

Squall: Where's Rinoa?

Piet: [Hurriedly consulting a nearby computer] She's not showing on any of the station scanners.

Squall: That's not an answer! She was RIGHT HERE, damn it! [He runs out of the med lab in time to hear another scream. He follows the sounds until he sees Rinoa turning the corner of a passageway.] RINOA! [He runs around the corner, then stops in surprise. Rinoa is walking there, but several images of herself trail in front of her and behind in a strange procession. She is walking slowly without moving her head. Squall starts to run after her, but there is a bright flash and he is thrown back. A force field springs up in the passageway. Quistis and Selphie enter.]

Quistis: What is THAT?

Selphie: I didn't know Rinoa came in copies.

Piet: [Running in] We need to get back to the main consoles pronto, guys – she's heading for the airlock.

Squall: Why the airlock?

Piet: I don't want to know. But we won't be able to tell anything about it down here. All command functions are up there.

Squall: [Hammering wildly at the force field] RINOA!

Selphie: Piet's right. We need to know what's going on, Squall.

[Squall turns around swiftly, tears on his face, and runs back through the passage. The scene shifts to the main control room, where Laguna, Ellone, two White SeeD, and several engineers are gathered. The engineers are typing furiously on computers, while Laguna's pacing back and forth.]

Laguna: Come on, guys! This station isn't built for doors to open and close by themselves.

Engineer: The sensors just aren't picking anything up, sir. Nothing's opening those doors, but they're still opening.

Ellone: [Stiffening in surprise] NO!

Laguna: What?

Ellone: [As Squall runs in] Adel! She's controlling somebody on the station!

Squall: Adel has Rinoa?

Laguna: [To the tech] Where are those doors leading?

Engineer: The airlocks, sir–

Laguna: Oh, no. [He runs over to the tech] Red alert! Emergency lockdown! I don't want anything getting out of that airlock!

Engineer: Yes, sir . . . red alert. Sir! The lockdown controls aren't responding! I'm reading severe damage to the internal doors!

Second Engineer: Sir, if the external doors take any damage while the internal doors are compromised . . .

Laguna: I know! All right, seal off that area in any way possible. Evacuate the station, everybody! We're heading landside!

Squall: What about Rinoa?

Laguna: If I'm right, Adel's taken this girl over and is using her to break the prison.

Squall: Well, stop her!

Laguna: There's nothing I can do!

Squall: Ellone!

Ellone: Adel's got too strong a hold on Rinoa, Squall. I can't break her grip!

Squall: [Kicking a chair in frustration] So we just run?

Laguna: We don't have any other options at the moment!

Quistis: [Tugging at him] Squall, Laguna's right. There's nothing we can do here. [Squall reluctantly begins walking away. As they begin to run through the hallways, Squall suddenly stops.]

Squall: Wait.

Selphie: Squall, I'd REALLY prefer not to be on this station when it blows up.

Squall: They have an airlock. They must have spacesuits. Ask Laguna where one is.

Selphie: I'd rather be inside a spaceship than a spacesuit, Squall.

Squall: I only asked for one. I'm going out there, too.

Quistis: Squall, that's insane! You'll run out of air before you could even reach the moon, let alone the planet!

Squall: Just DO IT! I'm not going to lose someone I– [He stops suddenly.]

Quistis: [Hanging her head and sighing] You might as well go ahead and say it, Squall. We've guessed, anyway. [She turns to Selphie] Contact Laguna and ask him where the spacesuits are. And hurry. I'd like to catch an escape pod.

Selphie: [Mouth hanging open] You mean we're just going to–

Quistis: Selphie, don't make me ask twice. I'm NOT in the mood.

Selphie: [Gulping nervously] All right. One spacesuit, coming up. [Under her breath] I told you I knew who you liked . . .

[The scene shifts to Rinoa, who still has images of herself both preceding and following her actual presence and actions. She is pulling a helmet on a spacesuit and talking to herself in a strange voice.]

Rinoa: Weak, untried flesh. This body could not stand in a vacuum. The endless void yet holds terror for it. And my own flesh – trapped, trapped for an eternity of eternities. I have learned solitude, but have not been taught weakness. To she who has lived in darkness, the light has shone. I am redeemed from this prison. And now I shall rise with vengeance in my wings. [She slowly punches a few keys, then turns to the internal door, which has been heavily damaged.] So weak, this flesh. And a mind yet untrained – too powerful to escape my notice, yet not strong enough to escape my grasp. Seal the door. [Rinoa raises her hand, and fire flows out, fusing the door solid.] Now, to the void . . . [Rinoa pushes a button, and the outer door of the airlock opens. Atmosphere begins rushing out, and Rinoa is also pulled outward. Using maneuvering jets, she turns and floats towards Adel's prison.] An eternity of screams that none heard. They dared not unlock this cage to attempt execution. We are immortal, and they tremble in their hearts to know it. Free me. Free me. Free me . . .

[The scene shifts to Squall, in a spacesuit, standing outside a window overlooking Adel's prison.]

Squall: Rinoa, don't . . . don't leave me . . .

[FMV of Adel's tomb dissipating. Adel's eyes begin to glow, and she smiles. The scene shifts to Adel's prison. Rinoa is floating there expectantly. Adel begins to move, then looks down and picks up Rinoa by the throat.]

Adel: I hear you now, Ultimecia. I have paid the price of my foolishness, but am free once more. Your voice is stronger in my ears. I see much that has remained hidden until now.

Rinoa: [Beating at Adel's hand feebly] Hey! Let me go, you creepy witch!

Adel: [Looking slowly at Rinoa] You have no conception, child. A "creepy witch" is the least of what I am . . . [She pulls Rinoa in close, and hissing] . . . and the least of what you are. I would take you unto myself, but . . . [She cocks her head as if listening to something.] I understand. They have arrived. Odine's shield prevents . . . very well. I will chastise the heart of Esthar and destroy the shield. And now, we must risk . . . [Adel tightens her grip, and Rinoa slumps down, unconscious. Adel then deliberately hurls Rinoa away from the station. The scene shifts to Squall, who is planting a small device on the observation window.]

Squall: [To himself] She let her go. It's time. [He runs away. Soon, the device explodes, creating fractures along the length of the observation window. Soon, the whole window explodes from internal pressure, and Squall is catapulted out into space.]

Adel: [Looking down below her at the planet] Ah . . . I see that a faithful soul has piloted the Lunatic Pandora to my temple. It is as I have wished. No trial or persecution can entirely destroy my saints. And now, retribution shall fall on the heads of the ungodly. [She gestures, and the scene shifts to the surface of the moon, where rank upon rank of monsters scramble madly over one another. They begin to bulge off the surface of the moon. Below, the Lunatic Pandora's light begins to glow redly. FMV of the monsters leaving the surface of the moon and streaming towards the planet in wave upon wave. The scene shifts to Squall, who is using his jets to catch up with the unconscious Rinoa. Abruptly, monsters begin flying between them. Both of them are batted away in different directions.]

[The scene shifts to an escape capsule, where Laguna, Ellone, Quistis and Selphie sit.]

Engineer: This isn't as fast as a normal trip. I think we'll want to be awake in case anything–

Pilot: Holy! Sir, we're reading something big coming from the moon!

Laguna: How fast?

Pilot: A little faster than we can manage, sir – but I'm reading no propulsion of any kind!

Laguna: It might be a good idea if WE went a little faster than we can manage, too.

Ellone: It's Adel. She's pulling the monsters from the moon and sending them to earth.

White SeeD: It is as the records say. A Lunar Cry such as this. Adel seeks only destruction for Esthar.

Second White SeeD: Surely her name is lost and forsaken. The councils of destruction are subordinate to the acts of creation.

Quistis: How do we stop it?

Laguna: We need to know how she's doing it, first.

Selphie: Maybe Edea can help.

Laguna: Edea?! She's here, too?

Quistis: She came with us to Esthar, but decided against coming with us to the space station.

Laguna: Hmm . . . yeah, I think we should talk to her when we get back.

Pilot: Brace yourselves, this isn't going to be gentle! [He pulls a lever, and the ship starts shaking violently as the speed increases. The scene shifts to the City of Esthar, where night has fallen. Edea, Zell, and Irvine are sitting at a restaurant table.]

Zell: So . . . WHY aren't we going to wherever that Lunatic thingy went?

Edea: How effective was our last attempted entry?

Zell: So we go there and try again!

Irvine: No, we figure out a different way to try. Then we go there.

Edea: If you're bored, Zell, you can go find out what all the people are running around and shouting about.

Zell: [Looking out at the street] What are you talkin' about? There's nobody here!

[There is a sudden sound of shouting, and a mass of Esthar citizens run past the restaurant.]

Zell: What the–

Edea: As I said, Zell, you can go find out what they're doing if you're bored.

Zell: How did you do that?

Edea: Zell, I didn't give you permission to ask me about being a Sorceress. I said you could go outside and find out what's going on – if you want to. [Zell stands up and runs outside.]

Irvine: Do you know everything?

Edea: No. It is difficult to know everything.

Irvine: So does Adel know what's going to happen and what we're going to do?

Edea: Potentially. I doubt it, though. She is not willing to see any future but the one she desires. She blinds herself. Therefore she can be outmaneuvered, defeated.

Irvine: Can you be defeated?

Edea: [Whispering] Yes.

Zell: [Running back in] They're afraid of the moon. You guys should see it! There's this weird spot on it, and it's growing bigger!

Edea: That is something to see. Let us observe. [She stands up and flows through the restaurant wall. Irvine and Zell exit through the door.]

Irvine: [Looking up] What is that?

White SeeD: [Approaching them] It is a Lunar Cry such as one that ravaged the Cetra continent. The citizens are being taken to bunkers where we shall defend them. You must choose your own course. [He motions, and a group of children run past him. He follows them.]

Edea: Adel seems to be upset.

Zell: You're saying Adel did this Lunar stuff?

Edea: Who else? It wasn't me and it wasn't the current Sorceress of Esthar.

Irvine: How?

Edea: Magic. [She looks at Irvine and smiles] I don't think either of you would understand any other answer.

Irvine: So, what do we do?

Edea: We've got some time to prepare before the monsters impact. I suggest we go to Odine's lab – and defend it with our lives.

Irvine: Right.

[The scene shifts to Laguna's shuttle.]

Pilot: We've managed to stay ahead of them sir, but we're going to have a rough time making it through the atmosphere unless we slow down.

Laguna: How much time will we have ahead of them if we slow down?

Pilot: Less than half an hour, sir.

Laguna: Okay! Crash us into the presidential palace near Odine's lab.

Pilot: Sir?!

Laguna: We don't have time for a pretty landing. You have your orders. [Turning around] Ellone, can you do anything to help?

Ellone: I'll try.

Pilot: Strap in! Extra restraints! [They all strap in, and the shuttle rockets down straight into the city of Esthar. The scene shifts to Edea, Zell, and Irvine, who are standing outside of Odine's lab.]

Edea: [Looking up] Ah. Ellone's here. And Quistis, Selphie, Laguna . . . all we need are Squall and Rinoa.

Zell: Huh?

Edea: Watch out, Zell, they're about to crash into the presidential building. [There is an explosion. Edea does not glance at it.] Zell, Irvine, go help them. Ellone kept them safe, but they're going to have a hard time getting out of that shuttle.

[Zell and Irvine head into the presidential building, where they are met by Kiros and Ward.]

Kiros: What are you two doing here?

Irvine: Edea said Laguna's on the ship that just crashed here and we need to get him out. And Quistis and Selphie.

Kiros: [Sighing] That's the second time this year he's destroyed the place. Let's go. [They head to the crash site, putting out fires and clearing rubble. They eventually open the shuttle. Laguna steps out.]

Laguna: Bad news, guys.

Kiros: You broke the palace again?

Laguna: Azel got loose. We're a little ahead of her retribution.

Kiros: Adel! Her name is Adel!

Laguna: I know! Anyway, that's not important. Are the citizens being evacuated?

Kiros: The White SeeD have been escorting them to the bunkers. We've put the military on high alert all around the city.

Laguna: Great! What about Odine's lab?

Kiros: Uh . . .

Irvine: The Sorceress Edea is there.

Laguna: Wow! Let's go talk to her! [He runs off. Quistis and Selphie step out of the shuttle.]

Irvine: Miss me?

Quistis: Hardly.

Irvine: I take it this wasn't a pleasant field trip.

Quistis: I don't want to talk about it. We'd better follow Laguna. [Quistis leaves, and Zell follows.]

Selphie: See, Irvine, LAGUNA'S what I'd call "handsome."

Irvine: [Starting back in surprise] H-hey, you can't judge a guy on his looks alone!

Selphie: He's also great with kids, courageous, sincere, and a little shy.

Irvine: Uh . . .

Selphie: [Laughing] You're cute when you get worked up. You can try to impress me while we're fighting the monsters at Odine's lab. [She skips off.]

Irvine: [Whistling softly] Just who's chasing who, here? [He follows Selphie. They all meet at the entrance to Odine's lab.]

Laguna: Sorceress Edea, I don't think I thanked you for telling us how to find Ellone.

Edea: No thanks is necessary. I had the privilege of raising Ellone for a time, as well.

Laguna: Yeah, after Raine . . . [He hangs his head.]

Edea: You did what must be done, Laguna. Raine understood this about you.

Laguna: Yeah. [He looks at Ellone] After a few tries, we understood that you just shouldn't try to change the past.

Edea: A wise course. Yet our hope of changing the future is absent.

Laguna: Changing the future?

Edea: Squall and Rinoa did not return with you.

Laguna: Adel took over Rinoa. Squall stayed to rescue her. Which I can understand, I guess.

Edea: You might have done the same in his place.

Laguna: So they can fix it?

Edea: The potential is there.

Selphie: [To Quistis] Do you have any clue what they're talking about?

Quistis: A little. [She starts in surprise. Seifer walks up to them.] Seifer! What are you doing here?

Seifer: I'm technically not "here," Instructor. Adel's projecting my image.

Quistis: Adel?!

Seifer: I was thrown off by one Sorceress. I found another. Moving Lunatic Pandora to enable her freedom was a pain, but it seems to have been worth it. She's already named me her champion as a reward, and promised to found a new SeeD – with me as its head.

Quistis: Why are you bothering to tell us all this?

Seifer: I'm a messenger at this point, Quistis. Adel gives you two choices: shut down Odine's temporal shield now, or wait until Adel unleashes the Lunar Cry, levels the city, massacres the lot of you, and then watch as disembodied, tormented spirits as SHE shuts down the shield.

Quistis: Interesting message.

Seifer: I toned it down a bit, but those were the essential points.

Quistis: Hopefully you'll understand if we're not precisely thrilled with either offer.

Seifer: My understanding is clear, Quistis. It's Adel's understanding that should be worrying you. Oh, by the way . . . she also claims Rinoa as an acolyte – her expression was "true daughter of Hyne," I believe – and has pronounced anathema on the Sorceresses Ellone and Edea.

Edea: Tell her I send her my best, too.

Seifer: Oh, I will.

Quistis: As far as we know, Rinoa and Squall are dead in space.

Seifer: [Smirking] Oh, I don't think Adel would risk Squall's death. Squall, Quistis, and Rinoa are to be delivered to her alive. That part comes after you shut off the temporal shield. What is your response?

Zell: Show up here for real and I'll give you my "response!"

Seifer: Zell, you'd have to be able to correctly interpret stimuli before you could respond.

Quistis: [Turning around] Anybody have anything to say?

Laguna: I'm all for option C.

Kiros: There wasn't a "C."

Laguna: That's why I'm all for it.

Quistis: Right. [She turns back.] Tell Adel that we're not turning off any shield, and that if she wants to take Squall and Rinoa, she'll have to pull them from space to do it. We categorically refuse her demands. [She folds her arms.] And on a personal note, WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING THROUGH YOUR MIND?!

Seifer: [Laughing] Come and ask me, Instructor. That is, if you think you can trust my answers. [He vanishes.]

Irvine: That cloud descending over there can't be good.

Edea: Those would be the monsters of Adel's Lunar Cry.

Laguna: I think we've got some long range cannons, right, Kiros?

Kiros: I'll go see about thinning their numbers. [He leaves. Ward follows.]

Edea: Zell, go with them – just in case.

Zell: Yes, Matron.

Laguna: The monsters will be heading this way.

Quistis: Unless we turn off the temporal shield. Tell me, Laguna, what is a temporal shield and why does Adel want it turned off?

Edea: Not Adel. Ultimecia.

[The scene shifts to space. Squall is using his suit's maneuvering system to search for Rinoa.]

Squall: [To himself] I shouldn't get worked up . . . I'll only use more air. [He checks a device on his arm.] You're out of the range of these sensors. I don't know where to go, Rinoa. [He glances behind him, to where monsters are still flowing from the moon.] Help me . . . [He shakes his head.] They threw you in this direction. I'm going to find you.

[Squall continues until there is a faint trace on his sensors. Squall must find Rinoa before their oxygen expires. When he reaches her, there is an FMV of Rinoa's helmet fogging over. Squall reaches her, then shakes her.]

Squall: Rinoa!

[Rinoa shakes violently, then slaps a button on her spacesuit. Her helmet fills with air.]

Rinoa: [Quietly] This can't be . . . Squall? Why are you here? Are you dead, too?

Squall: Neither of us is dead. Not yet. We'll need to find more breathable air soon, though.

Rinoa: [Holding him tightly] I wanted to die. Adel was in me. It was awful. It was like being numb. Only it was my mind. My mind . . .

Squall: We can worry about that later. We need to find an air source.

Rinoa: Near the moon . . .

Squall: What?

Rinoa: I saw – when I was asleep, I saw a spaceship near the moon . . .

Squall: Which way?

Rinoa: [Pointing unsteadily] Are you sure you trust me? I'm–

Squall: You're Rinoa Heartilly. And I'm Squall Leonhart. That's enough for me. [He maneuvers them toward the moon, keeping out of the way of the Lunar Cry.]

Rinoa: [Looking at the monsters] Did I do that?

Squall: No. Adel did that. [The Ragnarok comes into view.] There is a ship. Hopefully, we can board it.

Rinoa: I heard you. Even when I was asleep, I heard you. [Squall says nothing.] So I couldn't let go; I couldn't die . . . you were waiting for me.

Squall: [Reaching the Ragnarok and grabbing hold] Why is this here? Would Esthar just leave something like this?

Rinoa: It might be older . . . how do we get in? [A hatch opens, and she steps backward.] I guess that's how we get in.

Squall: All right.

[They enter the Ragnarok. As soon as the hatch is closed, air fills the corridor. They remove their spacesuits. Rinoa immediately buries Squall in a hug.]

Rinoa: The spacesuits were in the way before.

Squall: [Returning the embrace] I guess they were.

[Rinoa looks up at him, and their faces approach each other. There is a sudden scuttling and thudding sound, and Squall abruptly breaks away, holding his gunblade at ready.]

Squall: I think maybe Esthar had a reason to leave this ship alone.

Rinoa: Monsters. I can – Squall, I can FEEL them . . .

Squall: Good. What do we do about them?

[Rinoa explains that the monsters must be killed in a specific order, or else they regenerate. After the monsters are killed, the emergency cockpit lockdown ends, and they are able to reach the piloting controls.]

Squall: Uh . . . do you know how to pilot an Esthar spaceship?

Rinoa: No. You?

Squall: It wasn't covered in any of my SeeD courses.

Rinoa: Well, if we don't try, we just sit here. Maybe there's an "autopilot" button, or something.

[They sit down and begin fiddling with the controls. Abruptly, a voice crackles over a speaker.]

Voice: How on– How did you get this ship ID?

Squall: Uh, we're near the moon and trying to fly this thing back to Esthar. We kind of didn't make it to an escape pod after the space station thing.

Voice: This can't be right . . . the Ragnarok, after that disaster seventeen years ago? How are you even broadcasting?

Squall: Can we figure that out after you tell us how to land?

Voice: Right. That's going to be tricky with everything that's been going on, but we'll try to give you a clear path. I'm autoloading navigation instructions to your flight computer. You'll need to hit these buttons. [He gives Squall a list of buttons, which Squall swiftly presses.] And auto-gravity will disengage for reentry, so strap yourselves in. We'll talk when you land. [The song "Eyes on Me" begins to play. The ship begins moving and Rinoa begins floating, since she hasn't seated herself yet.]

Rinoa: Hey, um . . . I'm floating.

Squall: [Deftly grabbing her and launching them to their seats in the low gravity environment] Your seat is over there. [He points.]

Rinoa: [Sitting on his lap] I like it fine here. [She puts her arms around him and rests her head.]

Squall: [Awkwardly putting his arm around her] This isn't the safest position for reentry.

Rinoa: We're still out in space. You're tense, SeeD man.

Squall: I'm not used to . . . uh . . . this.

Rinoa: I know. If you really want me to, I'll move.

Squall: Well . . . we won't hit atmosphere for a little while . . .

Rinoa: [Smiling] Thanks. [Her smile fades.] Squall . . . do you really think I should be going back?

Squall: What do you mean?

Rinoa: Adel took over my mind so easily. It could happen again . . .

Squall: You're awake. Edea said your mind was vulnerable while you were asleep.

Rinoa: Edea?!

Squall: She's on our side. She brought us to Esthar. She didn't give up just because somebody else took control of her.

Rinoa: You're right. I guess I shouldn't, either. Maybe I can learn to resist that kind of thing . . . [She shudders] There was something else. Through Adel, I could feel . . . someone. She hated me. I'm sure of it.

Squall: Ultimecia.

Rinoa: Where did you get that name?

Squall: Adel mentioned it before she was imprisoned. It was someone she spoke with. Laguna told us.

Rinoa: Laguna?! Laguna is here?

Squall: So you DID know the name.

Rinoa: My mother knew him for a while . . . What is Laguna doing in Esthar?

Squall: He defeated Adel and transformed the nation from an inquisitorial dictatorship to a benevolent theocracy.

Rinoa: Squall, you sound like a textbook. What theocracy?

Squall: From what I can tell, the Esthar regard sorceresses as demigoddesses. After Adel was captured, the White SeeD tried to free her . . . so he sent for Ellone, giving them a new Sorceress of Esthar to worship.

Rinoa: And that's why she left suddenly and never came back. Poor Squall . . .

Squall: I . . . understand, now. Why she left.

Rinoa: Does that help?

Squall: It doesn't mean I didn't hurt. [He holds her tightly for a moment.] But I think I'll be okay.

[Once again, their faces approach, but an alarm goes off.]

Computerized Voice: Reentry alert! All crew, fasten safety restraints.

[Rinoa moves to her chair and buckles herself in.]

Rinoa: I'm a little irritated with the planet's atmosphere at the moment.

Squall: [Clearing his throat] I think I can understand this flight path . . . we're circling well around the monsters.

Rinoa: That's probably a wise decision.

[After the turbulence of reentry, Rinoa unfastens herself from the chair and walks over to Squall's seat. She looks at the screen for a moment.]

Rinoa: Er . . . what's that red blip?

Squall: I don't know. [He pushes a button] Hey, whoever I was talking to . . . there's a red blip on our screen here. Should we worry?

Voice: Just a minute . . . [There is the sound of some buttons tapping. Suddenly, the voice starts shouting.] SIR! They've broken off from the flow to Tear's Point! They're heading for the Ragnarok!

Squall: Rinoa, find out if there's an escape pod.

Rinoa: Good idea. [She runs out of the cabin.]

Voice: Would you like a crash course in evasive piloting?

Squall: Crashing is something I'd prefer to avoid at the moment.

Voice: Avoiding those monsters coming at you might be better.

Rinoa: [Returning] No escape pods.

Squall: Okay, strap yourself in. [To the intercom] How do we work this thing? [The controls are described.] All right, we'll give it a try. [The Ragnarok lands on a pad near the presidential palace just ahead of the wave of monsters. The scene shifts to Odine's Lab.]

Edea: They're after Squall and Rinoa. Three of us should go to the landing pad.

Laguna: I'm goin'

Quistis: Me, too.

Ellone: Can you three defend this place alone?

Irvine: You can bet on it. For you, I'll make a special effort.

Selphie: Hey!

Irvine: What, we shouldn't make a special effort for Squall's sister?

Selphie: Of course we should, but that's not– [Ellone, Laguna, and Quistis leave]

Irvine: Before we get started, Selphie, let me say one thing.

Selphie: [Arms folded] What?

Irvine: I may chase after every girl in sight, but as far as I'm concerned, you're the only one I'd actually like to catch.

Selphie: Hmmmph. Well, we'll just see if you actually– INCOMING!

[Battles now switch between Irvine, Selphie, and Edea at Odine's Lab; Laguna, Quistis, and Ellone battling their way to the landing pad; Squall and Rinoa exiting the Ragnarok; and Zell, Kiros, and Ward at the military control center. Once Quistis, Laguna, and Ellone reach the landing pad, a flight of monsters swoop down and fly off with Rinoa.]

Squall: NO!

Laguna: [Looking at Rinoa and Squall] They look so much like their mothers . . .

Squall: Where are they taking her?!

Quistis: It's nice to see you, too, Squall. There's only one place she could be. Lunatic Pandora. We'll try and fill you in, but in the meantime, we should probably fight off this wave of monsters.

Squall: They'll kill her!

Quistis: Actually, Adel has said that she wants you, me, and Rinoa alive. We're the safest people in Esthar right now.

Squall: Adel said that?

Quistis: Well, actually, Seifer did. He delivered the message for Adel.

Squall: He's fighting for Adel.

Laguna: [Firing a machine gun and shouting] We need to regroup with the others! I don't think the monsters are going to stop!

Quistis: Squall, we can't do anything until we get back together.

Squall: Right.

[They begin fighting their way back through the palace. The scene shifts to the military control center. Ward is poring over a map and marking various spots.]

Kiros: [Holding something up to his ear] Message from Laguna! Regroup at Odine's lab!

Zell: [Performing a bunch of martial arts moves] Yeah! Somethin' tells me it's time to pay Seifer a visit – and say a nice, permanent goodbye.

[The three groups fight their way back to Odine's lab.]

Laguna: All right, we need to figure out a way to stop the monsters and get rid of Adel. What are our options?

Quistis: If I understand correctly, the two objectives are the same. Adel's summoning the monsters. How can we kill her?

Irvine: She'll be inside Lunatic Pandora over at Tear's Point. But you can't get in through the front door – we already tried.

Selphie: Blow a hole in it!

Laguna: [Shaking his head] That thing shrugs off lasers, explosives – you name it, we tried it. It'd still be flying around except some miracle sunk it in the war.

Edea: Thank you.

Laguna: Hey, that was you? Wow!

Edea: I objected to it.

Laguna: Er . . . remind me to stay on your good side.

Quistis: What about impact?

Laguna: Huh?

Quistis: That's a crystal structure. Hit it hard enough, fast enough, and it'll break.

Laguna: [Scratching his head] You'd have to have some pretty hard material . . .

Quistis: What about an ship designed for space travel and atmospheric reentry?

Squall: The Ragnarok did survive the trip back . . . what's it made out of?

Selphie: Squall, you're blushing! Why does atmospheric reentry–

Squall: It's not blushing. I've been over-exerting myself against these monsters.

Selphie: [Under her breath] Right. And Irvine's going to join a celibate monastic order.

Laguna: The Ragnarok did use some experimental alloys, but Odine's been too busy to duplicate his work. Good plan, er . . . Quisty?

Kiros: QuistIS. You just embarrassed yourself again, Laguna.

Laguna: Well, the point is that it's a good plan. You guys load up on the Ragnarok and take out Adel. We'll stay here and defend the city.

Edea: I will stay here, as well. Adel can sense my mind. Indeed, I may serve as a nice distraction.

Squall: Right. We've got the plan, let's go.

Selphie: I wanna drive! [She runs off, with Irvine following swiftly.]

Zell: Squall, we're going to kill Seifer this time, right?

Squall: We're going to kill Adel and rescue Rinoa. We'll kill Seifer if we have to.

Quistis: [Muttering] Not before I have a LONG talk with that boy . . . [They head to the Ragnarok. Selphie has already strapped herself in the pilot seat.]

Selphie: Woohoo! Hold on, everybody! [The Ragnarok suddenly lifts off.]

Irvine: Amazing. Where did you learn to fly this thing?

Selphie: I'm sure I can figure out the rest!

Squall: Uh . . .

Selphie: Strap yourselves in! [They run hurriedly to their seats and strap themselves in adroitly. Squall clenches the armrests as the ship begins to accelerate.]

Squall: Just don't crash us UNTIL we reach the Lunatic Pandora.

Selphie: Wheeeee!!! [The Ragnarok flies off, performing corkscrews, loops, and dives. FMV of the Rangarok penetrating the shields of Lunatic Pandora and crashing through the walls. They exit and begin fighting their way through the monsters and guardians of Lunatic Pandora.]

Zell: There are a ton of these things! How are we gonna keep them from coming when we fight Seifer?

Squall: I can handle Seifer if you guys keep the monsters off my back.

Quistis: All right. When we know where to find Adel, we'll block them off.

[They reach the antechamber to the throne room. Zell, Irvine, and Selphie remain to fight off the monsters. Quistis and Squall continue. Presently, they reach Fujin and Raijin.]

Raijin: Seifer said you'd come, ya know?

Fujin: PLAN.

Raijin: He gave us special orders for you two . . .

[Squall and Quistis ready their weapons, but Fujin and Raijin kneel.]

Quistis: Huh?

Fujin: HONOR.

Raijin: He told us to show you guys every respect, and not to hurt you. But Squall has to go alone, ya know? Seifer says we're supposed to stop you if you try to go, Instructor Quistis.

Quistis: And do you think you can . . . stop me?


Raijin: She's right, ya know? But we've gotta try. Seifer's orders. But if you stay behind, he says we can help you fight off the monsters and keep them from the throne room.

Quistis: Squall, either way, we'll be delayed . . .

Squall: If Seifer wants to face me alone, then he can. Thank you for your help . . . Quistis. [He walks on. The scene shifts back to Zell, Irvine, and Selphie, desperately fighting monsters.]

Zell: Is it too late to call for backup?

Irvine: [Firing his rifle with blinding speed] What backup do you think there is?

Selphie: They're coming! [The wave of monsters is blown back suddenly.] What the . . .?

Fujin: [Landing in front of them] AID.

Raijin: We're here to help, ya know?

Zell: What about Quistis and Squall?

Quistis: I'm here, Zell. Squall will do what he has to do.

[The scene shifts to Adel's throne room as Squall advances firmly. Seifer stands a little below the throne, gunblade at ready. Adel also stands, wrapped in voluminous robes.]

Adel: It is as you have said, champion. He comes alone.

Seifer: Rinoa drew him, Sorceress. The key to defeating them is to make each a hostage for the others. Hello, Squall. Long time no see.

Squall: Seifer. You're looking well, considering.

Seifer: Considering what, exactly?

Squall: That you've got Rinoa. Return her and we all walk away.

Seifer: Hmmm . . . that's a bit complicated. How about we show her to you, and discuss things from there?

[Adel slowly casts aside her outer robes to reveal Rinoa, hideously contorted and fused into Adel's flesh.]


Seifer: Well, that's a bit complicated. It has to do with being a sorceress. Rinoa's mind was vulnerable to Adel's control because it was the mind of a sorceress – normal minds like yours or mine just don't have the right equipment to be controlled. This is something similar, only it's a complete absorption of essence.

Squall: Meaning?

Seifer: Meaning that when completed, Rinoa's life becomes that of the Sorceress of Esthar. However, Rinoa has a good deal of native strength and a cunning mind – she had a good teacher when she was younger. Therefore, the process is incomplete. The Sorceress Adel can draw on Rinoa's life to heal herself, and Rinoa's powers augment that of the Sorceress. As I said, it's a bit complicated. To kill Adel, one must attack her while also making sure to heal Rinoa. [Drawing his gunblade] I'm not sure I can do it by myself. Care to lend a hand?

[Squall readies his gunblade and advances toward Adel.]

Adel: You swore to serve me!

Seifer: I lied. I do that from time to time.

Adel: SeeD was to be remade in your image!

Seifer: Yeah, but I didn't really want it to be. There are three people in this world I respect. Your name isn't on the list.

Adel: Then fall to the might of the Sorceress of Esthar, apostate!

[Squall and Seifer fight and kill Adel. Rinoa pulls herself slowly from the corpse, then collapses.]

Seifer: She should be all right, but let's get her out of here.

Squall: [Picking up Rinoa] Are you coming with us?

Seifer: Not all of them would understand, Squall. I never stopped serving our Matron. I knew she would need somebody to betray Adel, so I arranged for that to happen by losing our last fight.

Squall: You deliberately lost?

Seifer: [Beginning to walk out of the throne room] It worked. I needed to have a reason she'd accept for leaving Edea and coming to her.

Squall: [Nodding] All right. You can go if you wish.

Seifer: That's all I can expect. Oh, Squall?

Squall: What?

Seifer: [Glancing at Rinoa] If you ever hurt her, I'll kill you.

Squall: I'll keep that in mind.

[The scene shifts to the antechamber, where Zell, Selphie, Irvine, Quistis, Fujin, and Raijin, are shaking hands with one another.]

Quistis: Well, the monsters have stopped.

Raijin: Must mean Adel got beat, ya know?

Fujin: [To Irvine] TIME?

Irvine: [Clearing his throat] I'm sorry Fujin. When we last met, I would have accepted, but now – well, now, it looks like I'm finally spoken for. [He sweeps off his hat, kneels before Selphie, takes her hand, and kisses the back of it.]

Fujin: [To Selphie] LUCKY.

Selphie: Yeah, I think I am.

Zell: Hate to interrupt, but somebody's comin' down the stairs. [Squall emerges, carrying Rinoa. Seifer follows.] That can't be right. Squall and . . . [He runs forward, leaping up the stairs.] SEIFER?!

Seifer: [Punching Zell in the face and knocking him unconscious] Zell?! [They reach the rest of the group.]

Quistis: Seifer, what is going on? You've attacked, imprisoned, and threatened us, and now you come striding down the stairs with Squall and Rinoa?!

Seifer: I knew Adel would need to be killed, Instructor. So I set up the conditions in which I could betray her. You were my teacher, Quistis. I always listened. I may not have obeyed, but I always listened.

Quistis: Oh. It all makes sense, then . . . you recognized our Matron, agreed to serve her, and hatched a plan to take out her worst enemy. Clever. Brilliant. [Shaking her head slowly and smiling.] Utterly ruthless.

Seifer: Can you at last trust me, Instructor?

Quistis: [Marching over and looking him in the face] You've lied and betrayed your way across the entire world! You've attacked and imprisoned your friends and enemies indiscriminately! I don't think I can trust you to carry MY SHOES!

Seifer: Oh. [They stare at each other for a moment, then suddenly embrace, kissing passionately.]

Irvine: Whoah. I'm not sure any of us saw that coming.

Selphie: [Elbowing him and whispering] Pay attention. I think you could learn a thing or two.

[Quistis and Seifer withdraw from each other. Quistis has a red face, and Seifer is breathing heavily.]

Quistis: [Straightening her hair] Uh . . . what are you planning on doing now?

Seifer: I'd recommend you guys talk to Edea. I'm going to watch over the Lunatic Pandora until it's needed.

Quistis: Right. [She turns quickly to the others.] Shall we go?

Irvine: Uh . . . sure. Just let me go pick up Zell. [He hefts Zell and begins walking with the rest of them.] I think Squall's got the better job. [To Selphie] Can you fly the thing without so many cartwheels this time?

Selphie: [Frowning] Okay . . . but only because we've got unconscious people.

[They board the Ragnarok. As soon as they do, the radio crackles.]

Laguna: It's a good thing we've got sorceresses to make this thing work again. Thanks, you guys. The monsters have stopped. Sorceress Edea says you can spend a little free time if you want. Just don't stay too long out of Esthar; there's a time limit outside this place. Come back soon. We'll need your help.

Squall: It looks like we have some vacation time, people. See about waking Zell up.

Quistis: [Slapping Zell lightly] Zell.

Zell: [Jumping up] Where is he?! [He looks around] We're on the Ragnarok?! What happened to Seifer?

Selphie: [Smiling] Ask Quistis.

Zell: Well?

Quistis: Seifer is continuing his service to Edea, Zell. He never abandoned her in the first place.

Zell: What?! You buy that?

Quistis: Yes.

Zell: [Punching at the air] I don't. [Stalking out of the pilot's cabin] I'd like a little time alone.

Irvine: [To Squall] You going to wake up Rinoa?

Squall: She's had a hard day. She'll wake up when she wants to. [Rinoa opens her eyes and abruptly embraces Squall.]

Irvine: I guess she wanted to.

Rinoa: You keep saving my life.

Squall: Actually, it was Seifer's doing, this time.

Rinoa: Why are you the one carrying me, then?

Quistis: Squall helped. Seifer wanted to be in a position to betray and kill Adel. He and Squall fought her for you.

Rinoa: Thanks, Squall. I should probably do something nice for Seifer, too . . .

Irvine: Somebody already did something nice for Seifer–

Quistis: Watch it, Kinneas.

Irvine: [Clearing his throat] I'll . . . uh . . . go check out the armaments on this thing.

Quistis: Nice idea. Take a long, long time.

Rinoa: Is there a place on this ship where I can rest?

Quistis: [Folding her arms] Help her find a place, Squall. I'll stay here and help Selphie pilot this thing. Don't forget that Laguna wants our help.

[There is an opportunity to explore the world and do various side quests. Eventually, they return to Esthar's presidential palace, where Laguna, Kiros, Ward, and Edea are waiting.]

Laguna: You're here! Great!

Squall: You said you needed our help.

Laguna: Yes. But to get your help, we'll need to take you to see Odine. He and Edea can explain it.

[They head to Odine's lab, where he is busy with various machines.]

Odine: [Looking around] Class field trip?

Laguna: Actually, three of these people are–

Odine: Chronovariant. Interesting. And according to my instruments, at least one potential carrier. Are you furnishing me breeding material, Laguna?

Laguna: No, Odine. Edea thinks we can fix things.

Odine: "Fix things" is extremely vernacular. Can't you be more precise?

Edea: Perhaps you should explain things.

Odine: Does everybody have to understand?

Edea: Yes.

Odine: [Sighing] Very well, then. I'll limit my vocabulary to terms you're capable of understanding. Well, as much as possible, anyway. How many of you know the legend of Hyne? [Without waiting for an answer, he continues.] The fascinating part of the legend is that the god Hyne gave half his body – his magic – to mortals. Fascinating in that there is a genetic parallel. Only females manifest the power. Males may carry the trait and pass it to their daughters, but they cannot wield it themselves. That is the first division. The second is that the gene will not activate if both the male and female are carriers. Are you following me?

Zell: Um . . .

Odine: [Rolling his eyes] Girls are genetically sources of magic. Guys who have the same gene aren't. For a girl and a guy to have a Sorceress daughter, one and only one of them can have the gene. Division is the word – no wholes.

Zell: Okay, got it.

Odine: Adel funded me because she is obsessed with determining the extent of her powers – she believes firmly in the legend of Hyne. But she was unwilling to let me perform tests on herself. So she sent out into the world and tried to find another subject. Eventually, she brought me one just growing into her power.

Laguna: Ellone.

Odine: The essential nature of a sorceress – ah, how hard it is to speak at your level! [Clearing his throat] Crudely put, a sorceress is not bound by time in the same manner we are. Their minds penetrate it in– Never mind. Suffice to say, this makes them sources of magic, and allows their followers to directly channel this power. But it was the temporal capacities in Ellone that interested me. So I built a machine to study the way in which she penetrates time, and I broke it.

Quistis: The machine?

Odine: No, time.

Squall: You broke TIME?

Odine: Yes. It shames me to say it, but I miscalculated. Still, I gleaned much information from the results, enough to repair time with the help of Ellone – Adel had been captured by this point, and she didn't want time to be fixed, anyway.

Quistis: Back up. How is time broken?

Odine: Possibilities. The real world became one of several possible worlds. They're all stretched out, now. There are places where you can feel them – if you're a sorceress. Otherwise, you've got to rely on observation. That was the basis of my research with Guardian Forces. Using a Guardian Force is nothing more then drawing on latent aspects of yourself across all possible worlds – because time is broken, it is possible for those trained to manipulate the broken part, and wield magic without relying on any one summoner.

Squall: So why haven't you fixed it?

Odine: I tried. As soon as Ellone came all those years ago, I tried. And something stopped me. A sorceress from the future, who doesn't want time mended. Adel spoke with her across time.

Laguna: Ultimecia.

Odine: Yes, that was the name. Ultimecia has been widening the break. She wants something, and is determined to repeat history as much as possible to make it happen.

Quistis: Repeat history?

Odine: We are coming very close to the time when – what word should I use? She will "reset" events back to the time when I erected the Temporal Shield – she can't interfere with anything before that, as it risks undoing the breaking itself.

Selphie: What's the Temporal Shield?

Odine: It is what I created to preserve Esthar from the effects of the breaking – and fortuitously preserved us from Ultimecia's first "reset" of events.

Squall: Then . . . how long has this been going on?

Odine: I lost count after the first century. I was able to modulate the shield to prevent the ageing process for the citizens of Esthar, but we have had a hard time living long enough to amend my mistake.

Edea: I think we have a chance to correct the mistake, now, Odine.

Odine: Who are you?

Edea: I am Edea. And no matter which version of time it has been, events have always focused on four people – Squall, Quistis, Seifer, and Rinoa. Now that they're here within the temporal shield, Ultimecia will be desperate and therefore vulnerable. With the Lunatic Pandora, Ellone and I can send whoever will go to attempt to defeat Ultimecia. And Rinoa will be able to bring them back.

Squall: [To Laguna] So this is what has kept you here in Esthar instead of heading back to Winhill.

Laguna: Yes. It's been a very, very long time, Squall. I'd like to be able to visit Raine's grave and say goodbye.

Squall: I'll have some questions for you when I get back.

Laguna: If you still want to hear the answers, I'll give them.

Rinoa: I'm going, too. Squall won't be able to get back without me.

Quistis: Will Seifer come with us?

Edea: There might be conflicts. Besides, all four of you are important to Ultimecia – if we keep Seifer away, there's no chance of all four falling under her power.

Quistis: Makes sense. I'm in.

Irvine: Me, too. [Looking at Selphie] I kind of like the way this reality's turning out.

Selphie: I wanna help!

Zell: It wouldn't say much about me if I backed down now. I'll go, too.

Odine: Interesting – a living will opposes the mending, and you send other living wills . . . philosophy and ethics are not my concern. I'll be ready to mend what I've done.

Squall: Let's go.

[They head to the Lunatic Pandora. On the Ragnarok, Ellone and Squall speak in one of the crew's quarters.]

Squall: [To Ellone] So you kept escaping from Esthar?

Ellone: Yep. It really upsets the SeeD, so I couldn't do it too often, but I wanted to help you understand why I had to leave.

Squall: Thanks.

Ellone: So . . . how did you meet this Rinoa?

Squall: [Clearing his throat] She hired some SeeD to help her with a resistance movement in Timber.

Ellone: [Delightedly] Squall, you're blushing! Has my baby brother found a girlfriend?

[Squall throws a pillow at her. Ellone throws it back. Soon, the two of them are pillow fighting. The scene shifts to Quistis, who is approaching Edea.]

Quistis: Matron . . .

Edea: Yes, Quistis?

Quistis: You said that events revolve around four of us every . . . cycle.

Edea: Yes.

Quistis: What events?

Edea: War. Destruction. Love. Betrayal. Revenge.

Quistis: Every time?

Edea: Infinite variations on a single theme.

Quistis: Why?

Edea: You will have to ask her when you arrive. Rinoa has been killed more than any of you, but that stopped after the first few cycles. Squall remains untouched from cycle to cycle; his life plays out in the same stages – his choices were formed in the day Ellone left him.

Quistis: What about Seifer?

Edea: You'd be astonished at his capacities. I've watched him grow up time after time, and he always shakes the world.

Quistis: And what about . . . me?

Edea: You seem afraid of the answer.

Quistis: I know myself well enough to be afraid of the things I could potentially become.

Edea: Then you are wise. Specifics will be meaningless to you, Quistis, but I will warn you: you have a tendency to attain your goals by any means possible – and this has destroyed you in more than one lifetime.

Quistis: [Nodding and turning away] Thank you, Matron.

Edea: And you do not ask the question that is foremost on your mind?

Quistis: From what you just said, I'm not sure I'd like the answer.

[They enter the Lunatic Pandora and proceed to the throne room.]

Edea: Ellone, do you know what you must do?

Ellone: [Smiling] Sure. Think backwards from normal.

[Light begins to glow around the two. The whole of the Lunatic Pandora begins to glow in response. There are several flares of light, and a glowing portal opens.]

Squall: How much time do we have?

Edea: Squall, we are manipulating time. To us, you will not spend more than a few moments in that possible future.

Squall: All right. Let's go deal with Ultimecia. [They step through the portal. Afterwards, Seifer walks in to the throne room.]

Edea: Did you not wish to bid them farewell?

Seifer: I hit Zell once. That is as much contact with him as I wish. [He glances over at Ellone.] Have you any words of wisdom, Sorceress of Esthar?

Ellone: You're still an arrogant jerk, Seifer.

Seifer: Yes. But surely you agree that my abilities warrant it. [The portal abruptly flares.] Ah. Someone returns.

[There is a swirl of color. Squall and the others battle strange sorceresses in various locations and times. Abruptly, Ultimecia's castle flashes in and out of view. Squall stands before the gate, alone. The sky is stormy, and lightning flashes at regular intervals.]

Squall: [Looking around him] Where is everybody else? [The door to Ultimecia's castle opens.]

Ultimecia: Squall Leonhart. I've been waiting a long time for you to arrive.

Squall: [Drawing his gunblade] What have you done with the others?

Ultimecia: They are safe. I am attempting to see to their needs. But I wished to speak with you privately.

Squall: Why?

Ultimecia: I wish for your help.

Squall: We're here to fix time–

Ultimecia: Therefore I must speak with you. I need a chance to persuade you of my viewpoint.

[Squall hesitates.]

Ultimecia: Was it not you who asked Zell Dincht: if the choice is between figuring out what the enemy is up to and remaining blind, which will you choose?

Squall: Tell me where the others are.

Ultimecia: Squall, I have come here without weapon or soldier in order to . . . negotiate. Can you not at least let me state my case before making your demands?

Squall: Do I have a choice?

Ultimecia: Not at this point. I understand the mechanics of time far more than you realize. [She gestures politely.] Please, Squall. Simply walk with me, and I shall explain. [Squall hesitates, then nods. They enter Ultimecia's castle. All of the proportions are slightly twisted.]

Squall: You said you were going to explain.

Ultimecia: Believe me, in this place, the passage of time is not an issue. Yet I will begin according to your command. [She pauses.] I have seen your history, Squall – more times than you can know. [She begins to walk once more.] No knowledge of a father, no memory of a mother – and your sister torn away from you. Of all your friends, you understand best what it means to be truly alone. Yet I am more alone than even you, Squall. In the real world – in the real time – I do not exist. I never can. It is as simple as that, Squall. I want to exist, and I use that fracture Odine created in an attempt to set up the conditions where I can.

Squall: And for this, you keep altering the same course of years . . .

Ultimecia: Influencing, rather. Direct control is . . . difficult. Adel was willing to help me. She believed me to be the ultimate incarnation of the daughters of Hyne. And she was capable of possession . . . but she became imprisoned, and now is dead, so there will be no further help there. Esthar preserves itself through Odine's shield. My existence would become much more possible were that shield shut off, but I dare not interfere with its creation – those events are inextricably linked to the fracture itself. So once you entered Esthar, I had to begin risking much in my bid for existence. But now you have come here, and much more . . . expedient methods are open to me.

Squall: Such as?

Ultimecia: Such as speaking to you in person.

Squall: Which you felt you had to do privately. Why not involve the others?

Ultimecia: You are their leader. It is your choice they will respect. Do not fear for them, Squall. I am seeing to their needs.

[The scene shifts to Rinoa, standing in darkness. Abruptly, the landscape of Esthar flickers in and out of existence, then solidifies.]

Rinoa: What am I doing here? [She looks upward.] I can feel it. You sent me here, Ultimecia.

Ultimecia: [Voice only] The portal which Edea and Ellone have opened works both ways . . . Rinoa. I want to give you a chance to do something for Squall.

Rinoa: I thought you hated me.

Ultimecia: I do. But I do not hate Squall. I have sent you here to Esthar. Adel has just barely been captured. The SeeD are already beginning their uprising. Very soon, Laguna will send for Ellone to become the Sorceress of Esthar – and Squall's heart will be broken. I am giving you a chance to prevent that by becoming the Sorceress of Esthar in Ellone's place.

Rinoa: Why?

Ultimecia: Squall is important to you, Rinoa. He matters to me – in a different way, to be sure. Surely you love him enough to spare him this pain? Here is an opportunity for you, an opportunity to undertake a heroic act in the name of your love.

[Half of the scene fades out and is replaced with the boy Squall, standing in the rain, clenching a necklace in his fist.]

Ultimecia: Every moment you delay makes this event more certain. I leave you to choose.

Rinoa: [Looking around] She's gone. [She looks at the image of Squall.] Squall . . . you're so hurt. [She looks toward Esthar.] But to stay here will be to break time further. [Under her breath] You said you hate me, Ultimecia, and I believe it. You're making me choose between Squall and the world. [She sits down for a while, thinking.] Or you're trying to, anyway. I don't think you understand me, Ultimecia. This choice isn't mine – it's Squall's. Only he has the right to say whether he wants his past changed. Not me. [She looks up.] Back already?

Ultimecia: [Still only a voice] I hate you. I have always hated you. Ever since I learned of the real world, I have hated you; and I shall hate you, worlds without end. What have you ever known of real love, of real sacrifice? In all worlds, in all times, you have never been more than a self-righteous, self-possessed whore. But now you are out of worlds and out of time. Enjoy this desert. It is all you shall have.

Rinoa: Why don't you come back here and say that to my face?


Rinoa: Fine. Then maybe I'll come back and say a few things to YOUR face.

Ultimecia: There is no way back. I have sealed the portal.

Rinoa: That's okay, I'm pretty good at picking locks. [She glows suddenly, and a portal opens.] Besides, I remember WHEN all of us were. You know, in that split second before you divided us. See you soon. [She steps through the portal.]

[Irvine and Selphie are in a bare room with stone walls and a single door.]

Selphie: Umm . . . were we supposed to end up here?

Ultimecia: [Voice only] You are as I have placed you. You do not signify. When I have finished speaking with your leader, you will be returned to your own time.

Irvine: Sounds boring. [He glances at Selphie.] Mind you, there are quite a few things I can think of for us to do with a private room, but we should really be focusing on the task at hand. [He tries the handle of the door, but it is locked.]

Selphie: Great. What now?

Irvine: Now I blow a hole in the lock. [He pulls out his rifle and fires. The lock is broken, and Irvine opens the door.]

Selphie: Now, that's weird. Why didn't she bother to put us in a room with a real lock?

Irvine: You heard her. She said we don't signify. Which probably means she's ignoring us now.

Selphie: [Jumping up and down] Wanna go exploring?

Irvine: [Bowing and gesturing] After you.

[They exit the door. The passageway is slightly off level.]

Selphie: This place is really hard on the eyes.

Irvine: I'll say. Let's go find a better corridor. [They head down the hall and turn a corner.]

Selphie: Yuck. They're ALL like this?

Irvine: Whoever she got to build this place, they were demented.

Sphinxara: Ultimecia built it herself.

Selphie: Yep, that'd explain it . . . [She whirls around.] What are you?

Sphinxara: A monster. Created by Ultimecia to keep her home free of pests and rodents.

Irvine: You're rather well-spoken.

Sphinxara: Thank you. I've worked hard – you see, I love to play with my food before I kill it.

[They battle with Sphinxara.]

Irvine: This lady keeps some weird pets. Let's see what else we can find.

[Irvine and Selphie battle through Ultimecia's castle, facing her monsters. After defeating the Tri-Point, Krysta, and Trauma, the scene shifts back to Squall and Ultimecia.]

Ultimecia: It is understandable, isn't it? Every being wants to live.

Squall: That is understandable. But you're keeping time broken.

Ultimecia: Only enough to try and ensure my existence. After that is accomplished, I swear to mend the rift. [She gestures, and an entire wall fades to reveal a young girl playing in a room full of toys.] I remember this from my childhood, Squall, but it hasn't happened yet. I want it to.

Young Ultimecia: [Singing to herself]
         Train, train, make us to stay.
         Make us to stay here in this day.
         In the future we are no-where.
         It heeds no one's hopes. [She looks up and giggles.]

Squall: Then what do you need in order to exist?

[The scene shifts back to Irvine and Selphie, climbing up a set of stairs. Lightning flashes outside, illuminating the staircase briefly through a window.]

Selphie: Is that storm ever going to stop?

Irvine: [Looking out the window.] Weird.

Selphie: What?

Irvine: There's clouds, there's wind, there's lightning – but there's no rain.

Selphie: Let me see!

[As she looks out the window, the scene shifts to a nearby promontory. Lightning flashes to reveal Seifer, in the prime of his strength, still wearing a white coat. His face has broadened and deepened to that of a man in his early forties. He has a full but trimmed beard and long hair that blows wildly in the wind. In his hand, he wields an enhanced gunblade. Another lightning flash reveals another person walking up behind him. She has a staff in one hand, wears a light blue robe, and has bandages wrapped over her eyes. The scene returns to Irvine and Selphie looking out the window.]

Selphie: No way . . . what is Seifer doing out there?

Irvine: Look behind them. Next lightning flash.

[The scene becomes that of the promontory, but enabling a further view. The lightning flashes, and row upon row of people in SeeD uniforms are visible, ready for battle. Several machines are interspersed in their ranks. Lightning flashes down, but sprays harmlessly away, illuminating a great shield.]

Selphie: Seifer . . . in this time . . . is leading an army against Ultimecia?

Irvine: Not alone. The woman in blue helping him . . .

NORG: A most troublesome pair. I am NORG. I'm sure you've heard of me.

Irvine: [Turning around to see something far too pale and far too skinny climbing the stairs.] Yeah. Squall said you talked like a broken recording and looked like over-risen dough.

NORG: My species evolves, young man. Rather drastically. The difference between a butterfly and a caterpillar.

Selphie: What are you doing here?

NORG: I had to go somewhere with my knowledge of SeeD tactics and training methods. Ultimecia has paid me handsomely to train her monsters. That army out there has only increased my pay rate.

Irvine: You may need to work a bit harder. We've finished off a few already.

NORG: That is why I am here. I take the loss of my livelihood personally, young man. A human life is a paltry thing next to personal profit.

[They battle with NORG. When they are done, the scene shifts to Zell, standing alone in darkness. Abruptly, his surroundings change to the city of Esthar, in front of Odine's lab.]

Seifer: Zell, you'd have to be able to correctly interpret stimuli before you could respond.

[There is a flash, and his surroundings change to Galbadia Garden.]

Seifer: You know, Dincht, if I didn't know better, I'd swear you'd doubled your IQ by growing another brain cell.

[Another flash.]

Seifer: Astonishing, Zell. Live long enough, and you may even present a challenge.

[Another flash.]

Seifer: Shut your damn mouth, you retard!

[Another flash.]

Seifer: Dincht, if you're so slow it takes you half an hour to get back to the beach, by all means, start now. I assure you I won't be sorry to be rid of you.

[Another flash.]

Seifer: What an idiot.

[Another flash.]

Seifer: Stop that . . . it's annoying . . . retard. [Flash.] Retard. [Flash.] Retard. [Flash.] Retard. [Flash.] Retard. [Flash.] Retard. [Flash.] Retard. [Flash.] Retard. [Flash.] Retard. [Flash.] Stupid! Stupid!

[A final flash, and the scene becomes Edea's Orphanage. The lighthouse is still whole. Zell flickers, then materializes. His fists are clenched, and he is breathing heavily.]


Ultimecia: I want to help you, Zell.

Zell: [Starting in surprise] Huh?

Ultimecia: In just a few moments, you're going to take some fireworks down to the lighthouse. Seifer will run to tell on you.

Zell: So?

Ultimecia: You've always wanted to kill Seifer. I'm giving you a chance. Before you get in trouble with your Matron. During the time he runs up to the orphanage, you can kill him.

Zell: [Cracking his knuckles] Damn right I want to kill him . . .

[A group of children comes out of the orphanage.]

Young Zell: [Running down the steps] Yeeahhh!!!

Seifer: Kids aren't suppose'ta play with fireworks! [Running to Young Zell] I'm telling!!! I'm gonna tell on you!!!

Young Zell: Shut up! We're havin' fun!

Seifer: Stupid! Stupid! I'm telling! [He runs back up the path.]

Young Zell: [Shouting after him] I'm NOT stupid! Shut up! [He turns to the others] I got these, and I'm going to light them.

Selphie: Woohoo! A fireworks show!

[The boy Seifer begins running up to the orphanage, but gradually slows and stops.]

Zell: Huh?

Ultimecia: This is the moment where he is vulnerable. The moment for you to kill him. I have halted this moment to give you the time you need.

Zell: [Pointing at Seifer] This is just a kid!

Ultimecia: This is Seifer Almasy. You know what he's going to do to you for the rest of your life.

Zell: He hasn't done it yet!

Ultimecia: Of course he has. You remember him doing it. Time is mutable, Zell. Now is your chance to change your past.

[Zell takes a few steps toward Seifer, fists clenched.]

Zell: She's right. I do know what you're going to do. You're going to tell on me. I'll get the worst punishment I've ever had. [He looks around.] But you know somethin'? He's right. I shouldn't have lit those fireworks. I destroyed the lighthouse.

Ultimecia: Should one childhood indiscretion prevent you from halting a lifetime of abuse?

Zell: I want to kill him. But that's anger talking. I've been watching Squall. He gets angry, but he doesn't let it control him. It's hard to admit it, but I respect that. I want to be like that. [He shakes his head.] No dice, Ultimecia. Quistis always told me to think my way through things, and I just have. It's time to put a leash on my temper.

Ultimecia: Zell, you have no choice.

Zell: How much do you wanna bet?

Ultimecia: Either Seifer dies here, or you do. Your only use to me is as one who kills him.

Zell: Kill him yourself.

Ultimecia: I CANNOT. He is never out of his time.

Zell: But I am. You can kill me. [He stands up and folds his arms.] Then get it over with. You may be capable of murdering children. I'm not.

Ultimecia: [Screaming in frustration] SO BE IT!

[Zell begins to float off the ground, rigid and immobile. White light begins to shine through him, and his feet begin to fray and tatter. He grows even more rigid.]

Ultimecia: This is pain, Zell Dincht. To feel your existence drifting away bit by bit.

[Zell lifts his head, and with an intense effort, smiles.]

Zell: I can live with it. [He gasps for a moment.] I've always used . . . anger to help . . . me in battles. Instead of . . . courage. [The unraveling and fraying climbs up his torso.] Now that I – [wincing as his arms begin dissolving] – I know the difference, I think I prefer courage.

[The light reaches Zell's head. There is flash, and the scene shifts back to Irvine and Selphie. There is a long scream from above them, and they rush up the stairs to find Rinoa, kneeling on the ground, crying softly.]

Selphie: What's wrong?

Rinoa: Zell . . . oh, Zell . . .

Irvine: What happened to Zell?!

Rinoa: I was too late. Too late, and now . . .

Selphie: He's . . . dead?

Rinoa: [Standing up and dashing tears from her eyes] She murdered him! Slowly! I'm going to extract the price from her– [She stops and grabs her forehead.]

Irvine: What's wrong?

Rinoa: I'm outside. Outside somewhere. The temporal storms – I'm protecting Seifer? We . . .

Selphie: Rinoa?

Rinoa: [Straightening] Yes. I know what we need to do. [She gestures to the others] Let's go talk to Odine.

Selphie: I thought he was back in Esthar.

Rinoa: Not that Odine. The one that's here, working for Ultimecia.

[They battle through the remainder of Ultimecia's monsters to reach Odine's lab. A horrendously aged Odine is sitting there quietly.]

Rinoa: Odine.

Odine: There is only so much existence I can withstand, young lady. Go away. Ultimecia will not let me die.

Rinoa: I know. I've been talking with me.

Odine: So that is the meaning of the temporal flare! Interesting . . .

Rinoa: Ultimecia is forcing you to keep up a shield around this place to block the temporal storms and keep her from dying.

Odine: Ah, yes. A fabulous invention, even if it is not a noble use.

Rinoa: Tell us how to destroy it.

Odine: Destroy? You can't destroy it. It draws its power from Ultimecia. They fuel and sustain each other. However . . .

Selphie: We can blow it up!

Odine: [Nodding] Yes. Once Ultimecia is sufficiently weakened. But that also is difficult to conceive.

Rinoa: Don't worry, Odine. We've had lots of practice fighting sorceresses.

[The scene shifts to an art gallery with paintings on every side. Squall and Ultimecia are entering.]

Squall: I ask again, Ultimecia: what do you want me to do?

Ultimecia: At once the most simple and complex of all things, Squall. Let me show you. [She points to a large portrait displayed prominently on the wall. It shows Squall, his hair grown long, with a serious expression on his face.] I want to be born, Squall. As my father, you're the only person who can make sure that happens.

[The scene shifts back to Rinoa, Irvine, and Selphie, who are battling their way through Ultimecia's castle. They take a detour to plant explosives at several spots on Odine's temporal shield generator, then fight their way back.]

Selphie: So where are Squall and Quistis?

Rinoa: I . . . don't know. I could feel her killing Zell, but she doesn't seem to be doing anything to Squall or Quistis.

Irvine: [Looking critically at a spiral staircase going from wall to wall instead of from floor to ceiling] This lady is definitely off her rocker. Do we know if we're even getting anywhere?

Rinoa: Yes. Her presence is closer than before.

[The continue fighting through the castle, solving various puzzles to advance from room to room. One of the rooms holds a large sarcophagus with a gunblade embedded in it.]

Selphie: [Rubbing at an inscription] Weird handwriting. [She jumps back up.] Rinoa . . . this is Squall's!

Irvine: What?

Selphie: Look! [Pointing] His name's there!

Rinoa: Yes. [She rubs her forehead.] I was only able to speak with myself for a few – well, let's call them minutes – but this . . . Squall used to live here. We've got to hurry.

Irvine: No doubt.

[The scene shifts back to the art gallery. Squall staggers backwards.]

Squall: I'm– I'm your . . .

Ultimecia: My father. [She gestures, and once again the child in a room full of toys appears.]

Young Ultimecia:
         Train, train, make us to stay.
         Make us to stay here in this day.
         In the future we are no-where.
         It heeds no one's hopes. [She looks up and giggles.]

Older Squall: [Entering the room.] It's bedtime for you, Ultimecia. [He picks her up. She laughs with delight and hugs him.]

Squall: [Staring at the vision] How . . . how can this . . .

Ultimecia: It can't be. Not yet. But you can make it be, if you want.

Squall: [Sitting down heavily] My daughter. I have a daughter . . . [He looks up.] Am I still here? Can I talk to . . . me?

Ultimecia: You had to leave, Father. You're not here. I've missed you. [She gestures, and a new scene opens, this of an Ultimecia just barely into her teens. She sits on a bed, staring out a window. Squall enters.]

Older Squall: What do you see when you stare out the window like that?

Young Ultimecia: Time. It's everywhere. [She flounces back on her bed.] Like a bunch of echoes.

Older Squall: There are sorceresses in the world who might be able to teach you–

Young Ultimecia: I don't need their teaching. I'm already better. And I don't want to leave you alone.

[The scene returns to Ultimecia and Squall, still in the room full of paintings.]

Ultimecia: Take your time. I don't want to rush you into anything.

Squall: Thank you . . . daughter.

Ultimecia: Would you like to see the room where I grew up? I saved it. [She waits expectantly.]

Squall: Uh . . . sure. [He gets up, and they continue walking through the castle.] I do have another question, though.

Ultimecia: What is that?

Squall: I've seen you as a child. I've seen me as your father. But I haven't seen . . . Ultimecia, who is your mother?

[The scene shifts to Quistis, standing in darkness. The scene flickers, then resolves itself into a hill a short distance outside the Tomb of the Unknown King. The night is clear, but no moon is evident. As Quistis looks, she sees the whole party sleeping.]

Quistis: What is this? What am I doing here?

Ultimecia: [Voice only] This is the point, Quistis.

Quistis: What point? Who are you?

Ultimecia: I am Ultimecia, and I have brought you to this point in time because Squall has not yet given himself over to Rinoa. At this point, you still have a chance.

Quistis: A chance?

Ultimecia: Go to him. I can at least ensure that the others do not wake up. You will have privacy – and a chance to attain what you have always desired.

Quistis: Why are you doing this?

Ultimecia: I understand longing. When you are done, return through this portal. I leave it open for your passage. [A portal swirls into existence.]

Quistis: [To herself] Yes. This is before she really got her claws into him . . . [She creeps cautiously forward.] This was the moment. I should have stayed awake, should have . . .

[She arrives at the spot where Squall is sleeping.]

Quistis: [Whispering] Squall!

[Squall stirs slightly.]

Quistis: Squall!

Squall: [Grabbing his gunblade] What is it?

Quistis: [Still whispering.] Not that. No danger. [She puts a hand on his arm.] You can put the gunblade down.

Squall: What is it, then?

[Quistis slides her hand up to Squall's cheek, then abruptly kisses him. Surprised, Squall grabs hold of her. Quistis then suddenly wrenches away.]

Quistis: No. Not like this. I . . . I can't.

Squall: Quistis . . . what?

Quistis: [Turning back to face him.] Squall, listen to me. Go back to sleep. I shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be here. I'll live with the mistakes I've made. [She folds her arm and hangs her head.] When you wake up tomorrow, we're not going to talk about this. We're not going to discuss it. We're going to pretend it never happened. Okay? [She runs away. Squall begins to pursue her. As Quistis reaches the portal, time slows.]

Ultimecia: What are you doing?! This is your chance!

Quistis: No, this WAS my chance. But it isn't any more. I didn't do it then. I'm not going to do it now. [She sighs.] I couldn't live with myself if I had to resort to this in order to win him.

Ultimecia: Please. Please go back.

Quistis: No.

Ultimecia: You have to!

Quistis: I can't.

Ultimecia: [Sighing] Then return to my castle. I do not dare stop you.

Quistis: [Stepping through the portal and whispering to herself] Besides, Seifer's a better kisser. [There is a white flash, and she appears in a long corridor. As she looks around, Rinoa, Irvine, and Selphie approach.]

Selphie: Wow, what are you doing here?

Quistis: I'm not sure. From my point of view, I just got here. How about you?

Selphie: Well, Ultimecia stuck us in a room. She said we didn't signify. So we broke out and decided to try and signify, at least a little. Now, we're looking for Squall.

Quistis: Sounds good. I'll help find him. But there's something I need to do first. [She walks over to Rinoa, looks at her for a moment, then calmly gives her a full-armed slap.] All right, let's go.

Rinoa: [Rubbing her jaw] I don't like you much, either, Quistis – but as long as we can work together, I can deal with it.

Quistis: Me, too. Let's find Squall.

[The scene returns to Ultimecia and Squall, still walking.]

Ultimecia: My mother? That is a sensitive subject, Squall. In fact, that's the reason I wanted to speak to you alone, first.

Squall: I need to know.

Ultimecia: Of course you do. You can hardly be my father if you don't know who my mother is. I had hoped that you would agree to help me before that, but you've never been easily convinced of anything. [She gestures, and a door at the end of the hallway opens.]

[They enter Ultimecia's bedroom. Toys line the walls, and a simple bed with several stuffed animals is the only other decoration.]

Ultimecia: Squall, my mother is Quistis.

Squall: Quistis . . . ?

Ultimecia: Yes. She likes you, Squall – she's liked you ever since you were children, and she had a little girl's crush. Now she is a woman, with a woman's wants. But you–

Squall: I've never let her.

Ultimecia: I've watched your life many times, Squall. You were too hurt by Ellone's disappearance, and Quistis, having grown up with you, was too vivid a reminder. If Ellone had not left for Esthar, then you and Quistis would very likely have forged a relationship. But there was nothing I could do about that. There had to be a different Sorceress in Esthar, or Adel would have destroyed Edea's orphanage and everyone in it before you both were old enough to have left.

Squall: And so you've been cycling the years in an attempt–

Ultimecia: To find a sequence of events in which you and my mother had a child.

Squall: How did it happen in this reality?

Ultimecia: I can only see the past of the real world, not this one, so I don't know. You never told me. And I never met my mother.

Squall: Never met?

Ultimecia: She didn't stay with you, Squall. You never spoke about her except to name her. You were so badly hurt . . .

Squall: How can you expect me to just go to Quistis and . . .

Ultimecia: She's willing, Squall. She's wanted it. The only obstacle there has ever been is you. Your choices.

Squall: I . . . [He sits on the bed and puts his head in his hands.]

Ultimecia: Please, Father. [Kneeling before him and taking his hands in hers] Please.

[The scene shifts back to Quistis, Rinoa, Irvine, and Selphie, who battle through the rest of Ultimecia's castle to find themselves looking down a long corridor with one door at the end.]

Selphie: Well, if they're not here, then I think we can say they're officially not in the castle.

Irvine: Unless we missed a passage back when we first walked out the door . . .

Selphie: Don't even joke like that! I am NOT fighting through this entire castle again!

Rinoa: Don't worry. Ultimecia's presence is stronger now than it's ever been.

Quistis: Let's go.

[They walk down the hall and open the door to Ultimecia's bedroom. Squall is sitting on the bed with Ultimecia kneeling in front of him.]

Selphie: Wow, what's with all the stuffed animals?

Ultimecia: [Standing and whirling around] You are not supposed to be here.

Irvine: Yeah, well, you really should have put us somewhere secure. We managed to find these other two. Together, the four of us have taken a grand tour of the place. Incidentally, I wouldn't recommend architecture as your chosen occupation. [He raises his rifle.] Shall we get this over with?

Squall: Irvine, wait.

Irvine: Wait? Wait for what?

Squall: I'd rather not kill my daughter if I don't have to.

Rinoa: Your . . . daughter? [She frowns for a moment] I take it I'm not the mother. Either that or I did a REALLY lousy job raising her.

Ultimecia: You are not my mother; you are an interference, an obstruction; you have always stolen him from his proper path; leave my room; leave, leave leave leave LEAVE!

Squall: Calm down . . .

Ultimecia: It's HER fault, Daddy! Every time, every place, you meet her and fall in love with her and MY mother never has a chance! It's HER fault!

Quistis: Well, that explains that. [She looks at Ultimecia.] I'm your mother in this reality.

Ultimecia: Yes. Please . . . you and Squall . . . you can make me exist . . .

Irvine: Which would leave Seifer and Rinoa free to mount an army to attack this place. Which is where they are right now, in this timeline. As for you, Squall–

Ultimecia: Shut UP!

Irvine: – you're currently entombed in this castle. You're dead as a doornail.

Squall: Why am I . . .?

Ultimecia: NO!

Rinoa: Possibly for the same reasons Zell is now dead.

Squall: Zell's dead . . .?

Rinoa: Ultimecia wanted him to kill Seifer, and Zell refused. So she killed him instead. [She looks at Ultimecia.] What did your father do that caused him to die?

Ultimecia: No! Go away! I hate you all! I didn't want to, but when Seifer explained everything to him, he was going to leave and try to fix time! I didn't want to kill him! He made me! [She turns to Squall.] But now you're back, and I can be born! I can exist! Please, Daddy!

Squall: [Lifting his head and standing up] No.

Ultimecia: No?!

Squall: This world was never meant to be. If I father a child, it will be because I love her mother.

[Ultimecia starts to grow. Light flares at various intervals.]

Ultimecia: [Coldly] No, Daddy. You and mother are here in my time. I will keep you here and make you be my father.

Selphie: She's going to attack!

[Battle with Ultimecia. After her first defeat, she summons the Griever Guardian Force using Squall's Ring, which has been passed on to her. After Griever is defeated, she junctions him and continues the battle with renewed strength. Finally, they must defeat a last incarnation. After her defeat, the scene returns to Ultimecia's bedroom, where Ultimecia has collapsed on the floor.]

Ultimecia: [Coughing] I cannot die. Time cannot be mended.

Irvine: Well, that would have been true before. But I think you're now a little too weak. [He pulls out a small transmitter and pushes a button.] In about thirty seconds, Odine's shield – as well as most of the lower floors of this building – are going to be vaporized. [Grinning viciously] Do I "signify" yet? [He turns to Rinoa.] Get us out of here.

[They gather around Rinoa, and light begins to glow around them.]

Ultimecia: [Still coughing] No, Daddy. Don't go. Don't leave me here alone . . . Daddy? Please, Daddy? [The light flares, and only the silhouettes of the characters can be seen.] No! Daddy!

[Utlimecia gestures, and there is a flare of red light around Squall's silhouette. All of them vanish except for Ultimecia. The scene shifts to an exterior view of Ultimecia's castle as explosions destroy the lower level. The entire castle crumbles. The scene then shifts to the Lunatic Pandora, where Rinoa, Quistis, Irvine, and Selphie step out of the portal.]

Ellone: What happened?

Edea: Where is Zell?

Ellone: Where is Squall?

Rinoa: Zell's dead, Edea. Ultimecia sent him back in time to kill Seifer, and Zell refused. Ultimecia murdered him for that refusal.

Edea: [To herself] He at last learned discipline. [To Seifer] That is indeed a surprise. Does it gall you, Seifer, to know that you owe your life to Zell Dincht?

Seifer: Of course it does. I find the entire idea repugnant. [He shrugs.] But that won't stop me from giving him every honor I can think of.

Quistis: [Walking over and kissing him] I was right. You are better.

Seifer: Instructor, is this going to be a habit?

Quistis: We'll see.

Ellone: Where is Squall?!

Rinoa: He was with us . . . I think Ultimecia tried to rip him away. I'm not sure where or when he is, now.

Ellone: Find him!

Rinoa: You two are better sorceresses!

Edea: You'll find, Rinoa, that "better" has very little meaning. "Different" is a more accurate word.

Rinoa: All right, I'll try.

[FMV. Squall is on a barren desert landscape. He looks around, and begins walking. After a long time walking, he comes to a cliff overlooking a sea. Looking behind him, he sees that he is now on an island. He sits. The scene changes to Rinoa in a flower field, looking for him. Wings grow from her back. The scene returns to Squall, on the island, where a white feather lands in his open palm. He holds on to it tightly as various images of Rinoa and others zoom across his vision, blurring and distorting. Finally, he collapses, and Rinoa appears on the island, holding him in her arms. She weeps over him. Petals fly across them, and they are suddenly in the flower garden. There is a flash of white light, and the scene returns to Lunatic Pandora. Rinoa, wings fully manifest, is kneeling with Squall, tears still flowing from her eyes. Squall opens his eyes and embraces her.]

Edea: Time can now be mended. Let us contact Odine.

[They head to the Ragnarok.]

Edea: [To the intercom] This is Edea. Ultimecia's been defeated. Tell Odine to fix time.

Odine: I am here, but I have a worry – once time is fixed, how can we be sure that the events that lead up to this moment will have happened? Is there not a problem of cause and effect that will only break time once again?

Edea: Don't worry. Sorceresses have a little leeway with cause and effect. I'll make sure that everything happens in the past the way it's supposed to in order to fix time.

Odine: Very well. I will do it. [There is a very palpable trembling and slight shimmer.]

Squall: [To Edea] Are you sure you can do that?

Edea: Of course, Squall. In fact, from my perspective, I already have. I've told my past self what to do to get all of you to Esthar and to convince you to fight Ultimecia.

Rinoa: Huh?

Edea: Or, put another way, I possessed myself, which is a neat trick if you know how to do it. [She smiles sadly.] Though I haven't entirely enjoyed some of the things I've had to do – putting up with Deling, luring you into attacking Galbadia Garden . . . I'm not like Adel was. I don't really enjoy fighting and conquest.

Rinoa: But you must have been possessed by Adel! Up on that balcony in Deling, you said "What happened to the evil, ruthless sorceress from your fantasies? The cold-blooded tyrant that slaughtered countless men and destroyed many nations? Where is she now? She stands before your very eyes to become your new ruler."

Edea: I lied. I do that from time to time. [She leans back in her chair.] Can you take me back to Cid? I've missed him.

[FMV. Seifer, Fujin, and Raijin are fishing at the Balamb docks. Seifer's looking bored. Raijin starts pointing excitedly as he catches a fish. Seifer throws down his rod in disgust. He glances over, and Quistis is shown with a line of six fish already caught. He laughs, as does Quistis. They stand and head into Balamb, where a statue of Zell has been erected. Seifer kneels at it briefly. The scene changes to Winhill, where Laguna is standing over a grave. He looks at his hand and the ring on his finger. There is a flashback to him giving a ring to Raine and receiving one in return. The scene returns to the present day, where Laguna touches Raine's tombstone, and smiles. He looks back to where Ellone, Kiros, and Ward are waiting.]

[The closing credits start. There is an FMV of a camcorder view of the Garden Festival. Zell is not there. Irvine is trying to impress Quistis with his dancing. She is not impressed. She does wave at the camera. Irvine blocks the camera for a moment, then puts his arm around Quistis and waves. She pushes him away and walks over to talk with Cid. Cid notices the camera and raises a glass to it. He motions Edea over. Both Quistis and Irvine bow to Edea, who bows back. Irvine takes the camera from Selphie, and she now appears in the view wearing Irvine's hat. The camera is being held sideways until Selphie corrects the view. She stands by Quistis and waves. The camera stays focused for a little bit, but then moves to three female Garden students, who wave. Selphie blocks the view and pulls the camera back to her with a frown. She then points to the balcony. Rinoa is there with Squall, talking. The "low battery" light goes on, and as their faces approach each other, the camera goes dead.]

[The closing credits finish. There is a final FMV of Balamb Garden sailing over the water. Rinoa points at a shooting star. Squall takes her by the hand and begins dancing. The Balamb Garden sails away.]

Appendix: Apologies, Recriminations, and Miscellany

         This would be the portion where I attempt to anticipate a few of the objections of those who have actually taken the trouble to read this whole thing. I might as well get started in the form of question and answer.

Q: Why did you change Seifer?
A: I based my interpretation of Seifer on two principal ideas. The first is Quistis's declaration that Seifer is one of her best students. There is no way she could say that if he had been repeatedly failing any exam, or if his mental capacities were in any way less than his physical capacities. Therefore, I altered events to include Seifer in the Fire Cavern trial, and made this his first Field Exam. The other principal idea is that he applauded the new SeeD members when he himself had failed. This suggests someone who gives credit where credit is due, no matter his personal feelings. This interpretation of Seifer's character required that he take a much more active role in the remainder of the story – in the original, it seems to me that he ends up being nothing more than a high-level goon for much of it.

Q: Why did you kill Zell?
A: There was no reason for Ultimecia to keep him alive. Anything I could have done to keep him alive would have been pure contrivance.

Q: Why did she send him to kill Seifer in the first place?
A: With Seifer dead in the real world, two purposes are accomplished: Rinoa never gets introduced to Squall, and the general opposing Ultimecia in her own time is eliminated. I did not bother to say this outright in the actual story, as I had hoped it would be obvious. I did, on the other hand, clearly state the reason for Ultimecia trying to get Rinoa to take Ellone's place.

Q: Why didn�t Ultimecia do anything with Irvine and Selphie?
A: There wasn�t anything for them to do. There are only four important people in Ultimecia�s life � Squall, Quistis, Seifer, and Rinoa. Irvine and Selphie would have no motivation to interfere as Zell would, therefore, Ulrimecia did not attempt anything with them.

Q: But she just stuck them in a room!
A: Again, Irvine and Selphie do not impact her life � and neither of them are capable of temporal manipulation. Therefore, Ultimecia would regard them as a mundane threat and stick them somewhere unimportant, trusting in her monsters to keep them confined.

Q: Squall sure seems to talk a lot more.
A: This would be because I wanted to differentiate him from Cloud. In Final Fantasy VII, Cloud's ". . ." lines fit his personality; his true self is silent and hidden. Squall has no reason for an overload of ellipses; his is supposed to be a hurt personality that actively pushes people away. ". . ." is not an active but a passive means of rebuffing others. In being more talkative and in showing evidence through conversation of actively and deliberately pushing people away, I hoped to bring Squall's personality to the forefront.

Q: Quistis and . . . Seifer?
A: I have already explained my fundamental understanding of Seifer's character; it would perhaps be best to explain my understanding of the character and motivations of Quistis Trepe. Based on the original game, we know that Quistis became SeeD at a young age, and became an Instructor in short order. This means we are talking about a driven – and, in many respects, single-minded – young woman. This precludes the possibility of a romantic entanglement with Irvine, as he fans out in all directions rather than truly focusing. However, Seifer is just as ambitious and driven as Quistis. Their relationship would be volatile and passionate if they had one. I opted for them to have one because it seemed to fit both their personalities and also because it strengthened one point of the quadrangle.

Q: Hey, what happened to Sorceresses needing to pass on their powers in order to die?
A: Hey, what happened to Adel's powers? If Rinoa got hers from Edea got hers from Ultimecia, where did Adel's go? Which Sorceress got them?

Q: But Ellone wasn't a sorceress!
A: No, but she did possess the ability to manipulate time. This power was a far more fruitful base on which to build the Sorceress concept. The idea that sorceresses are not limited by time in the manner of mortals also tied in nicely with legend of Hyne. Therefore I made Ellone a sorceress and gave the other sorceresses temporal powers. This is somewhat supported by Rinoa's rescue of Squall in the final FMV of the original game – she must have some ability with time in order to rescue him. There was also the side consideration that Ultimecia using Odine's machine to mimic Ellone's powers really didn't square well with her obsessive search for Ellone – why not just refine the machine? And why didn't we ever get to destroy Ultimecia's machine? On the whole, it seemed stronger to make temporal manipulation an organic part of the abilities of a sorceress. Once that was decided, then Ellone naturally joined their ranks.

Q: Irvine and Selphie?
A: Duh.

Q: I can't even begin to count the number of alterations to the story!
A: Yes. And they grew more and more as the story progressed, because I wanted the characters to matter by the end of the game. But the only way they could do that is by having their beliefs interact with their environment in a consistent fashion. This meant several divergences early on that bore extreme fruit by the end. I will maintain that I diverge consistently – these divergences were in keeping with each other throughout the course of the story and also in keeping with what I perceive to be the fundamental qualities of the main characters.

Q: Wow, Ultimecia as the child of Squall and Quistis?
A: That she is related to Squall is certainly borne out by her use of Griever in the original game. It also makes the closing battle that much more personal.

Q: But why Quistis?
A: Because she never gets Squall – the ideal choice, therefore, in a reality that was never supposed to be.

Q: Gamplay-wise, it's going to suck to lose Zell that near the end.
A: Undoubtedly, but Ultimecia's palace will afford ample opportunities for the others to level up. Emotionally and story-wise, it's meant to suck that Zell gets killed.

Q: Heck, this whole thing sucks! Why did you even write it?
A: See the introduction.

Q: I want to tell you personally that this sucks! What's your email?
A: (Though note, as I said in the beginning, that you'd better have some good reasons to back up your arguments.)

Q: Have you ever even had a real romance?
A: Happily married for over four years, now.

Q: What about Selphie's train song?
A: It did seem to indicate the course of the game in the original.

         Train, train, take use away.
         Take us away, far away.
         To the future we will go!
         Where it leads, no one knows.

         The game does send you to an inevitable future. I did modify the punctuation a bit:

         Train, train, take use away.
         Take us away. Far away
         To the future. We will go.
         Where it leads, no one knows.

By the end of the game, I wanted a twisted version for Ultimecia's world that would express her desires, so it became:

         Train, train, make us to stay.
         Make us to stay here in this day.
         In the future we are no-
         where. It heeds no one's hopes.

Q: What about the side quests?
A: Side quests by definition do not have to do with the main plot. I felt they would only clog up the flow. Likewise the one-liners from townsfolk. However, I would mention on the subject of the Triple Triad group at Balamb Garden one small detail: Quistis has her OWN card! The best player in the Garden is NOT going to leave her card in the hands of some abject Trepie! Thank you. I will now cease ranting.

Q: How big was the temptation to write "Willoughby! Next stop, Willoughby!" instead of "Timber. Next stop, Timber?"
A: Pretty darn big.

Q: Why does Rinoa wear bandages over her eyes in that alternate future?
A: If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret.

         These are all the questions I can think of, at the moment. By way of a more general explanation, I wanted to see Squall more actively push people away, Seifer more true to the idea that he and Squall are the best at Garden, Quistis more like the kind of girl who would become SeeD at a very early age, Rinoa more evenly breaking down Squall's wall, Selphie more bubbly, and Irvine much smoother as a girl-chaser.
         As for Zell, he actually isn't more angry in this story. I'll leave you to judge whether he's a better character for it.
         And finally, as for Ultimecia's motivations, I highly recommend looking up a literal translation of Liberi Fatali.

A special thanks to:

Squaresoft for doing FF8 in the first place.
Nobuo Uematsu – the FF8 Soundtrack is an absolute masterpiece.
Several Final Fantasy Fan Sites and FAQs for providing original script material to work with.
Feedback from Allison and my wife.
Legendary Frog for his Final Fantasy tribute, which often restored my perspective.
Fifty screaming monkeys for at no time attacking me with machine guns.
A large, inflatable nacho.

Q: You really like Quistis, don't you?
A: No comment.

Benjamin A. Sorensen